Mushrooms, fast growing fungi, are not only rich in protein, minerals and vitamins but also healthy as they are energy rich food. Where on one hand, fresh mushrooms contain 85 percent of water and 3.2 percent protein; dried forms of mushrooms are filled with 44 percent of protein and low water content along with 0.3 percent fat. Out of 100 species globally, three main are cultivated in India, namely, Agaricus Bisporus, Volvariella Volvacea, Pleurotus Sajor Caju. It was heard that most of the mushroom species were not edible and dangerous for humans, as they were found to be poisonous. As per NPCS, mushroom cultivation is best suited to sustainable farming with loads of advantages as agriculture waste products are being used in it. Due to less carbohydrate, they are good for diabetic patients. With the help of Osmotic Dehydration,, method of drying and processing mushrooms, we are able to extend the short life of mushrooms by processing and canning. The taste, value, nutritional level of mushrooms is the reasons for growth of the mushroom application and market in India. The demand of its subtle flavor is on rise since the dishes involving mushrooms are quite common and up to the standard of many big hotels.
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The Mushroom Cultivation Market

2020 was forecasted to make USD 16.7 Billion for the mushroom cultivation market at the growth of CAGR percent. Further, it was expected as per CAGR to reach USD 20.4 Billion by the year 2025. There are several reasons for the market growth of mushrooms, such as:
- The demand for vegan among the youth is one reason for its growth.
- Various benefits of mushrooms for a healthy lifestyle are another contribution to it.
- Plus, cost effective production and conscious efforts of citizens to maintain their diet includes its effective growth.
As per a report by NPCS, there is research and development going on white mushrooms to find the cure for cancer and still available in affordable price is a shocking happiness at the same time. This could be one of the reasons for the escalated demand of button mushrooms which fulfills more than 40 percent of the mushrooms production, globally.
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As per a study conducted by professionals, it was found that mushroom cultivation is the fifth largest sector in the country. The high consumption of mushrooms in India is leading to its higher production which is an opportunity to expand the mushroom cultivation in India. Hence, it increases the requirement and business of mushrooms cultivation.
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Mushrooms Processing
First and foremost, mushrooms are washed in cold water and then are blanched in boiling water for three to four minutes. Later they are dried and packed. There are a few things to be considered before canning, as it might take the life of mushrooms, such as:
- Brine solution is advised to be used for mushrooms in order to avoid the discoloration in it.
- Before packing, it is suggested to take care of moisture so as to kill the chances of its contamination.
- Canning with Brian of 2 percent salt and 0.2 percent citric acid are sealed before vacuuming the cans for its long life.
This is a precise knowledge for entrepreneurs and businessmen to expand their businesses. In order to get complete knowledge and success in business, please refer to our book, handbook on Mushrooms Cultivation and Processing (With Dehydration, Preservation, and Canning). The fundamentals of this book are medicinal value of mushrooms, advantages, symptoms of its poisoning, nutritive value, morphology of common edible mushrooms, classification of fungi, chemical composition, mushroom cultivation and various other aspects.
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