After mango, banana is India's second most popular fruit crop. Because of its flavour, nutritive, and medicinal value, it is available all year. It is a favourite fruit of people of all social groups. It is high in carbohydrate and vitamins, particularly vitamin B. Bananas will help to lower the risk of heart disease. It's also recommended for people with asthma, high blood pressure, ulcers, gastroenteritis, and kidney problems. Bananas are used to make a variety of items, including chips, banana puree, jam, jelly, juice, and more. Packs, pans, and wall hangers are all made from banana fibre. Banana waste can be used to make rope and high-quality paper. Bananas are India's most common fruit crop, ranking first in terms of production and third in terms of region. Maharashtra has the highest productivity in India. Karnataka, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, and Assam are the other major banana-producing states.
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Farming bananas is a quick and easy operation, but getting the desired amount of bananas requires a lot of commitment to your banana farm, strong yard management skills, and some basic knowledge about banana farming, such as land selection, plant irrigation, care and management, and so on. Intensive farming, sustainable farming, organic farming, and fair trade farming are the four main agricultural methods used on banana plantations. About 120 countries grow bananas and plantains. Fruit production in the world is expected to be 86 million tonnes per year. With an annual output of about 14.2 million tonnes, India is the world leader in banana production. Brazil, Ecuador, China, the Philippines, Indonesia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Thailand, and Colombia are among the top producers.
Benefits of Banana Farming:
Banana farming is regarded as a major boon to local communities. Bananas have cultural significance (banana leaves are used to line roads as a welcome sign for visitors), as well as financial and health benefits. Groups that focus on banana farming would be able to increase their production and boost their livelihoods over time.
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1. Bananas are a more productive crop to grow because they are less labour intensive and need less maintenance than other crops.
2. They will aid in constipation relief.
3. Domestic violence can be reduced if banana growing generates income for the family. Since earning money is a source of pride and respect for men, and those who are unable to find work can turn to alcohol as a coping mechanism, being able to grow bananas and earn money has the potential to improve domestic circumstances.
Planting Process:
Banana farming is practised in approximately 120 countries. Fruit production in the world is expected to be 86 million tonnes per year. With an annual output of about 14.2 million tonnes, India is the world leader in banana production. Banana plants can grow in a variety of climates with varying degrees of success, but commercial banana plantations are mainly located in equatorial regions, in banana exporting countries. Bananas are cultivated in over 150 countries, yielding 105 million tonnes of fruit per year. Bananas grown for local consumption are typically grown in large, conventional systems. Bananas are grown from a bulb or rhizome rather than a seed, and it takes 9 to 12 months to sow a banana bulb and harvest the fruit. In the sixth or seventh month, the banana flower blooms.
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Bananas are available all year, unlike other fruits such as apples, which have a growing season. Bananas, which are primarily a tropical crop, thrive in temperatures ranging from 15 to 35 degrees Celsius and relative humidity levels of 75 to 85%. It grows from sea level to an elevation of 2000 metres in tropical humid lowlands. Above the m.s.l. With the use of suitable varieties, this crop is grown in India in climates ranging from humid tropical to dry mild subtropical. Chilling injury happens when the temperature falls below 12 degrees Celsius. Wind speeds of more than 80 km/hr damage the crop. Monsoon season lasts four months (June to September), with an average rainfall of 650-750 mm. Rainfall is critical for banana's vigorous vegetative development. Banana production is limited to a few varieties at higher altitudes, such as the ‘Hill banana’.
Market outlook:
Banana output in 2019 was 116.0 million metric tonnes, with a CAGR of 4.1 percent. Bananas are the fourth most important food crop in terms of value, after wheat, rice, and maize, and the world's favourite fruit in terms of consumption volume. Bananas are the most widely grown and traded crop in the world. In recent decades, the crop has seen rapid increases in production and trade volumes as a result of rapid population growth in producing countries and expanding global import demand. Since the majority of banana cultivation is done on a haphazard basis by smallholder farmers, accurate statistics on global banana production are difficult to come by. According to available data, global banana production is on average. With a 61 percent share of global consumption, Asia-Pacific leads the industry. India is the world's largest banana producer, accounting for nearly 25.7 percent of global production.
Market Research: - Market Research Report
Banana exports worldwide were expected to be 23.3 million metric tonnes. Around 15% of total global banana production is traded on the international market; the rest is consumed locally, mostly in large producing countries like India, China, and Brazil, as well as in some African countries where bananas play a significant role in people's diets. Banana output reached 116.0 million metric tonnes globally, with a CAGR of 4.1 percent. Consumers' attention has shifted to hygienic and nutritious food items as food and beverage technology advances and health consciousness grows. Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Manganese, Potassium, dietary fibres, and protein are all abundant in bananas. Apart from raw use, bananas are used in a range of food items such as breakfast cereals, ice cream, and other desserts. The demand for bananas is expected to increase as a result of their numerous health benefits. Bananas are one of the most widely traded fruits on the planet.
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