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How and Why to Start Your Own Fruit Beverage Industry ( ) ( Best Seller )

Author Paperback ISBN 9789381039557
Code ENI282 Format NPCS Team
Price: Rs 29500   29500 + Tax @ 18.00 % US$ 500   500
Pages: 36 Published 2014
Publisher Niir Project Consultancy Services  
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How and Why to Start Your Own Fruit Beverage Industry (Business Plan, Investment Opportunity, Why to invest, Market Potential, Project Financials of Fruit Juice Plant (FMCG Sector) for Indian entrepreneur, Project Feasibility, Potential Buyers, Market Size & Analysis)

Indian fruit beverage industry has an effervescent future ahead of itself with rising health consciousness and growing affordability among Indians. The industry is in the pink of its health as fruit beverage consumption levels grows among Indian population and makes way for newer variants and flavors in the segment. Acknowledging the growth potential of fruit beverages in India, Niir Project Consultancy Services has launched its new report titled “How and Why to Start Your Own Fruit Beverage Industry (Business Plan, Investment Opportunity, Why to invest, Market Potential, Project Financials of Fruit Juice Plant (FMCG Sector) for Indian entrepreneur, Project Feasibility, Potential Buyers, Market Size & Analysis)”. The report qualifies as an investor’s guide for making investment into Indian fruit beverage segment. 
While expanding a current business or while venturing into new business, entrepreneurs are often faced with the dilemma of zeroing in on a suitable product/line. And before diversifying/venturing into any product, they wish to study the following aspects of the identified product:
• Good Present/Future Demand
• Export-Import Market Potential
• Raw Material & Manpower Availability
• Project Costs and Payback Period

We at NPCS, through our reliable expertise in the project consultancy and market research field, have demystified the situation by putting forward the emerging business opportunity in fruit beverage sector in India and its business prospects. Through this report we have identified Fruit Juice project which has the potential to be a lucrative investment avenue.
The report analyzes the investment feasibility of fruit beverage sector by discussing factors like potential buyers, reasons for investment, regulations, foreign trade and project financials. The report embarks the assessment by giving an overview of the overall fruit beverage sector in India as well as in world which is followed by the identification, estimation and forecasts of target consumers of the industry in India. The report further elaborates on factors that make a case for investing in the sector by profound analysis supported by graphical representation and forecasts of key data indicators. Evolving consumer dynamics like changing preferences, growing health consciousness and increasing consumption levels will bring in the next phase of growth for the industry. The report then lists the import-export market of the products and the recent developments in the sector. 
The key segment of the report ‘Project Details’ is a useful tool for any entrepreneur who is willing to enter fruit beverage segment in India as it discusses investment vitals like raw materials required, list of machinery, manufacturing process and project financials of the project. The report includes project details of a model project manufacturing four types of fruit juices (Pineapple, Orange, Banana and Guava). The project financial sub section provides details like plant capacity, costs involved in setting up of project, working capital requirements, payback period, projected revenue and profit. It also provides contact details of major players operating in the Indian fruit beverage sector. 
The fruit beverage industry in India is on its mark for a great run to success. Changing consumer dynamics like rising incomes, shifting preferences towards healthy drinks and changing perceptions will contribute majorly for the industry’s next growth phase. Macro-economic factors like spurt in the modern trade, growing urbanization in the nation and burgeoning middle class will further lend a helping hand to the sector.

Reasons for buying the report:
• This report helps you to identify a profitable project for investing or diversifying into by throwing light to crucial areas like industry size, market potential of the product and reasons for investing in the product
• This report provides vital information on the product like it’s characteristics and segmentation
• This report helps you market and place the product correctly by identifying the target customer group of the product 
• This report helps you understand the viability of the project by disclosing details like machinery required, project costs and snapshot of other project financials
• The report provides a glimpse of important taxes applicable on the industry
• The report provides forecasts of key parameters which helps to anticipate the industry performance and make sound business decisions

Our Approach:
• Our research reports broadly cover Indian markets, present analysis, outlook and forecast for a period of five years.
• The market forecasts are developed on the basis of secondary research and are cross-validated through interactions with the industry players 
• We use reliable sources of information and databases.   And information from such sources is processed by us and included in the report

1.1 The Global Scenario
1.2 The Indian Scenario
1.2.1 Classification
1.2.2 Structure
3.1 Growth in Modern Trade
3.2 Evolving Consumer Perceptions & Preferences
3.3 Rising Rural Consumption
3.4 Burgeoning Middle Class
3.5 Growing Health Consciousness
3.6 Rising Incomes
3.7 Expanding Packaged Category
3.8 Low Per Capita Consumption
3.9 Convenient Packaging
3.10 Urbanization
4.1 BIS Specifications
4.2 Excise/Customs Duty
8.1 Raw Materials Required
8.2 Manufacturing Process
8.3 List of Machinery
8.4 Project Financials

List of Figures & Tables

Figure 1 Top Ranking Beverages in Global Beverage Industry
Figure 2 Non-alcoholic Beverage Industry in India- Classification
Figure 3 Fruit Beverage Industry in India- Classification
Figure 4 Indian Fruit Beverage Industry- Structure
Figure 5 Population of India (2008-17, In Millions)
Figure 6 Indian Retail Industry- Structure
Figure 7 Indian Middle Class Population (2011-2026)
Figure 8 Top 3 Obese Countries in the World
Figure 9 India's Annual Per Capita Income (2008-14, In INR)
Figure 10 Rising Share of Packaged Category in Indian Fruit Beverage Industry
Figure 11 Per Capita Consumption of Fruit Beverages in India and Other Countries (In Litres)
Figure 12 Indian Population- Rural & Urban (In Crores)
Figure 13 Packaged Fruit Beverage Industry in India- Market Size (2011-17, In INR Billions)
Figure 14 Basic Manufacturing Process of Fruit Juices
Figure 15 Manufacturing Process of Banana Juice
Figure 16 Manufacturing Process of Guava Juice

Table 1 Population Composition of India (2010-12, %)
Table 2 Presence of Key Food Retailers in India- Total Stores
Table 3 BIS Specifications for Fruit Juice in India
Table 4 Excise/Customs Duty of Fruit Beverages in India
Table 5 Key Export Destinations
Table 6 Key Import Source Countries
Table 7 List of Machinery for Fruit Juice Manufacturing Plant
Table 8 Fruit Juice Plant- Total Capacity
Table 9 Fruit Juice Plant- Product Capacity
Table 10 Fruit Juice Plant- Capital Investment
Table 11 Fruit Juice Plant- Monthly Working Capital Requirements
Table 12 Fruit Juice Plant- Total Cost of the Project
Table 13 Fruit Juice Plant- Product-wise Production Schedule
Table 14 Fruit Juice Plant- Product-wise Revenue Schedule
Table 15 Fruit Juice Plant- 5 Year Profit Analysis (In INR Millions)
Table 16 Fruit Juice Plant- Pay Back Period
Table 17 Present Players in Fruit Beverage Industry in India- Contact Information


Fruit beverages are a high growth segment in Indian beverages industry. The segment has evolved with a consistent change in consumer preferences for fruit based drinks from tradition carbonated or aerated drinks. Fruit drinks are increasingly finding their space in Indian kitchens replacing their carbonated counterparts. We estimate that the sector has high potential to grow in the coming years and will surely solidify its place in the Indian households. The factors that have and will continue to lend a hand to its spiraling growth are changing consumer dynamics like rising incomes, growing health consciousness and urbanization.

1.1 The Global Scenario

Global fruit beverage market is also experiencing same kind of growth with renewed consumer taste for fruit based beverages. Although, industry estimates indicate that fruit juices are not anyway closer to be tagged as globally preferred drink, it has the potential to overcome its several counterparts.

A leading research firm estimates global fruit and vegetable juice market has all the triggers in place to cross 65 billion liters by 2015. The emerging categories like fortified and natural juices will drive the volumes ahead.

Source: NPCS Research, Industry Data

1.2 The Indian Scenario

Fruit based beverages fall under the umbrella of non-carbonated drinks category in non-alcoholic beverage sector. Fruit drinks market in India is fast evolving and emerging as the fastest growing sector in the non-alcoholic beverage segment. Indian non-alcoholic beverage segment has witnessed rapid success in last few years with non-carbonated section emerging as the strong pillar. There has been a strong shift of consumer preferences from carbonated drinks to the non-carbonates. Rising health awareness and rising lifestyle diseases have brought in the majority of push for the sector.

The chart below demonstrates the classification of non-alcoholic beverage segment in India.

Figure 2 Non-alcoholic Beverage Industry in India- Classification

Source: NPCS Research

1.2.1 Classification

Figure 3 Fruit Beverage Industry in India- Classification

Fruit Drinks: Have less than 20% of real fruit pulp

Nectars: Have between 20-90% of real fruit pulp

Fruit Juices: Have over 90% of real fruit pulp

1.2.2 Structure

Market for fruit beverages includes fruit juices and related products, such as nectars squashes, concentrates and fruit drinks. Of this, only 10% is accounted for by packaged products and the rest is sold loose.

Figure 4 Indian Fruit Beverage Industry- Structure