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50 Projects To Start With 5,00,000 (Reprint Edition) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Author Jamuna Muralidharan ISBN 9788178330600
Code ENI54 Format Paperback
Price: Rs 475   475 US$ 13   13
Pages: 296 Published 2003
Publisher Asia Pacific Business Press Inc.
Usually Ships within 5 days

The small scale sector is assuming greater importance every day. Hundreds of thousands of people start their own businesses every year, and untold more dream about the possibility of becoming their own bosses. While entrepreneurship has its many potential rewards, it also carries unique challenges. You need to understand the environment to set up an enterprise of your own. Setting up a business requires many things. Understanding yourself, understanding market, availing funds are certain basic things that one must mandatorily know before making a business decision. 

Startup India Stand up

Our Prime Minister unveiled a 19-point action plan for start-up enterprises in India. Highlighting the importance of the Standup India Scheme, Hon’ble Prime minister said that the job seeker has to become a job creator. Prime Minister announced that the initiative envisages loans to at least two aspiring entrepreneurs from the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Women categories. It was also announced that the loan shall be in the ten lakh to one crore rupee range. 

A startup India hub will be created as a single point of contact for the entire startup ecosystem to enable knowledge exchange and access to funding. Startup India campaign is based on an action plan aimed at promoting bank financing for start-up ventures to boost entrepreneurship and encourage startups with jobs creation. 

Startup India is a flagship initiative of the Government of India, intended to build a strong ecosystem for nurturing innovation and Startups in the country. This will drive sustainable economic growth and generate large scale employment opportunities. The Government, through this initiative aims to empower Startups to grow through innovation and design.


What is Startup India offering to the Entrepreneurs?

Stand up India backed up by Department of Financial Services (DFS) intents to bring up Women and SC/ST entrepreneurs. They have planned to support 2.5 lakh borrowers with Bank loans (with at least 2 borrowers in both the category per branch) which can be returned up to seven years.

PM announced that “There will be no income tax on startups’ profits for three years”

PM plans to reduce the involvement of state government in the startups so that entrepreneurs can enjoy freedom.


No tax would be charged on any startup up to three years from the day of its establishment once it has been approved by Incubator.

Basically this book gives you the opportunity to choose your ideal project among the 50 projects described. Some of them are: dish antenna manufacturing unit, voltage transformer, S.M.P.S unit, sanitary article shop, screen printing, computer centre, detergent powder, liquid indigo, liquid phenyl, leather jacket, airbag and purse, handmade bricks, bamboo sticks, goat farming etc. This book also explains employment assurance scheme, how to increase the sales, knowing more about bank loan, loan facilities for women entrepreneurs, small scale service business enterprise, etc.
The book has been written for the benefit of small entrepreneurs who do not wish to invest large amount and case has been taken to present the matter in a very simple and comprehensive language so that person without much technical background can grasp the subject easily. More than 50 profitable products have been included in this book with brief project profiles, processes, addresses of machinery and raw material suppliers. This is very helpful book for new entrepreneurs, consultants, libraries etc. 

Opportunity Factors Influencing Entrepreneurship
Employment Assurance Scheme
How to Increase the Sales of Your Products?
Knowing More About Bank Loan : Why Do We Need Margin Money?
Loan Facilities for Women Entrepreneurs
Small Scale Service Business Enterprise
How to Obtain Eco Mark Labels for Your Products
Manufacture of Rubber (Nylon) Stamp Using New Techniques
Printed circuit boards (PCB)
Dish Antenna Manufacturing Unit
Rechargeable Torch assembling unit
Voltage Transformer 
S.M.P.S. Unit
Computer Software Service Unit
Domestic Electrical Equipments and Electric Goods Servicing Unit
Workshop for Repairing and 
Servicing of Refrigerators & Air Conditioners
Assembling Unit of Radio/Transistors
Repairing/Servicing of T.V. Sets
Computer Centre
Installation of Fax Machine for Commercial use
Staple pins manufacturing unit
Paper pins/all pins manufacturing unit 
Aluminium Utensils manufacturing unit
Sanitary Articles shop
screen printing
Mini Offset Printing Press
Paper Envelopes Manufacturing Unit
File Covers Manufacturing Unit
Stationery (Note books) Manufacturing Unit
In cense Sticks Manufacturing Unit
Detergent Powder
Liquid Indigo
Liquid Phenyl 
Unit of Chalk Crayons
Laundry Soap, Cake, Bar, Chips & Powder
Distemper Paint
Extraction of Silver from waste Hyposolution
(X-Ray and other Photographic Films)
Button from Acrylic Sheets
Small Plastic Items (Upto 45 gms)
Rural Tannery
Leather Jackets
Airbag and Purse
Hawai Chappal
Leather toys and other decoration items 
Soft Toys Manufacture
Knitting of Sweaters through Automatic Computerised Machine
Donaire Carpets unit
Surgical Bandages
Manufacture of Sari Falls
Readymade Garments (Ladies suit)
Socks Manufacturing Unit
Roofing Tiles Following M.C.R. Technique
Handmade Bricks
Tailor's Labels Manufacturing Unit
Cultivation of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Preparation of Presentation Articles from Dehydrated Flowers
Wooden Furniture
Bamboo Sticks
Wooden Photoframes Unit
Goat Farming
Small Dairy Farm 
Badminton Shuttle Cocks







Paper envelopes are among those stationery items whose demand is consistently increasing. The most popular and commonly used envelops are small envelopes, long envelopes, official envelopes, envelopes that are used for correspondence. The small sized envelopes are used for keeping medicines, long or big sized envelopes are used for keeping magazines, catalogues, invitation cards etc, official envelopes are used for official correspondence etc. The envelopes that are made up of useless papers are generally used to keep general items, medicine and other kinds of material. Seeing the trend that the people put the smallest piece of paper in envelopes their is no doubt that the used of envelopes is constantly increasing. There can be different types of envelopes namely:


  • Plain envelopes
  • Coloured envelopes
  • Printed (company's name and address)
  • Envelopes with windows
  • Envelopes made of useless papers etc.
  • [/ol]

    The production process of these envelopes is almost similar but alterations can always be made according to requirements., In the given unit envelopes of meplitho paper would be made and the ones to be used for packing purpose at departmental stores big envelopes would also be made for sending magazines catalogue, postage etc. For the sales of these envelopes, stationery shops offices and departmental stores would be contacted.

    Production Process

    The production process of envelopes is quite easy. First, all paper or craft paper is fixed over each other and then punch machine (or envelopes making machine) and dies are used to cut envelopes of a definite size. After the application of gum, these are left to dry. After they dry completely, they are arranged in cartons and sent to markets.

    Production Target

    S.No.DetailsQntyRateTotal Income
    1. White and coloured enveloped made up of meplitho paper, 9x15 cm, 11x17c.m and 13x28 cm 10 lakh envelopes 562.5/- per thousand Rs.5.625 lakh
    2. Brown and white envelops up of craft paper 6 lakh made upto average 26x31 cm 6 lakh 1250 per thousand 7.5 lakh
    3. Envelopes of different size made up of useless papers 10 lakh envelops 125/-Rs per thousand 1.25 lakh
      Total     14.375 lakh

    Financial Aspect of the Unit

    Working Place

    For the proposed unit about 800 sq.ft. of working place which can be rented or bought according to the entrepreneurs convenience.


    S.No.DetailsNo.RateTotal Cost
    1. Paper cutting machine(of 1H.P along with the motor) 1 37500 37500
    2. Envelope making machine size being 24x36 (5H.P alongwith the motor) 1 87500 87500
    3. Dies for cutting envelopes (of different sizes) 8 1250 10000
    4. Different tools and other supporting equipments     2500
    5. Sales tax over machines     12500
    6. Electrification installation charges     6250
      Total     156250

    Raw Materials (Annual)


    S.No.DetailsQntyRateTotalCost (Rs)
    1. Meplitho paper(white and other paper 70 GSM and more) 8 tonnes 56250/-tonne 450000
    2. Scrap Paper 14 tonnes 31250/-tonne 437500
    3. Useless paper 15 tonnes 4375/-tonne 65625
    4. Adhesive and other consumables     18750
      Total     971875


    S.No.DetailsNo.SalaryTotal Salary
    1. Manager 1 1875 1875
    2. Machine operator 1 1875 1875
    3. Helper 2 1250 2500
    4. Unskilled labour 4 750 3000
      Total     9250

    Printing Cost Over Envelopes

    Printing or screen printing is done on the envelopes as per the customer demands. This work is done with Screen printing process or a tradle/offset press, around 6250/- would be spent on this head.


    Around 7HP electricity connections is needed for this unit over which the monthly expenditure is estimated to be Rs 2500/-.

    Miscellaneous Expenses

    1. Advertising and Insurance 625
    2. Maintenance/Repairs 625
    3. Travelling/Carrying Charges 625
    4. Telephone 500
    5. Stationary/postage 250
    6. Others 625
      Total 3250

    Total Working Capital (Monthly)

    1. Raw Material 80990
    2. Salaries/Wages 9250
    3. Utilities 2500
    4. Misc. Expenditure 3250
    5. Rent of working Place 2000
    6. Printing charges over the envelopes 6250
      Total 104240

    Total Investment

    1. Machines/Equipments 156250
    2. Other fixed assets (Racks, table, furniture etc.) 12500
    3. Working capital (monthly) 104240
      Total 272990

    Finance for the Unit (PMRY)

    1. Margin Money 5% 13649.5
    2. Bank Loan 95% 259340.5
      Total 272990

    Annual Production Cost

    1. Working capital 1250880
    2. Depreciation of Machines/Equipments 15625
    3. Interest over Bank loan 40198
      Total 1306703

    Profitability of the Unit

    1. Annual Profits 130797
    2. Monthly Profit 10899.75
    3. Break Even Point 46.18%