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Fertilizers Manufacturing Handbook ( New Arrival ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Author P. K. Chattopadhyay ISBN 9788195676965
Code ENI336 Format Paperback
Price: Rs 2795   2795 US$ 75   75
Pages: 456 Published 2022
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Fertilizers Manufacturing Handbook

(Ammonium Sulfate, Diammonium Phosphate (DAP), Urea - Ammonium Nitrate, Neem Coated Urea, N.P.K. Complex Fertilizers, Single Superphosphate (SSP), Triple Superphosphate, Zinc Sulfate Monohydrate, Magnesium Sulfate with Manufacturing Process, Machinery Equipment Details & Factory Layout)


India's economy is heavily reliant on agriculture. One of the greatest contributors to the Gross Domestic Product is agriculture, along with forestry, fishing, and other related industries (GDP). It goes without saying that the fertiliser industry is one that the Indian economy cannot do without given how significant the agricultural sector is.

The success of the agricultural sector in India is largely dependent on the fertilizer industry. The benchmark that the food industry in India has set is mainly due to the many technically competent fertilizer producing companies in the country. The combined output of Nitrogenous (N) and Phosphatic (P) Chemical fertilizers has increased from a modest level.

Fertilizer Market Size will grow at a CAGR of 2.6%. Fertilizers have played a key role in the success of India's green revolution and subsequent self-reliance in food-grain production. The increase in fertilizer consumption has contributed significantly to sustainable production of food grains in the country.


  • The NPK fertilizers market (feed-grade) is estimated at a CAGR of 4.1% these feed-grade fertilizers help animals attain faster growth and increase their weight by providing added nutrition to their meals.
  • The global diammonium hydrogen phosphate (DAP) driven by the product's rising usage in fertilizers to increase the crop yield. The compound has a high nutrient content which is required for crop nurture.
  • The global single superphosphate (SSP) market is expected to post a CAGR of close to 3%. Key factor driving the growth of the global single superphosphate (SSP) market is the increasing demand for phosphate fertilizers.
  • Triple Superphosphate Market is growing at a CAGR of 5.5%. Triple superphosphate typically contains 44–46% of diphosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) and are produced by reacting phosphoric acid with phosphate rocks.
  • The zinc sulfate market is expected to witness market growth at a rate of 7.50%. The global nitrogenous fertilizer market size growth rate (CAGR). The growth is attributed to the increasing popularity of agriculture on a commercial level across the world.
  • The global potash fertilizer market growth rate (CAGR) of 4.66%.
  • The Global Ammonium Phosphate Market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.56% mainly due to robust demands from animal feed and fertilizers industries. The market has witnessed a significant boost from the enabling policy framework regarding yield enhancement of agri-produce.



Successful business ideas in fertilizers manufacturing is profitable and very viable. Thus, it is a good idea to venture into it by starting your own business. Read this book on for more information about fertilizers industry in detail. It will help you understand how to get started with your own fertilizers manufacturing business. Fertilizers manufacturing is a great way to make money because of its high demand in today’s market place.

The book contains detailed information about fertilizers manufacturing in which all aspects are covered. The book is of immense use to professionals in Fertilizers Manufacturing Handbook for quick revision as well as in day-to-day life where people would like to know about fertilizers. This book also serves as an excellent guide for those who want to venture into fertilizers manufacturing industry or have been associated with it.

A complete guide to the Fertilizers Manufacturing : Ammonium Sulfate, Diammonium Phosphate (DAP), Urea - Ammonium Nitrate, Neem Coated Urea, N.P.K. Complex Fertilizers, Single Superphosphate (SSP), Triple Superphosphate, Zinc Sulfate Monohydrate, Magnesium Sulfate. It's a veritable feast of how-to information, from concept through equipment acquisition.


Table of Contents

1.    Introduction

        1.1        Types of Fertilizers

                     1.1.1       Inorganic Fertilizers

                     1.1.2       Organic Fertilizers

        1.2        Advantages

        1.3        Uses

        1.4        Importance

2.    How to Start a Fertilizer Manufacturing Business?

        2.1        Conduct Research

        2.2        Create a Business Plan

        2.3        Legal Process

        2.4        Company Naming & License

        2.5        Find a Suitable Location

        2.6        Raw Material Supply for Fertilizers

        2.7        Packaging & Distribution

        2.8        Promotion of the Fertilizers

3.    Fertilizer Technology

4.    Market Outlook

        4.1        Increase in Demand for Food Grain Production to Drive the Market Growth

        4.2        Uncontrolled Use of Fertilizers that Leads to Pollution is predicted to Restrain Market Growth

        4.3        Increase in Adoption of Organic Fertilizers to Generate Enormous Opportunities

        4.4        Global Fertilizer Market, by Type

        4.5        Global Fertilizer Market, by Form

5.    Chemical Fertilizers

        5.1        Introduction

        5.2        Classification of Fertilizers

                     5.2.1       Straight Fertilizers

                     5.2.2       Complex or Compound Fertilizers

        5.3        Characteristics of Nitrogenous Fertilizers

        5.4        Fertilizers Containing Water-Soluble Phosphorus Characteristics

        5.5        Fertilizers Containing Citrate-Soluble Phosphorus Characteristics

        5.6        Fertilizers Containing Insoluble Phosphorus Characteristics.

        5.7        Potassic Fertilizers

        5.8        Sulphur Containing Fertilizers

        5.9        Micronutrients Fertilizer

        5.10     Sulphate (Salts)

        5.11     Chelate

        5.12     Nutrient Content of Chemical Fertilizers

6.    Fertilizer Material

        6.1        Commercial Fertilizer Sources

                     6.1.1       Nitrogen Fertilizers

                     6.1.2       Phosphate

                     6.1.3       Potassium

                     6.1.4       Calcium

                     6.1.5       Magnesium

                     6.1.6       Sulfur

                     6.1.7       Micronutrient

7.    Ammonium Chloride (NH4Cl)

        7.1        Uses

        7.2        Used as a Fertilizer

                     7.2.1       Chloride and Nitrogen

                     7.2.2       Medium-Strength Fertilizer

                     7.2.3       Crop Increase

                     7.2.4       Disease Prevention

        7.3        Safely

        7.4        Storage & Disposal

        7.5        Properties

        7.6        Preparation

        7.7        Production

        7.8        Production Method

        7.9        Reaction

        7.10     Applications

                     7.10.1     Metalwork

                     7.10.2     Medicine

                     7.10.3     Food

                     7.10.4     In the Laboratory

                     7.10.5     Flotation

                     7.10.6     Batteries

        7.11     Other Applications

8.    Ammonium Chloride Preparation

        8.1        Formula and Structure

        8.2        Occurrence

        8.3        Preparation

        8.4        Physical Properties

        8.5        Chemical Properties

9.    Ammonium Phosphate ((NH4)3PO4)

        9.1        Types

        9.2        Uses

        9.3        How are Ammonium Phosphates Made?

        9.4        Improve Soil Fertility

        9.5        Improve Plant Nutrition

        9.6        Process Description

        9.7        Emission Factors

                     9.7.1       Emissions and Controls

        9.8        Average Controlled Emission Factors for the Production Factor Rating

10.  Ammonium Sulfate ((NH4)2SO4)

        10.1     Ammonium Sulfate Structure (NH4)2SO4

        10.2     Properties of Ammonium Sulfate (NH4)2SO4

        10.3     (NH4)2SO4 Uses Ammonium Sulfate

        10.4     Uses

        10.5     Production

        10.6     Agricultural Use

        10.7     Management Practices

        10.8     Non-Agricultural Uses

        10.9     Preparation

        10.10   Reactions

        10.11   Benefits

        10.12   Applications

        10.13   Avoiding Exposure

        10.14   Emissions and Controls

11.  Ammonium Sulfate Manufacturing

        11.1     Crystallizer (DP Crystallizer / Oslo Crystallizer)

                     11.1.1     Structure and Principle

        11.2     Features

                     11.2.1     Large Circulation Volume

                     11.2.2     Sharp Distribution of Grain Sizes

                     11.2.3     Certainly Scale-Up

        11.3     Applications

                     11.3.1     Inorganic Chemical

                     11.3.2     Organic Chemical

        11.4     Oslo Crystallizer

                     11.4.1     Structure and Principle

        11.5     Features

        11.6     Applications

        11.7     Features

                     11.7.1     Wide Range of Application

                     11.7.2     High Dehydration Performance

                     11.7.3     High Solid Throughput

                     11.7.4     High Cake Washing Performance

                     11.7.5     Gas Tight Construction

                     11.7.6     Can be Connected Directly to a Clean Flash Dryer

        11.8     Applications

                     11.8.1     Inorganic Chemicals

                     11.8.2     Organic Chemicals

                     11.8.3     Polymers

        11.9     Fluidized Bed Dryer Drying

                     11.9.1     Structure and Principle

        11.10   Features

                     11.10.1   Uniformity of Product Quality

                     11.10.2   Easy Adjustment of Retention Time

                     11.10.3   Easy Maintenance

                     11.10.4   High Thermal Efficiency

        11.11   Applications

12.  Diammonium Phosphate (DAP) ((NH4)2HPO4)

        12.1     Production

        12.2     Chemical Properties

        12.3     Agricultural Use

        12.4     Management Practices

        12.5     Non-Agricultural Uses

        12.6     Uses

        12.7     Efficient Use

        12.8     Properties

        12.9     Advantages

        12.10   Application

        12.11   Specifications

        12.12   Composition

13.  Di-ammonium Phosphate (DAP) Preparation

        13.1     Formulation

        13.2     Application

        13.3     Specifications

14.  DAP Fertilizer Manufacturing

        14.1     Production Process

                     14.1.1     Compound Fertilizer Granulator

        14.2     Solid DAP Fertilizer Crush Machine

        14.3     DAP Fertilizer Mixing Machine

        14.4     Fertilizer Drying Machine for Dap Fertilizer Production Process

                     14.4.1     Fertilizer Crusher

        14.5     Feature

                     14.5.1     Crush Machine: Dedicated for Compound Fertilizer Materials

                     14.5.2     Fertilizer Mixing Equipment for Fertilizer Production

        14.6     Granular Fertilizer Mixing Equipment: BB Fertilizer

        14.7     Advantages of Rotary Fertilizer Drying Machine

        14.8     Fertilizer Drying Machine Effectively Remove Moisture

        14.9     Burner

        14.10   Hot Blast Furnace

15.  Urea - Ammonium Nitrate

        15.1     Production

        15.2     Agricultural Use

        15.3     Management Practices

16.  Neem Coated Urea

        16.1     Benefits

        16.2     Reaping Benefits

                     16.2.1     Reduction in Wastage

                     16.2.2     Greater Yield, Lower Costs, and Improved Soil

        16.3     Advantage

        16.4     Value Addition

        16.5     Importance

17.  Urea Fertilizer Process Selection and Economic

        17.1     Plant Components

        17.2     Stripper

        17.3     Carbamate Condensers

        17.4     CO2 Compressors

        17.5     HP Ammonia Pumps and Carbomate Pumps Piping

        17.6     HP Control Valves

        17.7     Process Selection

        17.8     Conventional Processes

                     17.8.1     Once through Process

                     17.8.2     Conventional Recycle Process

        17.9     Stamicarbon CO2 – Stripping Process

        17.10   Snamprogetti Ammonia and Self-Stripping

        17.11   Isobaric Double Recycle Process

        17.12   ACES Process

        17.13   Basic Concept of Process

        17.14   Features of Process

                     17.14.1   Utility System

18.  Neem Seed Oil Mill Plant

        18.1     Machines & Equipment Required to Start Neem Oil
Mill Plant

                     18.1.1     Neem Seed Decorticator

                     18.1.2     Seed Cleaner

                     18.1.3     Oil Expeller

                     18.1.4     Filter Press Pump

                     18.1.5     Steam Boiler

                     18.1.6     Bucket Elevator

                     18.1.7     Screw Conveyor

                     18.1.8     Motor Control

19.  N.P.K. Complex Fertilizers

        19.1     Uses

        19.2     Benefits

        19.3     Properties

        19.4     Production

20.  NPK Fertilizer Production Line

        20.1     Methods

                     20.1.1     NPK Fertilizer Granulation Production Line

                     20.1.2     NPK Fertilizer Pellets Blending Production Line

        20.2     Roller Press NPK Fertilizer Granulation

        20.3     Specification

        20.4     Manufacturing Process

        20.5     Mixing Line before the Granulation for Preparation

                     20.5.1     Fertilizer Batching Equipment

                     20.5.2     Fertilizer Mixer for Blending Plant

                     20.5.3     Fertilizer Crusher

        20.6     Mixed Npk Materials Pelleting

        20.7     Drum Type Wet Granulation Machine for Sale

        20.8     Processes After Granulating

                     20.8.1     Fertilizer Dryer

                     20.8.2     Fertilizer Packing Machine

                     20.8.3     Fertilizer Screener

        20.9     3 Types of NPK Fertilizer Granulation Machines can
Apply for Fertilizer Production Line

        20.10   High Output NPK Fertilizer Wet Granulation

        20.11   New NPK Fertilizer Dry Granulator

        20.12   Economic Pan Type Fertilizer Granulator for NPK
Fertilizer Making

        20.13   Disc Pelletizer

        20.14   Rotary Granulator

        20.15   Double Roller Granulator

                     20.15.1   Pan Granulator for Sale

        20.16   How to Mix NPK Fertilizers Properly?

        20.17   Powder Mixing Technology for Granulation Process

        20.18   Granular Fertilizer Blending Technology

        20.19   For NPK Cooling, What Cooling Method does a Cooler Employ?

        20.20   What are the Requirements for Setting up an NPK
Complex Fertilizers Plant?

        20.21   Effects of NPK Fertilizer Manufacturing Process on
Plants and Yield Production

21.  Potassium Chloride

        21.1     Production

        21.2     Agricultural Use

        21.3     Management Practices

        21.4     Non-Agricultural Use

        21.5     Preparation of Potassium Chloride

        21.6     Properties of Potassium Chloride

        21.7     Physical Properties

        21.8     Chemical Properties

        21.9     Uses of Potassium Chloride

        21.10   Chemical Properties

        21.11   Manufacture

        21.12   Potassium in Plants

        21.13   Potassium in Soils

        21.14   Fertilizing Soils with Potassium

        21.15   Right Source

        21.16   Right Rate

        21.17   Right Time

        21.18   Right Place

        21.19   Potassium Deficiency Symptoms

        21.20   Crop Response to Potassium

22.  Single Superphosphate (SSP)

        22.1     Production

        22.2     Chemical Properties

        22.3     Efficient Uses

        22.4     Agricultural Use

        22.5     Management Practices

        22.6     Non-Agricultural Uses

        22.7     Raw Materials Needed for the Production of SSP

        22.8     Advantages of SSP Fertilizer

        22.9     Agronomic Importance

        22.10   Materials and Methods

                     22.10.1   Milling of SSP Fertilizer

        22.11   Characterizations

        22.12   Solubilization Tests

        22.13   Fertilizer Composition and Uses

        22.14   Properties

        22.15   Manufacturing

                     22.15.1   Blending and Grinding of Rock Phosphate

                     22.15.2   Superphosphate Production

                     22.15.3   Granulation

        22.16   Storage and Handling

        22.17   Price of Single Super Phosphate

        22.18   Role of Phosphorus

23.  Single Super Phosphate (SSP) Manufacturing Process

        23.1     Process Description

        23.2     A Single Super Phosphate Manufacturing Plant’s Components

                     23.2.1     Bucket Elevator

                     23.2.2     Ball Mill

                     23.2.3     Weight Feeder

                     23.2.4     Belt Conveyor

                     23.2.5     Screw

                     23.2.6     Conveyor Mixer

                     23.2.7     EOT Crane

                     23.2.8     Vibrating Screens

                     23.2.9     Venturi Scrubbers

24.  Triple Superphosphate (TSP)

        24.1     Production

        24.2     Agricultural Use

        24.3     Management Practices

        24.4     Non-Agricultural Uses

        24.5     Benefits

        24.6     Process

25.  Zinc Chloride (ZnCl2)

        25.1     Uses

        25.2     Process

26.  Zinc Sulphate (ZnSO4)

        26.1     Introduction

        26.2     Chemical Properties

        26.3     Benefits

        26.4     Importance

        26.5     Applications

        26.6     Uses

        26.7     Product Uses and Specifications

        26.8     Physical Properties

        26.9     Specifications

        26.10   Product Application

                     26.10.1   Micro Nutrient

                     26.10.2   Rayon Industry

                     26.10.3   Lithopone

                     26.10.4   Leather Tanning

        26.11   Miscellaneous Applications

        26.12   Market Potential

        26.13   Micronutrients

        26.14   Technical Aspects

                     26.14.1   Installed Capacity

                     26.14.2   Plant and Machinery

        26.15   Manufacturing Process

        26.16   Raw Material

                     26.16.1   Zinc Ash Availability

27.  Zinc Sulfate Manufacturing

        27.1     Process Description

                     27.1.1     Digesters

                     27.1.2     Rubber Lined Mild Steel Tanks

                     27.1.3     Pumps

                     27.1.4     Filter Press

                     27.1.5     Crystallizers

                     27.1.6     Chilling Plant

                     27.1.7     Compressors

28.  Zinc Sulfate Monohydrate Manufacturing

        28.1     Raw Materials

        28.2     Manufacturing Process

        28.3     Application

        28.4     Equipments

                     28.4.1     Acid Storage Tank

                     28.4.2     EOT Crane

                     28.4.3     Reactors

                     28.4.4     Filter Press

                     28.4.5     Centrifuge

                     28.4.6     M L Storage Tank

                     28.4.7     Drier

                     28.4.8     Hot Air Generating Unit

                     28.4.9     Cyclone

                     28.4.10   Hot Air Blower

                     28.4.11   Slat Conveyor

29.  Magnesium Sulfate (MgSO4)

        29.1     Features

        29.2     Applications (Agro & Fertilizer Industry)

        29.3     Hydrates

        29.4     Heptahydrate

        29.5     Monohydrate

        29.6     Undecahydrate

        29.7     Enneahydrate

        29.8     Natural Occurrence

        29.9     Preparation

        29.10   Physical Properties

        29.11   Uses

                     29.11.1   Medical

                     29.11.2   Agriculture

                     29.11.3   Food Preparation

        29.12   Chemistry

        29.13   Construction

        29.14   Aquaria

        29.15   Double Salts

        29.16   The Role of Magnesium in Crops

        29.17   Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency

        29.18   The Role of Magnesium in the Soil

        29.19   Magnesium in the Soil

        29.20   Relationship of Magnesium to Calcium in Soils

30.  Magnesium Sulphate Manufacturing

        30.1     Manufacturing Process

                     30.1.1     Step – 1 Reacto

                     30.1.2     Step – 2 Filtration Through Filter Press

                     30.1.3     Step – 3 Crystallization

                     30.1.4     Step – 4 Centrifugation

31.  Liquid Fertilizer Production (Liquefaction)

        31.1     Liquid Fertilizer Contains this Primary Element

        31.2     Complex Fertilizers

        31.3     Colloidal Clay

                     31.3.1     Bentonite

        31.4     Orchard or Vineyard

                     31.4.1     Leaf Analysis

                     31.4.2     Sampling/Analysis

                     31.4.3     Fruitlet Mineral Analysis

        31.5     Benefits

                     31.5.1     Easy to Apply Nutrients

                     31.5.2     High Liquid Concentrate

                     31.5.3     Fast Acting Feed

                     31.5.4     Liquid Lawn Fertilizer vs. Granular

                     31.5.5     Types of Liquid Fertilizer

        31.6     How Does Liquid Fertilizer Work?

        31.7     Apply Liquid Fertilizer

        31.8     Different Types of Formulas

32.  Organic Fertilizer

        32.1     Examples and Sources

        32.2     Minerals

        32.3     Animal Sources

        32.4     Plant

        32.5     Peat

        32.6     Human Waste

        32.7     Others

                     32.7.1     Farming Application

        32.8     Comparison

                     32.8.1     Nutrient Density

        32.9     Soil Biology

        32.10   Consistency

        32.11   Source of Organic Fertilizers

        32.12   Importance of Organic Fertilizer

        32.13   Impacts of Organic Fertilizer Application on Soil Properties

        32.14   Role of Organic Fertilizer for Agriculture

        32.15   Advantages

        32.16   Types

                     32.16.1   Manure

                     32.16.2   Compost

                     32.16.3   Rock Phospate

                     32.16.4   Chicken Litter

                     32.16.5   Bone Meal

                     32.16.6   Vermicompost

33.  Manure Production

        33.1     Factors that Affect Manure Composition

        33.2     Feeding and Nutrient Excretion

        33.3     Water Consumption

        33.4     In-Barn Water Use

        33.5     Livestock Bedding

        33.6     In-Barn Drying Systems

        33.7     Weather

        33.8     Manure Storage Design

        33.9     Microbial Decomposition and other Nutrient and Moisture Transformations

        33.10   Settling of Solids – Liquid Pig Manure

        33.11   Manure Sampling and Analysis

        33.12   General Guidelines for Sampling Manure

        33.13   Sampling Well Agitated Liquid Manure

        33.14   Sampling Partially Agitated Liquid Manure

        33.15   Sampling Manure from Multi-Celled Systems

        33.16   Sampling Solid Manure

        33.17   Laboratory Analyses for Manure

        33.18   Rapid In-Field Testing of Liquid Manure

        33.19   Moisture and Dry Matter Content

        33.20   Nitrogen

        33.21   Carbon to Nitrogen Ratios and Nitrogen Availability
from Manure

        33.22   Phosphorus Forms in Manure

        33.23   Estimated Available N: P2O5 Ratios

        33.24   Potassium

        33.25   Sulphur

        33.26   Micronutrients and Other Trace Elements in Manure

        33.27   Salts in Manure

        33.28   By-Products of Manure Treatment

                     33.28.1   Composting

        33.29   Solid – Liquid Separation

        33.30   Centrifuge

        33.31   Rotary Press

        33.32   VP Systems Air Floatation and Belt Filter Press

        33.33   Gravity Separation

        33.34   Anaerobic Digestion

34.  Classifications of Manure

        34.1     Types

                     34.1.1     Animal Manure

                     34.1.2     Compost

                     34.1.3     Green Manure

        34.2     Uses

                     34.2.1     Animal Manure

        34.3     Issues

                     34.3.1     Livestock Antibiotics

                     34.3.2     Bulky Organic Manures

                     34.3.3     Farmyard Manure

                     34.3.4     Sheep and Goat Manure

                     34.3.5     Poultry Manure

                     34.3.6     Concentrated Organic Manures

                     34.3.7     Oil Cakes

                     34.3.8     Other Concentrated Organic Manures

                     34.3.9     Animal Based Concentrated Organic Manures

35.  Crop Nutrient Production

        35.1     Crop Nutrients

        35.2     Nutrients Plants Require for Growth

        35.3     Soil-Derived Macronutrients

        35.4     Soil-Derived Micronutrients

        35.5     The Most Important Crop Nutrients

        35.6     Importance of Crop Nutrition Management

36.  ISO Standards

37.  Fertilizer Standards List

38.  Factory Layout and Process Flow Chart & Diagrams

39.  Photographs of Plant and Machinery with Supplier’s Contact Details

            Ammonia Chillers

            Fertilizer Cleaner

            Fertilizer Pan Mixer

            Fertilizer Granule Making Machine

            Fertilizers Bagging and Packaging Machine

            Fertilizer Granulator

            Blender Machine

            Hot Blast Valve & Blast Furnace

            Pulverizer Mills

            Hammer Mill

            Bucket Elevator

            Air Compressor

            Ribbon Mixer

            Tray Dryer

            EOT Crane

            Weigh Feeder

            High Pressure Compressor

            Control Panel

            Steel Jacketed Tank

            Storage Tank