Organic farming is a technique that entails growing plants and raising animals in a natural environment. To preserve soil fertility and ecological balance while minimising contamination and waste, this method employs biological materials while avoiding synthetic substances. To put it another way, organic farming is a form of farming that involves growing and caring for crops without the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. There are also no genetically modified organisms allowed. Crop rotation, green manure, organic waste, biological pest control, mineral and rock additives are all examples of ecologically balanced farming values. Pesticides and fertilizers are used in organic farming if they are considered natural, and petrochemical fertilizers and pesticides are avoided. Organic farming is a form of agriculture that emerged in the early twentieth century in response to rapidly changing farming practices.
Related Book: The Complete Book on Organic Farming and Production of Organic Compost (2nd Revised Edition)
Globally, certified organic agriculture covers 70 million hectares, with more than half of it in the United States. Various groups are also working to improve organic farming today. It is distinguished by the use of organic fertilizers such as compost manure, green manure, and bone meal, as well as crop rotation and companion planting techniques. Biological pest control, mixed cropping, and insect predator breeding are all promoted. Organic guidelines are intended to promote the use of naturally occurring substances while banning or severely restricting the use of synthetic substances. Natural pesticides like pyrethrin and rotenone, for example, are allowed, whereas synthetic fertilizers and pesticides are usually forbidden. Copper sulphate, elemental sulphur, and other synthetic substances are all permitted. In livestock husbandry, the use of genetically modified organisms, nanomaterial, human waste sludge, plant growth regulators, hormones, and antibiotics is banned. Sustainability, transparency, self-sufficiency, autonomy/independence, wellness, food security, and food protection are all claimed benefits of organic farming. Many countries regulate and implement organic agricultural practices, based in part on the standards developed by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), an international umbrella group for organic farming organisations founded in 1972.
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"An integrated farming method that aims for biodiversity, the enhancement of soil fertility, and biological diversity while banning synthetic pesticides, antibiotics, synthetic fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, and growth hormones, with occasional exceptions," according to the Organic Agriculture Society.
Organic Compost
Compost is created by composting, which is the process of breaking down organic materials into simpler organic and inorganic compounds. This method recycles a variety of organic materials that would otherwise be considered waste. Plant nutrients and beneficial species abound in healthy compost. Compost is used in gardens, landscaping, horticulture, urban agriculture, and organic farming to increase soil fertility. Compost has many advantages, including adding nutrients to the crop as a fertilizer, serving as a soil conditioner, increasing the humus or humic acid content of the soil, and introducing beneficial microbe colonies to the soil. The soil structure is improved by the normal interaction of the soil, plant roots, and nutrient/microorganisms in compost. Improved soil structure would increase the soil's ability to retain water and control erosion. Land and stream reclamation, wetland development, and landfill cover may all benefit from compost.
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Production of Organic Compost
The composting process is driven by microorganisms, so maintaining an ideal environment for microbial activity is essential for safe and effective composting. Maintaining adequate moisture and oxygen levels, as well as assembling an acceptable mix of organic residues or feed stocks, are all needed. The composting process starts as soon as the feed stocks are gathered. The compost pile heats up as microorganisms begin to decompose the organic materials, and the active process of composting starts. Temperatures in the pile rise to 130–150°F during this period of rapid decomposition and can stay there for several weeks. Since aerobic decomposition is the most effective and produces finished compost in the shortest amount of time, maintaining adequate aeration during this period of intense microbial activity is particularly essential. Temperatures in the compost pile drop to about 100°F as readily available organic matter is consumed and decomposition slows, and the curing process starts.
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The compost can be stored at this stage. Static piles, windrows (elongated piles), and in-vessel (enclosed) composting are all popular on-farm composting methods. Compost piles that are not turned are known as static piles. Static pile systems must be aerated to maintain microbial activity and proper temperatures in order to fulfil National Organic Program specifications. To do this, perforated pipe is mounted at the pile's base, and fans or blowers are often used to push air through the pile.
Read our Books Here: The Complete Technology Book on Biofertilizer and Organic Farming (Potash, Greenhouse Farming, Hydroponic Farming, Pellet Fertilizer, Seaweed Fertilizer, Biogas with Manufacturing Process, Machinery Equipment Details) 3rd Edition
Uses of Organic Farming
Organic farming uses less pesticides, prevents soil erosion, reduces nitrate leaching into groundwater and surface water, and recycles livestock waste back into the field as compared to traditional agriculture. These advantages are offset by higher commodity food prices and generally lower yields. Organic crop yields have been found to be around 25% lower than conventionally grown crops on average, though this varies greatly depending on the type of crop. Organic agriculture's potential challenge would be to sustain its environmental advantages, raise yields, and lower prices when dealing with climate change and a growing global population.
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Organic farming can be lucrative, and customers like organic food because it is both nutritious and ethical. Organic farming methods, however, have many environmental advantages in addition to financial and ethical considerations.
• Pesticide and chemical exposure is reduced.
• Organic farming promotes soil health.
• Erosion control.
• Combating Global Warming's Consequences.
• Organic farming helps to save water and improves water quality.
• Preventing Algal Blooms.
• Assisting in animal health and welfare.
• Biodiversity is boosted by organic farming.
• Reduced energy consumption.
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Uses of Organic Compost
Compost produced in accordance with the above production criteria can be used in organic production systems with no time limit between application and crop harvest. Organic farming can also use composts that don't meet the above production requirements. If they contain animal manure, however, they must be applied to agricultural land in compliance with NOP manure regulations,
Which state that raw animal manure must be composted unless one of the following requirements is met:
• Incorporated into the soil not less than 120 days prior to the harvest of a commodity whose edible component has direct contact with the soil surface or soil particles
• Applied to land used for a crop not intended for human consumption
• Added to the soil at least 90 days before the harvest of a commodity whose edible part does not come into direct contact with the soil surface or soil Particles.
Market of Organic Farming
The global compost market is projected to hit $9.2 billion by 2024, with a compound annual growth rate of 6.8% from 2019 to 2024.
The compost market appears to have a bright future, with applications in agriculture, home planting, landscaping, horticulture, and building. The growing demand for organic products, as well as increased awareness of the dangers of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, are the primary drivers of this market. The growth of biodynamic compost and the use of biochar in composting are two emerging developments that have a direct effect on the industry's dynamics. Composts are sold by Harvest Power, Pacific, Worm Power, Dirt Hugger, Agrilife, MyNoke, Nutrisoil, Davo's Worm Farm, Dirty Dynasty, and Kahariam Farms, among others.
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Harvest Power, Cocoa Corporation, Dirt Hugger, Worm Power, and others are among the compost companies profiled in this article. Due to its ability to recycle nutrients back into the soil and minimise yard waste, yard trimming compost will continue to be the most common segment over the forecast era. Because of its unique properties as a raw compost agent and high moisture content, food waste compost is expected to grow the fastest. Agriculture will continue to be the largest segment of the compost industry, owing to rising demand for organic goods and customer awareness of food quality.
Horticulture is expected to develop at the fastest rate due to safer, healthier, and more environmentally friendly food production. Due to the growth of the agriculture, home gardening, landscaping horticulture, and construction industries, Asia Pacific is projected to remain the largest area and to experience the highest growth over the forecast period.
About The Book
The Complete Book on Organic Farming and Production of Organic Compost (2nd Revised Edition)
Organic farming, composed of organic fertilizers as an integral virtue, continues to remain a lucrative bet for the expanding agricultural industry, in line with growing organic food appeal to consumers as a healthy and ethical choice. Beyond ethics, organic fertilizers are gaining significant traction on account of numerous environmental benefits, such as enhanced soil structure and water conservation. Growing awareness among farmers about the nutritional benefits of plant based and animal based fertilizers and their role in promoting growth of earthworm and other microbiological activities vital for plant growth are fuelling adoption of organic fertilizers. Animal based organic fertilizers are garnering significant traction over plant based variants owing to their good aeration and water retention capabilities that enhance the soil fertility.
As consumers today are inclined towards clean labels and seeking transparency in everything they consume, organic has emerged as a promising approach to address these concerns. In light of these beneficial aspects of organic approaches and after gauging the futuristic opportunistic value of organic fertilizers.
Increasing health issues such as diabetes, obesity and digestive disorders are also one of the factors driving the growth of the organic food. The increased accessibility of organic food and beverages in retail outlets make it more convenient for consumers to purchase these products. Asia-Pacific is also expected to rapidly increase in CAGR, owing to the changing lifestyles and increase in consumer disposable income. Organic food products and shifting consumer preference towards organic food are among the major factors expected to boost demand for organic food products in India. Growing awareness among the consumers regarding the benefits of organic fertilizers over chemical fertilizers, and increasing awareness among farmers and cultivators towards eco-friendly fertilizers. The escalating demand for organic food products is likely to create a dire need for large scale development of organic fertilizers in the forthcoming years, which in turn will create a wide field of opportunities for stakeholders. Sensing the growing demand for organic fertilizers, market goliaths have shifted their focus on expanding their organic fertilizer produce to capitalize on the growing unmet demand from consumers.
The book cover various aspects related to different organic farming and production of organic compost with their agriculture process and also provides contact details of machinery suppliers with equipment photographs and plant layout.
A total guide to manufacturing and entrepreneurial success in one of today’s organic farming and compost industry. This book is one-stop guide to one of the fastest growing sectors of the organic farming and compost industry, where opportunities abound for manufacturers, retailers, and entrepreneurs. This is the only complete handbook on the commercial production of organic farming and compost. It serves up a feast of how-to information, from concept to purchasing equipment.
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