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Paper, Pulp and Paperboard Production from Bamboo

Paper, Pulp and Paperboard Production from Bamboo. Profitable Bamboo Processing Industry


Bamboo is a quickly renewable resource. Bamboo is the single fastest growing species of plant on the planet with some species growing more than a meter a day. In sharp contrast to trees which require decades to recover from harvesting, bamboo reaches maturity in 3 to 5 years or less and when it is cut, the stem is left in the soil to sprout a new shoot and start the growing process again.

Paper has been made from bamboo for hundreds of years. The commercial process uses actual bamboo canes for pulp. Bamboo paper is attracting the attention of companies and individuals looking for eco-friendly printing and sustainability. Despite the digital revolution, the demand for paper is growing globally.

The bamboo pulp is one kind of paper pulp like wood pulp, straw pulp or reed pulp. The bamboo pulp is usually made from moso bamboo, phyllostachys pubescens and sinocalamus affinis by sulfate digestion process or soda process. The bamboo fiber morphology and length is intermediate between wood fiber and straw fiber.

Bamboo pulp can be made into bamboo paper. Bamboo paper is strong and it has wide applications. The bleached bamboo paper is used to manufacture offset paper, typing paper and high-grade culture paper. The unbleached bamboo paper is generally applied to package papermaking. Besides, bamboo pulp and wood pulp can be mixed and used to make cable paper, insulation paper, and cement bag paper.

Bamboo pulp is a kind of paper pulp. It is made from the moso bamboo, phyllostachys pubescens and sinocalamus affinisetc, with the sulfate digestion processand soda process. There are also tender bamboo green, lime pickled into half-clinker. Fiber form and length, between wood and grass fiber. Easy sizing, bamboo pulp for medium fiber length pulp, fine and soft. The thickness of pulp is loose, the tear is high, and the breaking strength and tensile strength are low. High mechanical strength. Paper made of bamboo pulp, bleached for making offset printing paper, typing paper and other advanced cultural paper, unbleached paper for making wrapping paper, etc.


Market Outlook

The pulp and paper industry is a large and growing portion of the world’s economy. Most of the pulp and paper mills are located near the major waterways and have an access to a large, uninterrupted supply of water. After using the water for pulp and paper production, these mills discharge the used water into the waterways as waste. The pulp and paper industry is faced with mounting environmental, political, and economic pressures to reduce the volume and toxicity of its industrial wastewater.

The overall demand for paper, growing annually at 6.7 per cent, is expected to touch 20.8 million tonne in the country in fiscal year 2020-21, driven by rising income levels, growing per capita expenditure and rapid urbanization. The Indian paper industry accounts for about 3.7% of the world’s production of paper. The estimated turnover of the industry is INR 60,000 crore (USD 8.5 billion approximately) and its contribution to the exchequer is around INR 4,500 crore. The industry provides employment to more than 0.5 million people directly and 1.5 million people indirectly.

India is the fastest growing market for paper globally and it presents an exciting scenario; paper consumption is poised for a big leap forward in sync with the economic growth. The futuristic view is that growth in paper consumption would be in multiples of GDP and hence an increase in consumption by one kg per capita would lead to an increase in demand of 1 million tonnes.

The demand is projected to boost to 23.5 million tonnes by 2024- 25. India is the greatest growing market for paper in the world with a growth rate of about 6 percent yearly. The increase of per capita paper utilization by one kg will raise the demand by about 1.25 million tonnes per annum.

Indian paper industry can be majorly classified further as below:

·         Newsprints: Newsprint serves the newspaper & magazines industry. This segment forms ~15% of the domestic paper industry.

·         Writing and Printing Paper: Printing and writing segment caters to office stationary, textbooks, copier papers, notebooks etc. This segment forms ~30% of domestic paper industry.

·         Packaging Boards: Packaging paper & board segment caters to tertiary and flexible packaging purposes in industries such as FMCG, food, pharma, textiles etc. This segment forms ~51% of the domestic paper industry. This is amongst fastest growing segment after Tissue owing to factors such as rising urbanization, increasing penetration of organized retail, higher growth in FMCG, pharmaceutical.

·         Tissue: Tissue paper is majorly used as paper handkerchiefs for facial & toilet purpose. Currently due to its low base and increasing hygiene awareness, this segment witnessed fastest growth.

India produces many varieties of papers, namely, printing and writing paper, packaging paper, coated paper and some speciality paper. Varieties under printing and writing paper are creame wove paper, super printing paper, maplitho paper (non-surface and surface size), copier paper, bond paper and coating base paper and others. The varieties under packaging paper are kraft paper, boards, poster paper and others. The other varieties under coated paper art paper/board, chromo paper/board and others. There are approximately 600 paper mills in India, of which twelve are major players.

Global Paperboard Market

The global paperboard market, which stood at US$122.69 bn in 2015, is prophesized to reach an estimated value of US$227.47 bn by the end of 2024. During the forecast period from 2016 to 2024, the market is anticipated to rise at a strong 7.1% CAGR.

On the basis of its application, the market is segmented into packaging and graphic printing. Due to its light weight property, it is very convenient to be handled in packaging, loading and unloading. On the other hand, due to its better printing and graphic capabilities, it is used as an effective marketing tool for brand awareness and promotion.

Global paperboard market is expected to drive on account of growing manufacturing and packaging industries across the globe. Several paper pulp layers are compressed in order to make paperboard as a finished product. They are widely used by manufacturers and retailers for packaging purposes. Growing paperboard packaging trend is expected to propel global paperboard market over the forecast period.

Rise in environment related concerns and issues are expected to boost global paperboard market especially in packaging sector over the forecast period. Paperboards are not acceptable by manufacturing units producing large weight products for packaging activities as they are not able to handle high stress and pressure owing to which it is expected to hinder global paperboard market growth. As paperboards are produced from tree pulp or wood pulp, it results in deforestation which is expected to obstruct global market in coming years. Stringent environment related regulations by EPA are expected to slow down the market growth rate over the forecast period.

Global paperboard market player includes Metsa Group, Sappi Limited, Caraustar and Cascades Inc., Oji Holdings Corporation, Shandong Bohui Paper Group Co., Ltd, International Paper Company, Clondalkin Group, ITC Limited, Nippon Paper Industries Co. Ltd., Paper Works Industries, Stora Enso Oyj, Multi Packaging Solutions, Smurfit Kappa Group plc., Graphic Packaging International and Mondi plc. Global market is highly fragmented in nature. Developing countries are expected to be the major targets on account of huge global paperboard demand from growing end use industries including packaging and manufacturing.

Bamboo pulp is very similar to softwood in terms of fiber length and strength, however, bamboo can also be pulled together with hardwood. Mix of softwood and hardwood will yield stronger pulp compared to hardwood pulped separately. Bamboo wood contains high levels of papermaking fibres because plant cell walls are composed of cellulose which is the main material used to make paper. The structure and shape of the cellulose bamboo wood fibre varies from species to species and even within an individual tree.

The leading players in Asia bamboo pulp market are Ampack Corp, Hindustan Paper, Phoenix Pulp and Paper, Panjipol Paper Industry, Siam Cellulose, The Titaghur Paper Mills, Yibin Paper, Yaan Paper, Guangxi Liujiang Paper, Guangdong Guangning, Guizhou Chishui, Zhongzhu Group and others. Bamboo pulp is categorized into two variants such as bleached pulp and unbleached pulp. Bamboo pulp is used in the manufacture of printing paper, writing paper, tissue paper, textiles and many more.


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And before diversifying/venturing into any product, wish to study the following aspects of the identified product:
  • Good Present/Future Demand
  • Export-Import Market Potential
  • Raw Material & Manpower Availability
  • Project Costs and Payback Period

We at NPCS, through our reliable expertise in the project consultancy and market research field, Provides exhaustive information about the project, which satisfies all the above mentioned requirements and has high growth potential in the markets. And through our report we aim to help you make sound and informed business decision.

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The report contains all the data which will help an entrepreneur find answers to questions like:
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The report first focuses on enhancing the basic knowledge of the entrepreneur about the main product, by elucidating details like product definition, its uses and applications, industry segmentation as well as an overall overview of the industry sector in India. The report then helps an entrepreneur identify the target customer group of its product. It further helps in making sound investment decision by listing and then elaborating on factors that will contribute to the growth of product consumption in India and also talks about the foreign trade of the product along with the list of top importing and top exporting countries. Report includes graphical representation and forecasts of key data discussed in the above mentioned segment. It further explicates the growth potential of the product. The report includes other market data like key players in the Industry segment along with their contact information and recent developments. It includes crucial information like raw material requirements, list of machinery and manufacturing process for the plant. Core project financials like plant capacity, costs involved in setting up of project, working capital requirements, projected revenue and profit are further listed in the report.

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Our Market Survey cum Detailed Techno Economic Feasibility Report Contains following information:

  • Project Introduction
  • Project Objective and Strategy
  • Concise History of the Product
  • Properties
  • BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) Provision & Specification
  • Uses & Applications
Market Study and Assessment
  • Current Indian Market Scenario
  • Present Market Demand and Supply
  • Estimated Future Market Demand and Forecast
  • Statistics of Import & Export
  • Names & Addresses of Existing Units (Present Players)
  • Market Opportunity
Raw Material
  • List of Raw Materials
  • Properties of Raw Materials
  • Prescribed Quality of Raw Materials
  • List of Suppliers and Manufacturers
Personnel (Manpower) Requirements
  • Requirement of Staff & Labor (Skilled and Unskilled) Managerial, Technical, Office Staff and Marketing Personnel
Plant and Machinery
  • List of Plant & Machinery
  • Miscellaneous Items
  • Appliances & Equipments
  • Laboratory Equipments & Accessories
  • Electrification
  • Electric Load & Water
  • Maintenance Cost
  • Sources of Plant & Machinery (Suppliers and Manufacturers)
Manufacturing Process and Formulations
  • Detailed Process of Manufacture with Formulation
  • Packaging Required
  • Process Flow Sheet Diagram
Infrastructure and Utilities
  • Project Location
  • Requirement of Land Area
  • Rates of the Land
  • Built Up Area
  • Construction Schedule
  • Plant Layout and Requirement of Utilities
Assumptions for Profitability workings
Plant Economics
Production Schedule
Land & Building
  • Factory Land & Building
  • Site Development Expenses
Plant & Machinery
  • Indigenous Machineries
  • Other Machineries (Miscellaneous, Laboratory etc.)
Other Fixed Assets
  • Furniture & Fixtures
  • Pre-operative and Preliminary Expenses
  • Technical Knowhow
  • Provision of Contingencies
Working Capital Requirement Per Month
  • Raw Material
  • Packing Material
  • Lab & ETP Chemical Cost
  • Consumable Store
Overheads Required Per Month And Per Annum
  • Utilities & Overheads (Power, Water and Fuel Expenses etc.)
  • Royalty and Other Charges
  • Selling and Distribution Expenses
Salary and Wages
Turnover Per Annum
Share Capital
  • Equity Capital
  • Preference Share Capital
Annexure 1:: Cost of Project and Means of Finance
Annexure 2:: Profitability and Net Cash Accruals
  • Revenue/Income/Realisation
  • Expenses/Cost of Products/Services/Items
  • Gross Profit
  • Financial Charges
  • Total Cost of Sales
  • Net Profit After Taxes
  • Net Cash Accruals
Annexure 3 :: Assessment of Working Capital requirements
  • Current Assets
  • Gross Working. Capital
  • Current Liabilities
  • Net Working Capital
  • Working Note for Calculation of Work-in-process
Annexure 4 :: Sources and Disposition of Funds
Annexure 5 :: Projected Balance Sheets
  • ROI (Average of Fixed Assets)
  • RONW (Average of Share Capital)
  • ROI (Average of Total Assets)
Annexure 6 :: Profitability ratios
  • D.S.C.R
  • Earnings Per Share (EPS)
  • Debt Equity Ratio
Annexure 7 :: Break-Even Analysis
  • Variable Cost & Expenses
  • Semi-Var./Semi-Fixed Exp.
  • Profit Volume Ratio (PVR)
  • Fixed Expenses / Cost
  • B.E.P
Annexure 8 to 11:: Sensitivity Analysis-Price/Volume
  • Resultant N.P.B.T
  • Resultant D.S.C.R
  • Resultant PV Ratio
  • Resultant DER
  • Resultant ROI
  • Resultant BEP
Annexure 12 :: Shareholding Pattern and Stake Status
  • Equity Capital
  • Preference Share Capital
Annexure 13 :: Quantitative Details-Output/Sales/Stocks
  • Determined Capacity P.A of Products/Services
  • Achievable Efficiency/Yield % of Products/Services/Items
  • Net Usable Load/Capacity of Products/Services/Items
  • Expected Sales/ Revenue/ Income of Products/ Services/ Items
Annexure 14 :: Product wise domestic Sales Realisation
Annexure 15 :: Total Raw Material Cost
Annexure 16 :: Raw Material Cost per unit
Annexure 17 :: Total Lab & ETP Chemical Cost
Annexure 18 :: Consumables, Store etc.,
Annexure 19 :: Packing Material Cost
Annexure 20 :: Packing Material Cost Per Unit
Annexure 21 :: Employees Expenses
Annexure 22 :: Fuel Expenses
Annexure 23 :: Power/Electricity Expenses
Annexure 24 :: Royalty & Other Charges
Annexure 25 :: Repairs & Maintenance Exp.
Annexure 26 :: Other Mfg. Expenses
Annexure 27 :: Administration Expenses
Annexure 28 :: Selling Expenses
Annexure 29 :: Depreciation Charges – as per Books (Total)
Annexure 30 :: Depreciation Charges – as per Books (P & M)
Annexure 31 :: Depreciation Charges - As per IT Act WDV (Total)
Annexure 32 :: Depreciation Charges - As per IT Act WDV (P & M)
Annexure 33 :: Interest and Repayment - Term Loans
Annexure 34 :: Tax on Profits
Annexure 35 ::Projected Pay-Back Period And IRR