Best Business Opportunities in Maharashtra
Sugarcane is one of the significant cash crops of Maharashtra. The sugar industry plays a key role in the social, economic, and educational development of rural areas in the state. The Maharashtrian sugar industry has been growing for the last 68 years without any obstacles. During the year 2016-17, the sugarcane cultivated area was about 6.20 lakh/ha in the state with total productivity of 68.04 t/ha, an average sugar recovery of 11.24%, and the sugar production of 41.87 lakh tons. Sugarcane is a versatile crop and a rich source of sucrose, jaggery, syrups, cellulose, green leaves, cane plant tops, molasses, bagasse, and to a certain extent press mud, chemicals, and fuel. One-fourth of the total sugar mills and one-third of the total sugar production comes from Maharashtra.
The highly proficient and skilled NPCS team with a well-formulated plan assures higher gains. We provide all the vital information as per project requisites.
Related Books:- The Complete Book on Sugarcane Processing and By-Products of Molasses (with Analysis of Sugar, Syrup and Molasses)
It is an undoubtedly well-known realization across the globe as the best paying prospect to produce sugar from sugarcane. However, many value-added products can be produced by diversifying and utilizing by-products of the sugar sector, instead of relying on sugar as a single product. The primary sugarcane by-products are molasses, bagasse, ethanol, and press mud as described below:
Ø Molasses: Molasses is the sugarcane by-product and raw-material used to manufacture alcohol. About 100 tons of sugarcane produces 4.46 tons of molasses. It consists of about 50% of sugar and is used as a sub-stratum of procedures to manufacture nourishment yeast or cattle feed, alcohol, and lysine (citric acid glutamic). Conventionally, molasses has been used in India to manufacture rectified spirit and alcohol of about 95% purity. With technological advancement in recent times, molasses has been efficiently utilized to manufacture bio-ethanol to blend with petrol for use as a fuel.
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Ø Bagasse: Bagasse is the fibrous residue left after crushing sugarcane stalks for juice extraction. It is the largest quantity of waste generated by the sugar industry and requires exclusive attention from the management. In historic times, bagasse waste was burnt in the fields resulting in lots of pollution. However, as trends have been changing, environmental awareness has been gaining momentum. It is composed of fiber, no soluble solids, pith, and water.
Most significantly, Bagasse is burnt to produce steam power to operate sugar mills and excess energy is diverted to the electricity grid in mills of several countries. It is also utilized for the production of bio-degradable foodservice products, green building clay bricks, bagasse ash, paper sustainable acoustic absorber, cattle feed, and wastewater treatment. On average, 100 tons of sugarcane manufactures 30-34 tons of bagasse. Apart from its huge potentiality to generate revenue, Bagasse helps in limiting the declining forest resources and enables to safeguard the environment.
Ø Ethanol: Ethanol is usually available as a by-product of sugar. It is manufactured by treating sugarcane juice at several levels. It is also used as a bio-fuel option to gasoline. As per estimates, one-hectare of sugarcane produces 4000 liters of ethanol annually. At 5% blending of ethanol with petrol, the fuel efficiency enhances offering better mileage per liter, decrease environmental pollution, and increase the engine life.
Ø Press Mud: Press mud (filter mud) is a solid residue obtained from sugarcane juice, before crystallizing sugar. It is a vital source of fertilizer and certain chemicals such as sugar, protein, and wax. It maintains the fertility of the soil and facilitates crop cultivation. It is suitable for potted plants and animal feed. Majorly, it is used in bio compost (bio earth). Press mud is generated in huge quantities and can create storage issues for mills. It can also be optionally used as a plant nutrient for generating revenue.
Related Videos:- Agro-Food Processing Industries
Sugarcane is vividly a remunerative crop and yields at least 50-60% higher revenues relative to other competing crops. The Indian sugar sector has been processing these by-products to generate bio-electricity, bioethanol, and several other value-added products in the Sugar-Agro-industrial units. Considering the large-scale availability of raw material (sugarcane) in Maharashtra, setting up industrial units in the state to manufacture by-products derived from sugar would prove to be a beneficial business idea.
NPCS is one of the established brands in the corporate world providing consolidated technical consultations. Having explored the market for ‘Business Opportunities in Maharashtra’, implementing the same would be a profitable business idea.
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