How to Initiate a Profitable Fruit Beverage Industry
With an effervescent future, Indian fruit beverage industry has grown economically and is being very much conscious of their health and thus choosing their food, beverage and lifestyle attentively. With increased affordability, is giving a rise to a variant consumption of fruit beverage among the Indian population. Analyzing the growth rate of fruit consumption in India, Experts of NIIR project Consultancy Services (NPCS) have prepared a report keeping certain aspects and criteria’s of business accomplishment in mind with a title, “How and Why To Start Your Own Fruit Beverage Industry.” It talks on various aspects of the report such as business plan, Market Potential, Project Feasibility, Potential Buyers, Project Financials, Why to Invest, How to Invest, Opportunities, Fruit Juice Plant (FMGC) etc.
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Aspects of Commencing or Expanding a Fruit Juice Business

It is wise to have a look at what you are investing into from a close, thereby, even the people who wish to expand or venture their business are in dilemma. In order to avoid such confusions, NPCS suggests few steps to be taken carefully:
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- Demands In Fruit Juice Business Industry -
With rising health concerns, people are more conscious of their health and thus moving towards a hasty but healthy lifestyle which gives a space for organic packaged food and beverages in our life. In addition to this, many individuals are concerned about their body shape and features, thus they opt often for sugar free beverages similar to a diet coke. Certain companies have started making the blend of healthy natural juices, to exemplify coconut water juice, as coconut water sounds healthy, sugar free, and very natural to one and all, the blend of it will leave an impact on people's heads making the sale grow. Plus, children being attracted towards fruits like mango, are availed with more options of mango flavored juices in the market just to enhance the sale growth.
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- Market Size Of A Fruit Juice Business industry -
Where on one hand fruit juice market cost USD 82.4 Billion in 2015, the global consumption of fruit juice remained 38.9 Billion liters in 2015, plus, it is estimated to have a rise of 3.4 percent, anticipated to reach USD110.2 Billion by 2024. Asia specifically holds a share of 22 percent of the fruit juice business industry, globally. As per the forecast, by 2025, Indian Fruit juice market is expected to reach USD 4.9 Billion at a CAGR of 17.1 percent.
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- Export and Import Market Potential Of Fruit Juice Industry -
With a growth rate of 24 percent, the United States showed a nice growth in the past five years for apple juice production, followed by Romania which showed growth for orange juice for 25 percent, Cyprus for citrus juices showed growth for 22 percent, and United Kingdom for mix fruit juices of about 16 percent.
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Our team of experts at NPCS has put forward their expert advice for initiating or taking the business of fruit juice a step ahead with certain measures. Depending on Indian market and certain analysis, we have prepared this reliable report. Our conscious effort was to bring your attention towards this bright industry and give you the best of our knowledge. This report will not only help you find the correct kind of information for this project but also give you an apt position of cost, manufacturing, characterization and segmentation, customer oriented requirements etc. For detail analysis and project detail, kindly visit our website www.niir.org.
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