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Handbook On 100% Export Oriented Jute & Jute Products (Eco Friendly Projects)# ( ) ( Best Seller ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Author P.K. Chattophadhyay ISBN 8186623000
Code ENI6 Format Hardcover
Price: Rs 695   695 US$ 19   19
Pages: 105 Published 2000
Publisher National Institute of Industrial Research
Usually Ships within 3 days

Jute is a natural fibre obtained as an extract from the bark of the jute plant that grows like any other organic crop. This fibrous plant in earlier days was also used by the inhabitants as a delicacy that went along with their staple diet. Jute, the Golden Fiber as it is called, is the raw material used for making sacks world over. It is truly one of the most useful fibers gifted to man by nature, which is beautifully crafted in the form of handicrafts and many day to day products. Besides being the cheapest and the most important material of all textile fibers, it also provides work for millions of farmers, landless labourers, industrial workers and many others, both directly and indirectly. Jute is being cultivated in India for over centuries now. Its predominantly a crop of eastern India. Besides, there are several small scale industries in the decentralized sector producing handicrafts, decorative, twines, pulp & paper from jute and allied fibers and particle board from jute stick. 
India is recognized as the largest producer or raw jute and the biggest manufacturer of jute goods. There is tremendous capacity within people here to manufacture the widest range of products, tailored to customers demands. The country's modern and world class research & development facilities in the area of jute agriculture, product development & machinery design are used for developing high quality jute products matching the international standards. Indian Jute Industry has the capacity to produce and meet the International demand for food grade Jute bags and cloth. Food grade Jute Bags and cloth manufactured in India - are a boon in the context of global environmental and ecological concern. Indian food grade jute bags have a twin edged advantage: preservation of food in the most natural way. The jute industry can look forward to a brighter future provided urgent measure are taken to set the population of value added products in its programme for diversification. 
This book basically deals with jute cultivation, jute bags (gunny), jute shopping bags, jute garments, jute office stationery, jute decorative products, jute foot wear, jute brush for white washing, list of jute manufacturers in new Delhi, list of jute manufacturers in Panipat (Haryana), list of jute manufacturers in Ghaziabad (U.P.), Indian organisations for development of jute, new trends in jute blends.
This book discusses with the modern scientific method of jute cultivation & processing into various products. Cost estimation for different kinds of products has been presented considering the prevailing market conditions. 

1. Introduction
2. Jute Cultivation
3. Jute Bags (Gunny)
4. Jute Shopping Bags
5. Jute Garments
6. Jute Office Stationery
7. Jute Decorative Products
8. Jute Foot Wear
9. Jute Brush For White Washing
10. List Of Jute Manufacturers In New Delhi
11. List Of Jute Manufacturers In Panipat (Haryana)
12. List Of Jute Manufacturers In Ghaziabad/Philkuwa (U.P.)
13. Indian Organisations For Development Of Jute
14. New Trends In Jute Blends 


Jute shopping Bags


Bags prepared from jute are widely used in our country for domestic purposes. It is used largely in our country before 10-15 years, during the year 1985-1995. Plastic bags are taken large share over it. Plastic bags have certain advantage over the jute bags, i,e, they are light, appearance good, easily decorative, moisture protective, self life higher, above all the merits there is all over the world, i,e, plastics are non-biodegradable which makes environmental pollution, it cannot be used for land filling material. For the above reasons, european country's about to take decision to band, the use of nondegradeable plastic in general domestic purpose. They are highly interest to use such materials which are easily bio-degradeable and non-carcinogenic. Jute is one of the agricultural product which can fill up the partial gap of the plastic items. Now in world India is one of the country's where jute using hybrid technology or tissue culture process to increase the jute production yield per unit land area. By which India can export different jute items by fulfilling domestic demands and earn more foreign exchange.

Jute shopping bag is a item which has large demand in our domestric market as well as in the export market.


It is used for bringing daily usable goods from groeer shop, vegetable from market and necessary small utensils etc.


It has high surface friction (allowing stacking of filled bags to a high level) porus structure and moisture absorbing capacity. High tearing strength resistance to damage cause by hooking and self closing of hole made by hooking, suitable to reuse, and easy to disposability without causing pollution to environment. Bags weight are around 300 gm - 700 gms.


Fabrics prepared form low grade or medium grade jute fibre (sacking) are used for the manufacturing of jute bags usually used for domestic purpose in our country and fabrics prepared from of white jute yarn (Hessian) are generally used for export purpose.

Fabrics are taken and pass over through sizing table to cut the fabrics in proper size according to requirement. (Size may be varied from height 15" - 30" and width 10" - 25" generally without handle). After proper sizing of fabrics are pass over to the sewing machine to make bag or fabrics may pass thorough the automatic bag making machine to form bag by controlling switch according to requirement. When the stitching of bags are over then put the handles on the bag and make the stiffening border over the bag to make it proper strength.

For making decorative bags use decorative fabrics.



1.    Hindustan Knitting and Finishing Mills,

      16A, Najafgarh Road,

      New Delhi - 15.

2.    Sri Saravana Veal Mills,

      39, Kuma Nagar East.,

      Tirpur - 638 603, India

3.    Capital Hosiery Industry

      1449, Pan Mandi,

      Sadar Bazar,

      Delhi - 110 006.

4.    Asoke Hosiery Works,

      A-131, Industrial Area,


      Delhi - 110 052.



1.    Ambia Texmech Manufactures (P) Ltd.,

      B-13, NOble Chamber (VATSA HOUSE),

      Gogha Street, Fort,

      Bombay - 400 001.

2.    Textool Company Ltd.,


      Coimbatore - 641 006

3.    Texcomast Export.

      2, Arcadia,

      Nariman Point,

      Bombay - 400 021.

4.    Bimag Machines Pvt. Ltd.,

      309, Dalmal Towers,

      Nariman Point,

      Bombay - 400 021.

5.    Perna Textie Industries Pvt Ltd.,

      212/213, T.V. Industrial Estate,

      (2nd floor) Plot No. 248A, 52,

      S.K. Ahire Marg, Worli,

      Bombay - 400 025.




Rated Plant capacity Basis = 1000.00 No. per day
No. of working days = 25 days per month
  300 days per annum
No. of shifts = 1 per day
One shift = 8 hours





1. Land required 200 sqm. (@Rs. 500/- per sqm.) Rs. 1,00,000.00
2. Built up area 100 sqm. (@Rs. 1500/- sqm.) Rs. 1,50,000.00
3. Land development cost Rs. 25,000.00
  TOTAL Rs. 2,75,000.00