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Handbook on Maize Corn Processing and Manufacture of Maize Products ( New Arrival ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Author P. K. Chattopadhyay ISBN 9788195577552
Code ENI329 Format Paperback
Price: Rs 1895   1895 US$ 51   51
Pages: 504 Published 2022
Publisher Niir Project Consultancy Services
Usually Ships within 5 days

Handbook on Maize (Corn) Processing and Manufacture of Maize Products


(Oil, Starch, Corn Steep Liquor, Syrup, Cornmeal, Popcorn, Flakes,  Gluten, Husk, Anhydrous Dextrose, High Maltose Syrup, Maltodextrin Powder, Monohydrate Dextrose, Sorbitol, Ethanol, Cattle Feed with Manufacturing Processes, Equipment Details and Plant Layout)

In India, maize is becoming third most significant crop. Its significance stems from the fact that it is utilised not only for human food and animal feed, but also for corn starch manufacturing, corn oil production, and the generation of baby corns. Additionally, maize stover, the leaves and stalk of the maize plant, is used for forage, biofuel production, and chemical production.

Corn is also processed into a multitude of food and industrial products including:-

Ø  Corn Starch is a yellow powder made from finely ground, dried corn, while cornstarch is a fine, white powder made from the starchy part of a corn kernel.

Ø  High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is a sweetener derived from corn syrup, which is processed from corn.

Ø  Corn oil contains some healthy components like vitamin E and phytosterols, but overall it's not considered a healthy fat.

Ø  Corn ethanol is produced from corn biomass and is the main source of ethanol fuel, mandated to be blended with gasoline in the Renewable Fuel Standard.

Ø  Some strains of corn (Zea mays) are cultivated specifically as popping corns.

Ø  Dextrose Anhydrous can be used as sweetener in baked goods, candies, gums, dairy products like some ice-creams and frozen yogurts, canned foods, cured meats etc.

Ø  Maltose is a sugar that tastes less sweet than table sugar. It contains no fructose and is used as a substitute for high-fructose corn syrup.

Ø  Maltodextrin is a white powder made from corn. To make it, first the starches are cooked, and then acids or enzymes such as heat-stable bacterial alpha-amylase are added to break it down further.

Ø  Dextrose is the name of a simple sugar made from corn that's chemically identical to glucose, or blood sugar.

Ø  Sorbitol, or glucitol as it is sometimes called, is a slow-metabolizing sugar alcohol derived from fruits, corn and seaweed.

The global maize market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.8%. The factors that affect the demand for starch mainly include population growth and industrial development of a country; specifically the food and beverage, textiles, paper and printing, pharmaceuticals and other health and beauty products, and adhesives.

The demand for high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) sweeteners across the country is majorly due to its wide usage in the confectionery, bakery, and beverage industries, especially soft drink manufacturing. Rising health awareness among consumers has resulted into increasing preference for corn oil due to its health benefits. More ethanol production means more demand for corn. According to the most recent statistics released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 35%, or 5.25 billion bushels, of the projected 15.062 billion bushels of corn harvested will be processed into ethanol. 

The book covers a wide range of topics connected to Maize Products, as well as their manufacturing processes. It also includes contact information for machinery suppliers, as well as images of equipments.

A complete guide on Maize (Corn) Processing and Manufacture of Maize Products manufacture and entrepreneurship. This book serves as a one-stop shop for everything you need to know about the Maize manufacturing industry, which is ripe with opportunity for manufacturers, merchants, and entrepreneurs. This is the only book that covers Maize (Corn) Processing and Manufacture of Maize Products in depth. From concept through equipment procurement, it is a veritable feast of how-to information.



        1.1        Taxonomy, Origin and Evolution

                     1.1.1       Taxonomy

        1.2        Botanical Features

        1.3        Pollination and Fertilization

        1.4        Seed Dispersal

        1.5        Corn Seed Anatomy

        1.6        Anthesis-Silking Interval (Asi)

                     1.6.1       Flour Corn

                     1.6.2       Sweet Corn

                     1.6.3       High-Amylose Corn


        2.1        Step 1: Register the Business

        2.2        Step 2: Create a Business Plan

        2.3        Step 3: Secure Funding

        2.4        Step 4: Choose a Land

        2.5        Step 5: Prepare the Land

        2.6        Step 6: Plant the Seed

        2.7        Step 7: Control Pest and Diseases

        2.8        Step 8: Harvest

        2.9        Step 9: Market the Product


        3.1        Post-Harvest Handling and Supply Chain Scenario

        3.2        Demand & Consumption Trends

        3.3        Government Initiatives & Policies

        3.4        Growth Drivers and Challenges


        4.1        Introduction

        4.2        Starting Exports

        4.3        Processing an Export Order


        5.1        Dent Corn

        5.2        Flint Corn

        5.3        Flour Corn

        5.4        Sweet Corn

        5.5        Popcorn

        5.6        Pod Corn

        5.7        Waxy Corn

        5.8        High-Amylose Corn

        5.9        High-Lysine Corn

        5.10     Ornamental Corn

6.    Maize Hybrid Seed Production

        6.1        What is a Maize Hybrid?

        6.2        Hybrid Composition

        6.3        Seed Classes

        6.4        Planning Seed Production Requirements

        6.5        Field Management of Hybrid Seed Production

        6.6        Flow Diagram for Seed Production

        6.7        Selecting the Seed Field

        6.8        Crop Establishment

        6.9        Roguing: Removal of Off-Types

        6.10     When to Rogue

        6.11     Detasseling

        6.12     Male Removal

        6.13     Inspections of the Seed Crop

7.    Maize Seed Production Technique

        7.1        Introduction

        7.2        Features

        7.3        Importance of Good Quality Seed

        7.4        Method of Maize Seed Production

                     7.4.1       Various stages of Maize Plant

               A) Technical Aspects for Quality Seed Production

                                    (A)Seedling Stage

                                    (B) Growth Stage of Maize

                                    (C) Tasseling Stage

                                    D) Silking Stage

                                    (E) Milking Stage of Maize

               Climate and Soil Condition

               Marketing Plan

               Selection of Land

               Crop Rotation for Reducing Disease and Pest

               Works before Cultivation of Maize

               Land Preparation and Sowing

               Methods of Sowing Seeds

               Application of Chemical Fertilizer

             Farming Activities during Growth Period

             Major Pest & Diseases

             Harvesting of Maize

             Post-Harvest Processing and Storage

               B) Management Aspects for Quality Seed Production

                                    Major Actions to Be Taken By Seed Production Cooperative

8.    Improved Technologies for Higher Maize Production

        8.1        Crop Establishment

        8.2        Water Management

        8.3        Weed Management

        8.4        Nutrient Management

        8.5        Insect and Pest Management

        8.6        Harvesting

        8.7        Multiple Cropping

        8.8        Techniques to Get Higher Market Price

9.    Maize Production

        9.1        Morphology, Growth and Development

                         Root System




                         Maize Ear

                         Maize Kernel

        9.2        Growth and Development

                         Growth Stage 0: from Planting to Seed Emergence

                         Growth Stage 1: Four Leaves Completely Unfolded

                         Growth Stage 2: Eight Leaves Completely Unfolded

                         Growth Stage 3: Twelve Leaves Completely Unfolded

                         Growth Stage 4: Sixteen Leaves Completely Unfolded

                         Growth Stage 5: Silk Appearance and Pollen Shedding

                         Growth Stage 6: Green Mealie Stage

                         Growth Stage 7: Soft Dough Stage

                         Growth Stage 8: Hard Dough Stage

                         Growth Stage 9: Physiological Maturity

                         Growth Stage 10: Drying of Kernels (Biological

        9.3        Adaptation and Production Potential

                     9.3.1       Climatic Requirements

                     9.3.2       Cultural Practices

        9.4        Implements and Soil Tillage

                     9.4.1       Primary Tillage Implements

                     9.4.2       Secondary Tillage Implements

        9.5        Tillage Systems

        9.6        Establishment Practices

        9.7        Cultivar Choice

                     9.7.1       Fertilisation of Maize

        9.8        Application Methods

        9.9        Weeds

                     9.9.1       Methods of Weed Control

        9.10     Principles of Pest Control

                     9.10.1.    Integrated Pest Management

        9.11     Irrigation

        9.12     Harvesting Process

                     9.12.1     Hand Harvesting

                     9.12.2     Mechanical Harvesting

        9.13     Production Management Guidelines

10.  Corn Oil

        10.1     Constituents of Corn Oil

        10.2     Characteristics of Corn Oil

        10.3     Application

        10.4     Health Benefits of Corn Oil

        10.5     Traditional Uses

        10.6     Precautions 

        10.7     Steps in Production

                     1)  Corn Germ

                     2)  Grinding and Cleaning

                     3)  Pressing

                     4)  Extracting Additional Oil with Solvents Seeds with More
Oil are Pressed and Solvents

                     5)  Removing Solvent Traces

                     6)  Refining the Oil

                     7)  Packaging the Oil

                     8)  By Products/Waste

        10.8     Equipments in the Small Oil Plant

11.  Corn Starch

        11.1     Origin

        11.2     Function

        11.3     Composition

        11.4     Application

        11.5     Nutrition

        11.6     What are the Chemicals in Cornstarch?

        11.7     Components of Cornstarch

        11.8     Cornstarch and Corn Flour

        11.9     Modification

        11.10   Production Process

                     11.10.1   Corn Cleaning

                     11.10.2   Corn Steeping

                     11.10.3   Steeping Evaporation

                     11.10.4   Germ Separation

                     11.10.5   Germ Drying

                     11.10.6   Corn Oil

                     11.10.7   Fine Grinding and Screening

                     11.10.8   Fiber Drying

                     11.10.9   Primary Separation

                     11.10.10 Gluten Recovery

                     11.10.11 Gluten Dewatering and Drying

                     11.10.12 Corn Starch Refining

                     11.10.13 Centrifuge and Hydrocyclones

                     11.10.14 Starch Dewatering

                     11.10.15 Starch Drying

12.  Corn Steep Liquor (CSL)

        12.1     Appearance

        12.2     Organic Corn Steep Liquor

        12.3     Conventional Corn Steep Liquor

                     12.3.1     Animal Feed

                     12.3.2     Fermentation

                     12.3.3     Fertilizers

        12.4     Chemical Properties

        12.5     Uses

        12.6     A Multifunctional Extract from Corn Steep Liquor

13.  Corn Syrup (High Fructose Corn Syrup-HFCS)

        13.1     Uses

        13.2     Commercial Preparation

        13.3     Substitutes

        13.4     What Foods Contain High Fructose Corn Syrup?

        13.5     Is HFCS Safe?

        13.6     Foods that contain HFCS

        13.7     Where does HFCS come from?

        13.8     How much Fructose is in HFCS?

        13.9     Is HFCS less safe than other Sweeteners?

        13.10   Raw Materials

        13.11   Production

        13.12   Manufacturing Process

        13.13   Separating Corn Starch from Corn

        13.14   Converting Corn Starch into Corn Syrup

        13.15   Converting Corn Syrup into High Fructose Corn

        13.16   What’s the Process of Making Corn Starch Syrup?

                     13.16.1   Starch Mixing

                     13.16.2   High Temperature Liquefaction

                     13.16.3   Saccharification

                     13.16.4   Decolorization

                     13.16.5   Filter Process in the Process of Making Corn
Starch Syrup

                     13.16.6   Ion Exchange

                     13.16.7   Three-Effect Vacuum Concentration

14.  Cornick (Corn Nut)

        14.1     Description

        14.2     Variations

        14.3     Are Corn Nuts Healthy?

        14.4     What Is the Nutritional Value of Corn Nuts?

        14.5     Can Corn Nuts be used in Food Preparation?

        14.6     Corn Nuts for Snacking Paradise

        14.7     Puffed Snack Food Production Line

        14.8     Features

        14.9     The Benefits of Using a Food Extruder Machine

        14.10   Processing Equipment in Snacks Manufacturing

15.  Cornmeal

        15.1     Types

                     15.1.1     Corn Flour (or Polenta Flour)

                     15.1.2     Corn Grits

                     15.1.3     Polenta

                     15.1.4     Corn Flakes

                     15.1.5     Masa Harina

                     15.1.6     Hominy Grits

        15.2.    Non-Corn Substitutes

                     15.2.1     Semolina

                     15.2.2     Ground Oats

                     15.2.3     Wheat Flour

                     15.2.4     Rice Flour

                     15.2.5     Ground Flaxseed

        15.3.    Cornmeal vs. Polenta vs. Corn Flour vs. Grits

        15.4.    Processing

                     15.4.1     Cleaning

                     15.4.2     Degermination

                     15.4.3     Milling

                     15.4.4     Sifting

                     15.4.5     Packaging

        15.5.    Processing Equipment

                     15.5.1     Cleaning Section

                     15.5.2     Peeling and Milling Section

                     15.5.3     Packing Section

16.  Cornstalk Fiddle

        16.1     Construction

        16.2     Corn Stalk Fiber

        16.3     Experiment Detail

        16.4     Corn Stalk Pellet Plant

17.  Hominy Corn

        17.1     Uses

        17.2     Production

18.  Popcorn

        18.1     Nutritional Value of Popcorn

        18.2     Health Benefits

                     18.2.1     Popcorn Improves Digestive Health

                     18.2.2     Popcorn Antioxidants Benefits

                     18.2.3     Popcorn Helps In Metabolism and Provides Energy

                     18.2.4     Popcorn Helps to Reduce Depression

                     18.2.5     Popcorn Supports Healthy Bone Function

                     18.2.6     Popcorn Controls Blood Sugar Level

                     18.2.7     Popcorn Combats Tumour Cells

                     18.2.8     Popcorn Reduces Craving for Food

                     18.2.9     Popcorn Prevents Aging

                     18.2.10   Popcorn Lowers Cholesterol Levels

                     18.2.11   Popcorn Controls Anaemia

                     18.2.12   Popcorn Helps In Relieving Constipation

        18.3     Uses

        18.4     Component

        18.5     Popcorn Processing

                     18.5.1     Grain Delivery

                     18.5.2     Cleaning

                     18.5.3     Popping

                     18.5.4     Packaging of Product

        18.6     Equipment for Popcorn Processing

                     18.6.1     Gravity Separator

                     18.6.2     Popcorn Making Machine

                     18.6.3     Popcorn Caramelizing Machine

                     18.6.4     Electricity Oven

                     18.6.5     Popcorn Filling Machine

19.  Corn Flakes

        19.1     Nutritional Value

        19.2     Characteristics

        19.3     Objectives

        19.4     Product and Its Uses

        19.5     Application

        19.6     Properties

        19.7     Health Benefits of Corn Flakes

                     19.7.1     Well-Balanced Nutrition

                     19.7.2     It’s Good for Heart

                     19.7.3     Foods High in Protein

                     19.7.4     It Helps to Keep the Lungs Healthy

                     19.7.5     Loss of Weight

        19.8     Raw Material Availability

        19.9     Manufacturing Process

        19.10   Industry Look Out and Treads

        19.11   Corn Flakes Producing Equipment

                     19.11.1   Ingredients

                     19.11.2   Extrusion Maturation Moulding

                     19.11.3   Cutting

                     19.11.4   Pre-Drying

                     19.11.5   Tableting

                     19.11.6   High-Temperature Roasting

                     19.11.7   Cooling

20.  Maize Gluten

        20.1     Features of Corn Protein

        20.2     Applications

        20.3     Functional Advantages

                     20.3.1     Animal Feed

                     20.3.2     Herbicide

                     20.3.3     Handling and Storage

        20.4     Production

        20.5     Nutritional Attributes

                     20.5.1     Potential Constraints

                     20.5.2     Ruminants

        20.6     Nutritional value

                         Energy Value

                         Protein Value

                         Phosphorus Availability

                         Palatability and Feeding Behaviour

        20.7     Wet Corn Gluten Feed

        20.8     Dried Corn Gluten Feed

        20.9     Modified Corn Fibre

        20.10   Corn Gluten Feed & Meal Test

                         Drying Technology and Systems

                         Indirectly Heated Rotary Tube Bundle Dryers

                         High Perfomance Flash Tube Dryers

        20.11   Energy Plants & Technology

                         Grate-Firing Systems

                         Steam Generator

                         Thermal Oil Heaters

21.  Corn Silk

        21.1     Introduction

        21.2     Development

        21.3     Function

        21.4     Pathology

        21.5     Applications

        21.6     Benefits

        21.7     Additional Health Benefits

        21.8     Corn Silk Dosage

        21.9     Uses

22.  Corn Husk

        22.1     Description

        22.2     Applications

        22.3     Use

        22.4     Characterization of Corn Husk Agro-Residue Samples Moisture Content

        22.5     Process

        22.6     Quality Improvement of Corn Husk as Raw Material for Textile Products

                     22.6.1     Classification of Textile Fiber

                     22.6.2     Fibers’ Characteristics and Tenacity

                     22.6.3     Methods

                     22.6.4     Process

23.  Anhydrous Dextrose

        23.1     Functional Advantages

        23.2     Applications

        23.3     Anhydrous Glucose Production Processes

24.  High Maltose Syrup

        24.1     Functional Advantages Crystallizing

        24.2     Applications

        24.3     High-Maltose Corn Syrup vs. High-Fructose Corn

        24.4     Nutrition

        24.5     Commercial Production

        24.6     Maltose Syrup Processing Machinery

                     Step 1: Mixing Process

                     Step 2: The Liquefaction Process

                     Step 3:  The Deproteinization Process

                     Step 4: The Saccharification Process

                     Step 5: The Decolorization Process

                     Step 6: The Decarburization Process

                     Step 7: The Ion Exchange Process

                     Step 8: The Evaporation Process

                     Step 9: Final Product Storage

                     Step 10: Lab

25.  Maltodextrin Powder

        25.1     What is Maltodextrin made from?

        25.2     Functional Advantages

        25.3     Properties

        25.4     Uses

        25.5     Maltodextrin Production

                     i.      Liquefaction

                     ii.     Saccharifying

                     iii.    Filtering

                     iv.    Decoloring

                     v.     Ion Exchange (IX)

                     vi.    Evaporation and concentration

                     vii.   Crystallization

        25.6     Special Features

26.  Monohydrate Dextrose (DMH)

        26.1     Advantages

        26.2     Uses

        26.3     Application

        26.4     Process

27.  Sorbitol 70%

        27.1     Features

        27.2     Advantages

        27.3     Uses

        27.4     Processed Foods

        27.5     Sorbitol Production

28.  Vitamin C

        28.1     Introduction

        28.2     How the Vitamin C made?

        28.3     Chemical Structure

        28.4     Food Sources

        28.5     Property

        28.6     Health Benefits

29.  Ethanol Production using Corn

        29.1     What is Corn Ethanol?

        29.2     Uses

        29.3     Benefits

        29.4     Production Processes

                         Dry-Grind Ethanol Process

                         Wet-Milling Process

30.  Cattle Feed from Corn

        30.1     Introduction

        30.2     Characteristics

        30.3     Feeding Value of Corn

        30.4     Processing Corn

        30.5     Effect of Corn Bushel Weight on Cattle Performance

        30.6     High-moisture Corn

        30.7     Immature and Frost-Damaged Corn

        30.8     Manufacturing Process

                     30.8.1     Material Handling

                     30.8.2     Grinding

                     30.8.3     Mixing

                     30.8.4     Conditioning

                     30.8.5     Pelleting

                     30.8.6     Cooling

31.  Methods of Preparing Compost

        31.1     PART 1: Farm Yard Manure (FYM)

                     31.1.1     Introduction

                     31.1.2     Advantages of Well Decomposed Farm Yard Manure (FYM)

                     31.1.3     Material Required for Making FYM

                     31.1.4     Condition Required for Well Decomposition
of FYM

                     31.1.5     Collection of Animal Urine and Its Advantages

                     31.1.6     Things to Be Considered While Making Farm Yard Manure (FYM)

        31.2     PART 2: Compost Manure

                     31.2.1     Introduction

                     31.2.2     The Advantages of the Compost Manure

                     31.2.3     The Materials Required for Making Compost

                     31.2.4     The Place for Making Compost Manure

                     31.2.5     Methods of Preparing Compost Manure

32.  Sweet Corn Packaging

        32.1     Introduction

        32.2     Need of Packaging

        32.3     Types of Packaging

        32.4     Selection of Packaging Material

        32.5     Packaging Material

                     32.5.1     LDPE

                     32.5.2     PET

                     32.5.3     Polypropylene

                     32.5.4     Glass

                     32.5.5     Aluminium

                     32.5.6     Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC)

        32.6     Some Recent Trends in Packaging

                     32.6.1     Modified Atmosphere Packaging

                     32.6.2     Active and Intelligent Packaging

                     32.6.3     Aspectic Packaging

        32.7     Labeling

33.  Starch Applications

        33.1     Introduction

                         Granular Structure

                         Starch Gelatinization

        33.2     Sources and Producers of Starch

        33.3     Starch Applications

                         Food Applications

                         Nonfood Applications

34.  Starch Production

        34.1     Introduction

        34.2     Glucose Syrups

                         Protein Removal

                         Carbon Refining

                         Ion Exchange Chromatography

        34.3     Starch

                         Origins of Use

                         Occurrence and Appearance

                         Raw Material Composition

                         Starch Composition

        34.4     Industrial Starch Recovery

        34.5     Maize Starch

35.  Industrial Marketing

        35.1     What is Industrial Marketing?

        35.2     Industrial Marketing vs. Traditional B2B & B2C

        35.3     Challenges Facing Industrial Marketing

        35.4     Industrial Marketing Strategies to Increase Traffic

        35.5     Industrial Marketing Strategies to Build Demand

        35.6     Industrial Marketing Strategies to Generate Online

36.  Packaging

        36.1     Consider a Multiple Packaging

        36.2     Cost-Effective Packaging Solution

        36.3     Pack Small

        36.4     Inventory Management

        36.5     Create a Purposeful Packaging

        36.6     Go Green

37.  Post Intervention Value Chain: Maize

        37.1     Introduction to FPC Model

        37.2     FPC Development Approach

        37.3     Policy and Management

        37.4     FPC Revenue Model

        37.5     Outcomes of Value Chain Study

38.  Testing of All India Coordinated Research Project

        38.1     Stages of Testing

        38.2     Trials of Initial Evaluation (IET)

        38.3     Advance Evaluation Trials (AET-I)

        38.4     Advance Evaluation Trials (AET-II)

39.  BIS Specifications

40.  Plant Layout and Process Flow Chart & Diagram

41.  Photographs of Machinery with Supplier’s Contact

        •  Maize Plant

        •  Maize Degerminator Machine

        •  Corn Oil Processing Machine

        •  Maize Flour Milling Machine

        •  Maize Grinding Machine

        •  Maize Pulveriser

        •  Corn Starch Bag Machine

        •  Sweet Corn Peeling

        •  Sweet Corn Processing Plant

        •  Syrup Manufacturing Plant

        •  Liquid Filling Machine

        •  Corn Snacks Extruder Machine

        •  Dextrose Plant

        •  Corn Flakes Roaster Machine

        •  Corn Flakes Machine

        •  Maize Sheller

        •  Corn Husk Dewatering Screw Press

        •  Waste Compost Machine

        •  Food Waste Composting Machine

        •  Automatic Ethanol Plant

        •  Cattle Feed Machine