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The Complete Technology Book on Herbal Beauty Products (Cosmetic Industry) with Formulations, Manufacturing Process, Machinery Equipment Details & Plant Layout (4th Edition) ( New Arrival ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Author Dr. Himadri Panda ISBN 9788195370160
Code ENI340 Format Paperback
Price: Rs 1850   1850 US$ 61   61
Pages: 408 Published 2025
Publisher Asia Pacific Business Press Inc.
Usually Ships within 5

The Complete Technology Book on

Herbal Beauty Products (Cosmetic Industry)

with Formulations, Manufacturing Process, Machinery Equipment Details & Plant Layout

Herbs from India and their significance are well-known around the world. Herbal Beauty Products are in high demand on the global market and are a priceless gift from nature. Herbal formulations have always piqued interest due to their high activity and, in comparison to synthetic medications, fewer or no negative effects. Herbs and spices have long been used to improve and maintain human beauty. Extensive herbal beauty treatments were once performed in India's royal palaces to heighten sensual appeal and preserve general hygiene. Herbal Oil, Herbal Perfume, herbal conditioner, herbal soap, herbal shampoo, and other herbal cosmetics are created and used on a daily basis. They are gentle on the skin because they are manufactured with botanical components that are high in natural vitamins and antioxidants. With time, they will only make skin healthier and gentler.

The demand in the herbal beauty products market will grow at approximately 6.1% CAGR. The target market nearly holds ~5.9% share in the overall beauty products industry. Increasing focus on healthy skin and hair and surging demand for natural remedies has positioned the herbal beauty products market. The increased demand for chemical-free hair and skin products along with growing awareness about cruelty-free cosmetics products is supporting the market growth. The significant rise in the influence of social media and beauty blogs that are communicating the benefits of herbal Cosmetics products is likely to influence sales of herbal beauty products. The availability of the various types of herbal beauty products and improving distribution networks are playing a key role to drive market growth.

The book covers a wide range of topics connected to Herbal Beauty Products, as well as their formula. It also includes contact information for machinery suppliers, as well as images of equipment and plant layout.

A comprehensive reference to manufacturing and entrepreneurship in the Herbal Beauty Products business. This book is a one-stop shop for everything you need to know about the Herbal Beauty Products manufacturing industry, which is ripe with potential for manufacturers, merchants, and entrepreneurs. This is the only comprehensive guide to commercial herbal cosmetics manufacture. It provides a feast of how-to knowledge, from concept through equipment purchase.


Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................1

1.1. Preparation of Herbal Cosmetics

1.1.1. Botanicals

1.1.2. Colouring Ingredients

1.2.          Benefits

2. HERBAL BATH PRODUCTS..........................................................................7

2.1. The Herbal Bath

2.2. Floating Herbal Bath Oils

2.2.1. Floating Bath Oil Formula

2.3. Dispersing Bath Oils

2.3.1 Dispersing Bath Formula

2.4. Herbal Bath Vinegar

2.4.1. Vinegar Oil Formula

2.4.2. Two-Layered Vinegar Oil Formula

2.5. Aromatic Bath Salts

2.5.1. Aromatic Bath Salts Formula

2.6. Herbal Combinations for the Bath

2.6.1. Steam Baths

2.6.2. An Herbal Bath Experience

2.6.3. Foot or Hand Bath

2.6.4. Herbal Body Powders Aromatic Baby Powder Formula Lavender Sunrise Body Powder Formula Men's Powder Formula Foot Powder Formula

3. HERBAL HAIR CARE PRODUCTS............................................................ 15

3.1. Normal Hair

3.2. Dry Hair

3.3. Oily Hair

3.4. Shampoo

3.4.1. Herbal Shampoo Formula

3.4.2. Herbal Hair Rinse Formula

3.5. Herbal Hair Treatment Formulas

3.5.1. Scalp Treatment Formula

3.5.2. Herbs for Hair Care Formula

3.5.3. Essential Oils for Hair Care Formula

3.5.4. Lice Treatment Formula

3.5.5. Baldness Treatment Formula Hair-Growth Formula

3.6. An Herbal Miscellany

3.6.1. Nail Care Formula

3.6.2. Antifungal Nail Oil Formula

3.6.3. Herbal Conditioning Nail Soak Formula

3.7. Natural Deodorant

4. AYURVEDIC & HERBAL MASSAGE PRODUCTS .................................. 22

4.1. Legal Implications and Safety Precautions

4.2. Extra Touches

4.3. Special Types of Massage

4.4. Cellulite Massage

4.4.1. Cellulite Formula

4.5. Pregnancy Massage

4.5.1. Oil For a Pregnant Belly

4.6. Muscle Massage

4.6.1. Muscle Massage Oil Formula

4.7. Facial Massage

4.8. Baby Massage

4.8.1. Herbal Baby Oil Formula

4.8.2. Tummy-Rub Oil Formula

4.9. Spot Massage and Liniments

4.9.1 Liniments Formula

4.10. The Herbal Therapy Massage
4.11. Heart and Circulation
4.11.1. Formula for Varicose Veins
4.12. Digestive System
4.12.1 Tummy Soother Massage Oil Formula
4.12.2 Digestive Tonic Tea Formula
4.12.3 Natural Ginger Ale Formula
4.13. Bowel Problems
4.13.1. Liver Tonic Formula
4.14. Respiratory System
4.14.1. Homemade Nasal Inhaler Formula
4.14.2. Disinfectant Room Spray Formula
4.14.3. Throat Spray/Gargle Formula
4.14.4. Vapor Balm Formula
4.14.5. Poultice Formula
4.15. Musculoskeletal System
4.15.1. Pain Formula
4.16. Nervous System
4.16.1. Relaxing/Antidepressant Formula
4.16.2. Neuralgia Relief Formula

4.17. Glandular System
4.17.1. Adrenal Support Formula
4.18. Urinary Tract
4.18.1. Bladder Infection Relief Formula
4.19. Reproductive System
4.20. PMS and Menstrual Cramps
4.20.1. Menstrual Cramp Oil Formula
4.21. Yeast Infections
4.21.1. Yeast Relief Formula
4.22. Vaginal Bolus
4.22.1. Bolus Recipe Formula
4.23. Poor Circulation
4.24. Menopause
4.25. Nine Essential Oils for Women's Complaints
4.26. Pregnancy
4.27. Lactation
4.28. Prostatitis
4.28.1. Prostate Oil Formula
4.28.2. Male Hormonal Tonic Formula
4.29. Viral Skin Infections Formula
4.29.1. Genital-Wart Oil
4.30. Herpes
4.30.1. Herpes Formula
4.31. Miscellaneous Complaints–
Cuts and Scrapes
4.31.1. Antiseptic Skin Spray Formula
4.32. Fungal Infections
4.32.1. Antifungal Powder Formula
4.32.2. Soak Those Pups Formula
4.33. Rashes Caused By Poisonous Plants
4.33.1. Poison Oak/Ivy/Sumac Remedy Formula
4.34. Inflammation and Burns
4.34. 1. Sunburn Spray Formula
4.35. Insect Bites and Other Critter Attacks
4.35.1. First-Aid Remedy Formula
4.35.2. Clay Poultice Formula
4.35.3. Insect-Aside Bug Repellant Formula
4.35.4. Cootie Oil Formula
4.36. Ears and Eyes
4.36.1. Aromatherapy Ear Rub Formula
4.36.2. Herbal Ear Oil Formula
4.37. Boosting Immunity
4.37.1. Basic Immune Tonic Blend Formula
4.38. Children
4.38.1. Tummy-Rub Oil Formula
4.38.2. Neck Wrap Formula
4.38.3. Dilly Pillow Formula
5. HERBAL PERFUMES FORMULATION ................................................... 56

5.1. Handkerchief Essences

5.2. Compound Essences

5.3. Forget-Me-Not

5.4. Remember-Me

5.5. Sir Walter Scott

5.6. Essence Jasmine

5.7. Glori Daucher

5.8. Kiss-Me-Quick

5.9. Jockey Club

5.10. Musk Rose
5.11. Essence Victoria
5.12. American Beauty
5.13. Essence Tuberose Lily
5.14. Essence Rose
5.15. Nizam Monte Cristo
5.16. Sultana
5.17. Lavenia
5.18. Jung Bahadur
5.19. Jubilee Rajanigandha
5.20. Madhumalati
5.21. Cananga Kusum
5.22. Marsenil
5.23. Lily Blossom
5.24. Chandra Mallika
5.25. Cherry Laurel
5.26. Emperor
5.27. Cashmere Bakul
5.28. Coronation
5.29. Cherry Vanilla
5.30. Prince Rose
5.31. Bouqet Empress
5.32. Durbar
5.33. Viceroy Verbena
5.34. Napoleon Lily
5.35. Chypre
5.36. Heliotrope
5.37. Essence Bouquet

5.38. Lilac
5.39. Hyacinth
5.40. Bridal Bouquet
5.41. Oriental Bouquet
6. FLOWER BASED HERBAL PERFUMES FORMULAE .......................... 72

6.1. Rose Formula’s

6.1.2. Rose No.1
6.1.3. Rose F
6.1.4. Rose H
6.1.5. Rose Rouge
6.1.6. Rose Blanehe
6.1.7. Rose M S

6.2. Jasmin Formula’s

6.2.1. Jasmin No. 1

6.2.2. Jasmin No. 2
6.2.3. Jasmin Fantasy No. 3
6.2.4. Jasmonone No. 4
6.2.5. Jasmonone No. 4a
6.2.6. Jasmin Base No. 5
6.2.7. Jasmin Base No. 5a

6.3.  Orangeflower and Nerol Formula’s

6.3.1. Orangeflower A

6.3.2. Neroli A

6.4. Violet Formula’s

6.4.1. Violet No.1
6.4.2. Violet No. 2
6.4.3. Parma Violets Absolute, Art
6.4.4. Violet Base

6.5. Acacia

6.6. Broom

6.7. Carnation Formula’s

6.7.1. Base Claveline No.1

6.7.2. Base Claveline No. 2

6.7.3. Oeillet De Nice No. 3

6.7.4. Carnation Flowers No. 4
6.7.5. Oeillet Des Dunes No. 5

6.8. Cyclamen

6.9. Fougere (Fern) Formula’s

6.9.1. Fougers No. 1

6.9.1. Fougere No. 2
6.10. Gardenia Formula’s
6.10.1. Gardenia No. 1
6.10.2. Gardenia No. 2
6.10.3. Gardenia FS
6.11. Hawthorn
6.12. Heliotrope
6.13. Honeysuckle Formula’s
6.13.1. Chevrefeuille No. 1
6.14. Hyacinth Formula’s
6.14.1 Hyacinth No. 1
6.15. Iris
6.16. Lilac Formula’s
6.16.1. Lilac Base 1
6.16.2. Lilac No. 2
6.16.3. Lilac No. 3
6.17. Lily-of-The-Valley Formula’s
6.17.1. Muguet No. 1
6.17.2. Muguet No. 2
6.18. Linden (Lime Blossom) Formula’s
6.18.1. Tillual No. 1
6.19. Magnolia
6.20. Mignonette (Reseda) Formula’s
6.20.1 Reseda No. 1
6.21. Mimosa
6.22. Narcissus Formula’s
6.22.1. Base Narceine No. 1
6.22.2. Narcissus No. 2
6.23. Nardo
6.24. New-Mown Hay
6.25. Nicotiana
6.26. Opopanax Formula’s
6.26.1. Opopanax Art. L
6.27. Orchid (Orchidee)
6.28. Pansy
6.29. Peony
6.30. Phlox
6.31. Stockes
6.32. Sweet Pea Formula’s
6.32.1. Pois De Senteure No. 1
6.32.2. Sweet Pea No. 2
6.33. Syringa (Philadelphus) Formula’s
6.33.1. Aldehyde G Blend
6.33.2. Syringa No. 1

6.34. Trefle (Clover) Formula’s
6.34.1. Trefle No. 1
6.35. Tuberose Formula’s
6.35.1. Base Tuberose No. 1
6.35.2. Base Tuberose No. 2 ('Tuberic Alcohol')
6.35.3. Tuberose No. 3
6.36. Verbena Formula’s
6.36.1. Verveine No. 1
6.37. Wallflower
6.38. Wistaria
6.39. Ylang-Ylang Formula’s
6.39.1. Ylang No. 1
7. SPECIAL TYPE HERBAL PERFUME FORMULAS...............................116
7.1. Bergamot-Vanilla Base
7.2. Aldehydic Base A. 1
7.3. Aldehydic Base A. 2
7.4. Curacao Base
7.5. Cuir Base C. 1
7.6. Cuir Base 2
7.7. Woody Base B. 1
7.8. Moss Base M. 1
7.9. Base 1. 5
7.10. Moss Base M. 2
7.11. Floral Bouquest Perfumes
7.11.1. Perfume QH NP. 1
7.11.2. Bouvardia BM
7.11.3. Perfume AO
7.11.4. Perfume TL
7.11.5. Perfume F
7.11.6. Perfume HB
7.11.7. Perfume AR
7.12. Aldehydic Perfumes
7.12.1. Perfume VN
7.12.1. Perfume C
7.12.3. Perfume SP
7.13. Chypre Types
7.13.1. Perfume C. 2
7.13.2. Base Chypre H
7.13.3. Perfume MD
7.13.4. Chypre 1. D.
7.13.5. Perfume V. W.
7.13.6. Base S.H.

7.13.7. Perfume J
7.14. Green Perfumes
7.14.1. Hyacinth Green Base No. 10
7.14.2. Perfume P No. 2
7.15. Dominant Note Types
7.15.1. Perfume D
7.16. The Ambergris Note
7.16.1. Perfume BM
7.17. Manufacturing Processes
7.18. Alcoholic Strengths
7.19. Control

8.1. Mode of Preparation

8.2. Rose Formula

8.3. Sandal Formula

8.4. Lavender Formula

8.5. Lily Formula

8.6. Henna Formula

8.7. Khus Formula

8.8. Violet Formula

8.9. Cherry Laurel Formula

8.10. Tuberose Formula
8.11. Bela Formula
8.12. Jasmine Formula
8.13. Champaka Formula
8.14. Bakul Formula
8.15. Rose
8.16. Ordinary Formula

9.1. Hair Lotions

9.2. Cantharides Lotion

9.3. Millefleurs Lotion

9.4. Hungary Lotion

9.5. Lavenia Lotion

9.6. Odour Delectabilis

9.7. Hair Stimulating Lotion

9.8. Lipsticks

9.9. Pomades

9.10. The Mode of Preparation
9.11. Pomade A La Rose
9.12. Pomade A La Jasmine

9.13. Vanishing Cream
9.14. Cold Cream
9.15. Face Powders
9.16. Talcum Toilet Powder
9.17. Face Lotion
9.18. Sun Burn Lotion
9.19. Hair Curling Lotion
9.20. Nail Polishes
9.21. Finger-Tip Colouring
9.22. Freckle Lotion
9.23. Rouge Sticks
9.24. Hair Fixative
9.25. Non-Greasy Hair Cream
9.26. Cantharides Hair Wash
9.27. Coconut Oil Shampoo
9.28. Lime Juice Cream
9.29. Lime Juice Glycerine
9.30. Wrinkle Remover
9.31. Bindi Liquid
9.32. Bindi Stick
9.33. Liquid Brilliantine
9.34. Corn Salve
9.35. Stick Cosmetic
9.36. Scent Cards
9.37. Perfume Tablet
10. HERBAL SKIN-CARE PRODUCTS ..........................................................176
10.1. Cleansers Formula
10.1.1. Dry-Skin Cleansing Solution
10.1.2. Oily-Skin Cleansing Solution
10.2. Exfoliants Formula
10.2.1. Facial Scrub
10.2.2. Herbal Scrub for Teenage Skin
10.3. Facial Steams Formula
10.3.1. The Basic Recipe
10.4. Facial Masks Formula
10.4.1. Mask for Dry Skin
10.4.2. Mask for Oily Skin
10.4.3. Mask for Acne Skin
10.4.4. Intensive Treatment For Acne
10.4.5. Mask for Combination Skin
10.4.6. Exfoliating Mask for All Skin Types

10.5. Toners Formula
10.5.1. Toner for Oily or Problem Skin
10.5.2. Toner for Dry or Mature Skin
10.5.3. Toner for Delicate or Couperose Skin
10.6. Astrigent Lotions Formula’s For All Skin Types
10.6.1. Lemon Astrigent Lotion
10.6.2. Nutmeg Astrigent Lotion
10.6.3. Sandalwood Astrigent Lotion
10.6.4. Rosemary Astrigent Lotion
10.6.5. Lilly Astrigent Lotion
10.6.6. Witch Hazel Astrigent Lotion
10.6.7. Peppermint Astrigent Lotion
10.6.8 Anti-Dandruff Preparations
10.6.9. Anti-Dandruff Lemon Preparations
10.6.10 Anti-Dandruff Sesame Preparations
10.6.11. Night Creams
10.6.12. Apple Night Cream
10.6.13. Almond Night Cream
10.6.14. Nourishing Creams/ Day Time Creams
10.6.15. Anti-Wrinkle Cucumber Cream
10.6.16. Anti-Wrinkle Apricot Cream
10.7. Sunscreen Lotions Formula’s For All Types of Skin
10.7.1. Lime Complexion Lotion
10.7.2. Lavender Complexion Lotion
10.7.3. Almond Complexion Lotion
10.7.4. Sesame Complexion Lotion
10.7.5. Brooke Lime Complexion Lotion
10.7.6. Lime Shampoo
10.7.7. Lavender Shampoo
10.7.8. Sandalwood Shampoo
10.7.9. Neem Shampoo
10.7.10. Methi-Shikakai Shampoo
10.7.11. Face Packs for Dry Skin
10.7.12. Egg Face Pack
10.7.13. Face Pack for Oily Skin
10.7.14. Face Pack for Patchy Skin
10.7.15. Red Elm Face Pack
10.8. Skin Toning Lotions Formula
10.8.1. Sunflower Skin Toning Lotion
10.8.2. Cleansing Creams/Cold Creams
10.8.3. Oatmeal Cleansing Cream
10.8.4. Chamomile Cleansing Cream
10.8.5. Face Packs or Face Masks

10.8.6. Face Packs for Normal Skin
10.8.7. Bail Fruit Face Pack
10.8.8. Herbal Tea-I
10.8.9. Herbal Tea-II
10.8.10. Herbal Tea-III
10.8.11. Herbal Tea-IV
10.8.11. Herbal Tea-V
10.8.13. Herbal Tea-VI
10.9. Herbal Tooth Paste Formula
Arodent Gum & Dental Paste Formula
10.10. Medimix - Herbal Soap Formula
10.11. Sualin - Herbal Tablet for Cough & Cold Formula
10.12. Herbal Cosmetic Embodiment Containing Aloe Vera Formula
10.13. Detailed Description of the Preferred Embodiment
10.14.Skin Therapeutic Mixture Containing Aloe Vera Extract
10.15. Decongestant Composition Containing Aloe Vera Formula
10.16. Therapeutic Skin Lotion Formula
10.17. Therapeutic Skin Gel Formula
10.18. Therapeutic Body Cleansing Lather Formula
10.19. Herbal Tooth Paste Containing Aloe Vera Formula
1. Activation of Blood Circulation
2. Anaemia & Weakness
3. Arthritis & Rheumatism
4. Asthma Bronchitis
5. Brain Tonic
6. Cancer
7. Chronic Constipation
8. Chronic Fever
9. Cough & Cold
10. Cysts
11. Dental Diseases
12. Diabetes
13. Diarrhoea & Dysentery
14. Epilepsy & Hysteria
15. Eye Tonic
16. Female Sterility
17. Fistula
18. Fractures & Dislocation of Bones
19. Gastritis
20. General Health Tonic

21. Hair Problems
22. Heart Tonic
23. High Blood Pressure
24. Hyper Acidity & Peptic Ulcer
25. Impotency
26. Indigestion & Lack of Appetite
27. Intestinal Worms
28. Leucoderma
29. Leucorrhoea
30. Liver Tonic
31. Male Sterility
32. Migraine
33. Obesity
34. Paralysis
35. Piles
36. Prostate Enlargement
37. Sexual Debility
38. Skin Diseases & Allergy
39. Sleeplessness
40. Stones in Urinary Tract
41. Throat Diseases
42. Thyroid Problems
43. Anaemia & Weakness
44. Anaemia & Weakness
(Anaemia in Pregnant Women)
45. Analgesic & Antiinflammatory
46. Anthelmintics (Antiameobic, Antiworms)
47. Anti-Fungal & Anti-Bacterial
48. Anti Histaminics
49. Arthritis & Rheumatism
50. Asthma Bronchitis
51. Asthma Bronchitis + Allergy
52. Brain Tonic
53. Cholesterol
54. Cold and Cough
55. Diabetes-I
56. Diabetes-Ii
57. Diarrhoea & Dysentery
58. Female Disorders
59. Fever & Cold
60. Fractures & Dislocation of Bones
61. General Health Tonic
62. High Blood Pressure

63. Indigestion & Lack of Appetite
64. Lactation-I
65. Lactation-Ii
66. Laxative-I
67. Laxative-Ii
68. Liver Tonic
69. Obesity
70. Piles
71. Respiratory Congestion
72. Spondylitis
73. Throat Diseases
74. Urinary Infection
75. Uterine-I
76. Uterine-Ii
77. Vigor & Vitality-I
78. Vigor & Vitality-Ii
79. Vigor & Vitality-Iii
80. Vigor & Vitality-Iv
81. Allergy
82. Arthritis
83. Asthma
84. Blood Purifier
85. Brain Tonic
86. Common Cold
87. Cough & Cold
88. Dental Problem
89. Diabetes
90. Diarrhoea
91. Digestive
92. General Health
93. Heart Tonic-I
94. Heart Tonic-Ii
95. Indigestion & Lack of Appetite
96. Impotency
97. Iron-Calcium Tablets
98. Lactation in Animals
99. Laxative
100. Liver Restorative-I
101. Liver Restorative-Ii
102. Malaria
103. Muscles and Bones
104. Nervotonic
105. Obesity & Strengthen Heart Muscles

106. Spasmodic
107. Urinary Stones and Crystalluria
108. Uterine
109. Vitality & Power
110. Aids
111. Anti-Malarial
112. Baby Health Tonic
113. Blood Purifier
114. Bronchial Asthma
115. Cardiovascular
116. Cough Reliever-I
117. Cough Reliever-II
118. Cough Reliever-III
119. Diarrohoea
120. Female Disorders
121. General Health Tonic
122. Gastritis
123. Liver Restorative
124. Memory Tonic
125. Cold and Cough Cream
126. Piles Ointment-I
127. Piles Ointment-II
128. General Skin Care Cream
129. Burn Ointment
130. Balm
131. Baby Massage Oil
132. Breast Tone up Gel
133. Hair Dry Shampoo
134 Skin Stretch Ointment
135. Mouth Ulcer Cream
136. Skin Powder
137. Paraplegia
138. Skin Diseases
139. Balachatur Bhadraka
140. Heart Disease
141. Kumari Asava (use in Ashtma)
142. Amritashtakapachana (Dysetry, Diarrhoea)
143. Demulcent in Irritation
144. Epilepsy
145. Rheumatism and Gout
146. Skin Diseases / Malaria
147. Ulceration of Skin
148. Dysentery

149. Heart Diseases / Leprosy
150. Nervous Diseases / Rheumatism / Lumbago
151. Irritation & Fever
152. Disordered Mensuration
153. Flatulency, Diarrhoea, Vomiting
154. Remittent Fevers
155. Bronchitis & Pneumonia
156. Fevers, Melancholia
157. Diseases of Genito-Urinary Organ
158. Urinary Disorders
159. Chronic Diarrhoea / Dyspepsia
160. Fever, Diarrhoea / Dysentry
161. Cough / Asthma / Phthisis
162. Tetanus
163. Vomiting
164. Fever and Cough
165. Cough and Asthma
166. Vomiting / Nausea
167. Facial Paralysis
168. Anthelmintic Powder
169. Relieve Pain of Inflammatory Swellings
170. Jaundice & Anasarca
171. Hemiplegia & Facial Paralysis
172. Diuretic and Demulcent Mixture
173. Diaphoretic and Diuretic Tonic
174. Leucorrhoea
175. Cathartic and Anthelmintic
176. Diarrhoea, Dysentry
177. Skin Diseases
178. Lotion for Wounds & Ulcers
179. Leucorrhoea & Paralysis
180. Chronic Dysentry and Diarrhoea
181. Ulcers & Gonorrhoea
182. Dysentry Combined With Vomiting and Hiccough
183. Nervous Headache, Flafulence
184. Eczema and Pityriasis
185. Diarrhoea / Dysentry / Internal Piles
186. Nervous Debility / Impotency
187. Dry Cough
188. Leucorrhoea / Seminal Weakness
189. Skin Diseases
190. Rheumatism-I
191. Rheumatism-Ii

192. Brights Disease
193. Itching / Leucoderma
194. Herbal Tonic
195. Ointments
196. Curative for Spermatorrhoea
197. Facial Paralysis
198. Cephalic Tonic
199. Useful in Piles
200. Bowel Tonic
201. Phrodisiac / Semenagogue
202. Facial Paralysis
203. Depurative
204. Useful in Leprosy
205. Nervine Tonic
206. Aicatarrhal
207. Anti-Rheumatic and Antiarthritic
208. Prevent Abortion
209. Liver Tonic
210. Expels Stones, Oxalic and Uric Acid Crystals from Kidney
211. Anaesthesia and Numbness
212. Internal Inflammations
213. Nervine, Semenagogue
214. Useful in Asthma
215. Antiapoplectic
216. Leucorrhoea and Uteral Pain
217. Curative for Leucorrhoea
218. Stomachic & Cathartic
219. Aperient & Analgesics
220. Relieving Constipation
221. Anthelmintic
222. Relief in Headache and Cold
223. Antisyphilitic Agent and Coolant
224. Carminative
225. Relief in Asthma
226. Nephritis & Diuretic
227. Ceretoral, Liver and Stomach Tonic
228. Stomachic, Appetizing
229. Antidyspeptic
230. Tonic for Heart, Brain and Liver
231. Digestive, Appetizing
232. Cerebral Tonic
233. Digestive, Carminative, Appetizing
234. Prophylactic against Fever

235. Blind and Bleeding Piles
236. Relieves Headache
237. Sex Harmones Restorative
238. Blood Pressure
239. Cough and Cold
240. Blood Purifier
241. Stomach and Bowel Pains
242. Enhances Retentive Power
243. High Grade Retention Agent
244. Kidney and Gall Bladder Tonic
245. Cardiac, Cerebral and Liver Tonic
246. Tranquillizer and Antifibrilliant
247. Liver and Spleen Tonic
248. General Tonic
249. Facial Paralysis
250. Curative for Gonorrhoea and Bueorrhoea
251. Antidysentric and Curative for Loose Bowels
252. Preventive for Menses during Pregnancy
253. Slimming Agent
254. Dental Tonic
255. Curative for Piles
256. Digestive, Analgesic for Stomachache
257. Antidiabetic
258. Uteral Tonic
12. BIS SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................309
SUPPLIER’S CONTACT DETAILS ............................................................311
• Hair Gel Manufacturing Plant
• Ointment Machine
• Shampoo Filling Machine
• Automatic Shaving Cream Machine
• Toothpaste Filling and Sealing Machine
• Talcum Powder Manufacturing Plant
• Face Wash Filling Machine
• Automatic Soap Cutting Machine
• Three Phase Liquid Soap Making Machine
• Electrical Perfume Making Machine
• Automatic Nail Polish Bottle Capping Machine
• Nail Polish Filling Machine
• Herbal Oil Extraction Machine
• Herbal Extraction Unit
• Talcum Powder Filling Machine

• Herbal Shampoo Mixer Machine
• Herbal Shampoo Plant
• Essential Oil Steam Distillation Unit
• Baby Oil Expeller
• Herbal Tea Bag Packing Machine
• Pain Ointment Balm Filling Machine