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LED Light Manufacturing Business

LED Light Manufacturing Business – What Steps to Follow Before Opening this Business?

Starting a trade in India is not much hard in today’s time. But entrepreneurs need to have a good knowledge of the market and about starting a manufacturing corporation. Otherwise, risks can lead to the collapse of your business. In this report, we incline to focus on stuff entrepreneurs should see for starting a LED bulb manufacturing business. LED positions for the light emitting diode is a semiconductor when current pass complete this semiconductor it releases the light. LED is gaining enormous popularity every day and are existing in diverse colors, and the range varies from 2700k to 6500k. LED bulb eats low electricity and gives bright light as an output associate to CFL, old-style bulb, and tube lights. LED bulbs have an excessive life which is about 50000 to 80000 burning hours. LED goods have great response in local as well as global market LED light Manufacturing is a highly profitable business with substantial capital investment.

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NPCS’s detailed development report objectives to deliver you with all the straightforward data required. Below are the vital points to follow while starting this business:

  • Potential Market - LED bulb are spent low electricity about 0.6 watts and produce bright light as production; care cost of the LED bulb is around 1/10th of that old-style bulbs toughness of the LED bulbis also more as related to a normal bulb and the value of the LED bulb is low as associated to CFL and tube illumination, therefore, persons are moving in the direction of LED bulbs. LED bulbs with solar command input is one of the best mixtures to lessen the electric power consumption and is well-organized and green energy fast source available. The LED bulb will rise-up 25% yearly to reach 25 billion in 2022; hereafter LED Bulb Manufacturing has a huge business opportunity.


  • Registrations & Licenses - LED light manufacturingbusiness needs some license and cataloging from government authorities, certification depends on a pattern of LED light bulb you are treating or manufacturing

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1.     Registration of Firm:

2.     Bureau of Energy Efficiency Certification

3.     GST Registration

4.     Trade License:

5.     Pollution Certificate:

6.     MSME/SSI Registration:

7.     Trade Mark:

  • Capacity Required - It is prudent to start LED Bulb Manufacturing Businessin the engineering area because LED light manufacturing unit response specific space for the industrial process. The location must be available by carriage, also the raw solid supplier should be made to the site. It is worthwhile to divide the area location into three compartments one is for treating unit, second compartment as a storing room, the last compartment is for assemblage and analysis of the LED light bulb

  • Essential Raw Material and Machinery -There are certain equipment are available for the LED light manufacturing you have to choose the machinery permitting to exact kinds of LED you want to yield in the production unit As per the specific kind of LED, you should source the assembling advanced technology. For the most part, a share of the Govt. associations gives the gathering innovative technology to the specific measure of expenditures. it is appropriate to get innovative technology from consistent sources. Raw material and machinery required for LED light manufacturing are

1.     Connecting wire

2.     Heat-sink devices

3.     Packaging material

4.     Plastic body

5.     Reflector plastic glass

6.     Candlelight assembly machine for LED

7.     High speed LED mounting machine

8.     LED PCB assembly machine

9.     Packaging machine

10.   Soldering machine


S. No.


Total market (US billion dollars)

Domestic Manufacturing (US billion dollars)





















  • LED Light Manufacturing Process - Step 1) Making semiconductor wafer Step 2) Adding epitaxial layers Step 3) Mounting and packaging
  • Market for Trade - You can target the local electronics shops to sell your LED light bulb. Marketing LED bulbs at the wholesale market of your city is a major portion of trade in this business. Exporting of LED bulb to other nations is a great option by you just need IEC code which is required for the exportation and a good marketing system .You can endorse a product with both outdated and online promoting strategies Delivery network and Retailer is the best advertising option for this business, also study the business to business and industrial selling option, bulb Join the local business connotation connected to the energy production industry, trade fares are a prodigious place to endorse your LED light industrial brand. Producing a website and posing a blog on a website can attach and generate customers

Thus, the LED business tends to furnish the Indian economy. About 40% of LED bulbs produced in India are transferred outside. Resulting in all these, it is resolute from the article that the LED bulb industrial business is a lucrative venture. NPCS’s project consultancy and market research fields put forward the developing scope for LED bulb production at the industrial level.

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