Business Opportunities in Sugarcane and its by-products processing
The team of NPCS is behind the success of many clients in their investment. This is also a brief report by NPCS whose expertise has researched for days to bring you one of the best investment ideas. The team is here to help their clients to suit their new operations and help them to reduce risk and give a high return on application investments. Here, they have provided a report of one of the best ventures and that is sugarcane and its by-products. Sugarcane grows in all tropical non-tropical countries. India alone contributes about 16% of the total sugar production all over the world. The important factor that increases the demand for sugarcane is the need for sugar on a global scale and accounts for 80% being produced from sugarcane. There are some great by-products of the sugar industry that has even greater economic value are: 1 Bagasse 2 Molasses 3 Filter Press Cake or Press Mud the sugarcane industry by-products are a vast potential reserves for both the humans and animal consumption and these also provide energy as renewable source.
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Steps to grow the business of sugarcane processing
- Before starting it’s important to have a plan or a project report in your hands. If you have expert help that would also be great for your business. Try to gather as much information about the sugar industry in your area. On a bigger picture, you will have to figure out the specific requirements of space, electricity, water, manpower. You also need to determine the business size as per your investment capacity and risk-taking ability.
- The next important step for you is to register and get a license for your business. You should be able to select the right form of the organization according to the investment and management pattern. Afterward, you will also need to obtain different types of licenses and permissions to run the factory. Nowadays GST registration has become a must within a few days of registration of business. Sugarcane is covered under the act of essential commodities due to its unpreserved nature and the need for regulation on cane supply and pricing. Moreover, if you are planning for export, you have to apply for the certifications. Taking help from an expert will also be a great option.

- Understand the trend and the market, the global organic cane sugar market is rising at a CAGR of 5.3% during the forecast period of 2020-2025. Cane sugar has witnessed a rise in both export and import. Despite overall sugar consumption criticism, organic sugar offers key attributes that are drivers of consumer demand growth whereas the global market of Organic Molasses is valued at$1,060.0 million USD in 2018 and will reach by $1,339.8 million USD by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of 1.5% during 2019-2025.
Related Books:- The Complete Book on Sugarcane Processing and By-Products of Molasses (with Analysis of Sugar, Syrup and Molasses)
- The processing of sugar cane and its byproducts is a cash-intensive business. You need to make every decision carefully. You should establish a unit near the sugar-producing areas to easily procure the sugar cane from the farmers or growers. Also, the space requirement depends on plant capacity. You have to secure your land according to your business plan. Make sure to check the water and electricity supply arrangements.
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If you still have some questions left in your mind and want their solution, NPCS has also solved that issue for you by publishing a book “The Complete Book on Sugarcane Processing and By-Products of Molasses (with Analysis of Sugar, Syrup, and Molasses)” the book deals with all the imperative points. The book is a must-buy if you are Research scholars, professional students, scientists, new entrepreneurs, sugar technologists, and present manufacturers you will no doubt find valuable educational material and wider knowledge of the subject in this book.
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