Project Report on Seed Processing Plant

Seed is the primary input for the development of agriculture. Availability of the crop quality is a key factor in rising agricultural production. The efficiency and efficacy of other inputs are contingent on the availability of quality seeds. In producing greater yields, certified seeds play an important role.
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Present scenario of Agriculture in India

One of the easiest places to supply quality base seed for subsidies is
· To enable poor farmers to produce quality certified seed that increases efficiency and productivity and improves the farmer's economic growth.
· The area under cultivation stays constant; growing productivity per unit of planted land would have to be the priority.
· Foundation seed must be supplied to farmers at competitive rates to put more region under approved or quality cultivation and the produced certified seed the farmers earn a remunerative premium over the market price and the certified seed is also available to farmers at their door steps in time at affordable prices.
Advantages of Seed Processing
· To ensure higher agricultural production, the use of certified agricultural seeds is essential.
· It is helpful to establish and grow the crop uniformly.
· Additionally, it improves the process of seed germination. In addition, the plants withstand negative conditions such as more or fewer levels of moisture.
· Finally, the immune response in the plants is improved by a certified seed. It therefore prevents the diseases of plants and also prevents the spread of plant diseases.
Rastriya Kisan Vikas Yojana

Rastriya Krishi Vikas Yojana was established in 2007 as an umbrella scheme to ensure the holistic growth of allied services and agriculture. The program enables states to improve public spending in agriculture and related resources.
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The Scheme's Vision

· Increase in productivity per unit of cultivated land through the use of the best varieties of known origin.
· Supply of subsidized seed ensures that ordinary farmers are able to purchase the most critical input in agriculture.
· The seed produced by the farmer in the scheme will go into the seed chain by supplying the seed processing units to
· farmers or farmer groups.
· The cost of the seed the critical input, will be low.
Different Steps of Seed Processing
Certified seed processing in India basically consists of two different operations. These are agricultural activities and activities related to processing. Therefore, you ought to set up a plant near the property for planting.
The area needed for the plant depends on the type and quantity of seeds you choose to grow. For eg, if you just want to grow paddy seeds, a covered area of 3000 Sq Ft is appropriate for the activity. Additionally, at your plant, you must have some open sky area.
Generally speaking, you can power the seed processing plant with just electricity. You do, however, have a provision for a diesel generator for continuous output.
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Plant Machinery for Seed Processing

Basically, the demand for machinery depends on the specific seeds that you want to process. We have assembled a simple list of machinery here, though.
In addition, you can set up the plant for seed processing in India in two ways. They are either semi-automatic or fully-automatic. A semi-automatic plant would certainly cost less than a fully-automatic plant.
· Elevator up to 5 m height
· Pre-cleaner
· Seed Cleaner
· Indent Cylinder
· Specific gravity separator
· Vacuum cleaner
· Bag closer heavy duty
· Weighing scale
· Diesel generator set
· Electronic moisture meter (Wet type)
Basically, accredited seed production in developed countries is an exciting market prospect for businessmen. Nevertheless, the organization requires adequate training, determination, and ability to work for long stretches.
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