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Handbook on Printing Technology (Offset, Flexo, Gravure, Screen, Digital, 3D Printing with Book Binding and CTP) 5th Revised Edition ( ) ( Best Seller ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Author NIIR Board of Consultants & Engineers ISBN 9788194099505
Code ENI73 Format Paperback
Price: Rs 1875   1875 US$ 45   45
Pages: 616 Published 2023
Publisher Asia Pacific Business Press Inc.
Usually Ships within 5 days

Printing is a process for reproducing text and image, typically with ink on paper using a printing press. It is often carried out as a large-scale industrial process, and is an essential part of publishing and transaction printing. Modern technology is radically changing the way publications are printed, inventoried and distributed. Printing technology market is growing, due to technological proliferation along with increasing applications of commercial printing across end users.

In India, the market for printing technology is at its nascent stage; however offers huge growth opportunities in the coming years. The major factors boosting the growth of offset printing press market are the growth of packaging industry across the globe, increasing demand in graphic applications, the wide range of application in various industry, and industrialization. 3D printing market is estimated to garner $8.6 billion in coming years. The global digital printing packaging market is expected to exceed more than US$ 40.02 billion by 2026 at a CAGR of 13.9%. Computer-to-plate systems are increasingly being combined with all digital prepress and printing processes.

This book is dedicated to the Printing Industry. In this book, the details of printing methods and applications are given. The book throws light on the materials required for the same and the various processes involved. This popular book has been organized to provide readers with a firmer grasp of how printing technologies are revolutionizing the industry.

The major content of the book are principles of contact (impression), principles of noncontact printing, coated grades and commercial printing, tests for gravure printing, tests for letterpress printing, tests for offset printing, screen printing, application of screen printing, offset lithography, planography, materials, tools and equipments, sheetfed offset machines, web offset machines, colour and its reproduction, quality control in printing, flexography, rotogravure, creative frees printer, shaftless spearheads expansion, digital printing, 3D printing, 3D printing machinery, book binding, computer-to-plate (ctp) and photographs of machinery with suppliers contact details.

A total guide to manufacturing and entrepreneurial success in one of today's most printing industry. This book is one-stop guide to one of the fastest growing sectors of the printing industry, where opportunities abound for manufacturers, retailers, and entrepreneurs. This is the only complete handbook on the commercial production of printing products. It serves up a feast of how-to information, from concept to purchasing equipment.



   1.   Introduction                                                            1


         Four Major Printing Processes

         Relief Printing Process

         The Process

         Letter Press Printing Process

         Plano Graphic


         The Advantages of Offset Printing Include

         Screen Printing Process

         Other Printing Methods

         Digital Printing

         Paper for Printing

   2.   Modern Printing Techniques                              15

         Printing (Press Operation)

         Colour Printing

         How a Printing Press Works

         The Latest Technologies in Printing Industry

         Digital Inkjet Printing

         3D Printing Rise

         Software Innovations

         Hybrid Print Technologies

         Efficient Technology

         Special Printing Technologies

         Basic Principles of Hybrid Printing System

         Hybrid Printing System Concepts of Combining Conventional Printing Technologies

         Hybrid Printing Systems Combining NIP Technologies

         Hybrid Printing Systems Combining Conventional and NIP Technologies

         Hybrid Printing Systems Combining Computer to Press/Direct Imaging with NIP Technologies

         Hybrid Printing Systems Combining Conventional Printing Technologies with Computer to Press Technologies

         Basic Principles of Waterless Offset Printing

         Advantages/Merits of Waterless Printing

         Qualitative Advantages

         Production Advantages

         Ecological Advantages

         Basic Principle of Digital Printing

         Flow Chart of Digital Composition of a Printed Page

         Direct Imaging (with master)

         Computer to Print (without master)

         Scope and Job suitability of Digital Printing Process

         Digital Printing has a very bright future because

         Digital Printing is Suitable for

         Basic Principle of Direct Imaging

         Once Imagebale Master (Plate Imaging)

         Re-imagebale Master (Surface Imaging)

   3.   Principles of Contact (Impression)

         Printing Processes                                               33


         Printing Methods                                                             

         The Printing System                                                        

         Preparatory Sections                                                        

         Halftone Photography                                                      



         Binding and Finishing                                                     

         Inks for Letterpress and Lithography                                

         Speciality Printing                                                           

   4.   Principles of Noncontact Printing                  82


         Impactless printing system for variable printing


   5.   Coated Grades and Commercial Printing      105

         Coated and Commercial Papers                                        

         Coating Methods                                                             

         Coating Materials                                                            


         Coated Paper Properties and Use                                       

   6.   Tests for Gravure Printing                              117


         Print Smoothness                                                            

         Gravure Print Testing                                                      

   7.   Tests for Offset Printing                                 123



         Surface Strength                                                             

         Water Resistance                                                             

         Mechanical Properties                                                      

         Web Runnability

   8.   Screen Printing                                                   130

         Select Correct Screen Printing Fabric                                

         An Antistatic Stencil Mesh                                               

         Screen Printing Frames                                                    

         Stretching Equipment                                                      

         Correct Stretching                                                           


         The Manufacture of Diapositives                                      


         The Diapositive                                                               

   9.   Application of Screen Printing                       177

         Screen Printing Accessories                                              


         Chemicals Used and Formulations                                   

         Common Faults in Screen Printing                                   

         Printing Unit                                                                   

         Automatic Screen Printing Machine                                  

         Screen Printing on Different Surfaces                               

         Inks for Screen Printing                                                   

10.   Offset Lithography                                            218

         Printing Processes                                                           

         Origin and History of Lithography                                   

         Job Planning                                                                   

         Evolution of Offset Printing                                             

         Offset Machine Construction                                           

         Pre-Make Ready and Make Ready                                     

         Setting the Machine for Operation                                   

         Small Offset                                                                    

         Running Problems                                                           



11.   Planography                                                         257

         Origin of Planography                                                     

         Principle of Planographic Printing                                    

         Direct Printing Process                                                    

         Offset Printing Process                                                     

         Working Process                                                              

12.   Materials, Tools and Equipments                   266

         Lithographic varnish                                                       



         French Chalk






         Dampening Cloth                                                            


         Tools and Equipments                                                     


         Ink Knife                                                                         


         Proofing Devices                                                              

         Mechanical Features                                                        

         Automatic Proof Presses402

         Qualities of a Good Proof                                                 

13.   Sheetfed Offset Printing                                 282

         Names of the machines                                                    

         Mechanical Features                                                        


         Sheet feeding mechanism                                                 

         Sheet board                                                                     

         Functions of blowers                                                       

         Functions of the blower foot                                            

         Sheet lifting and forwarding                                             

         Sheet Controls                                                                

         Sheet Register                                                                 

         Sheet Insertion and Transfer                                            

         Inking System                                                                 

         Distribution System                                                        

         Multiroll System                                                             

         Wash-up device                                                               

         Adjustment of Rollers                                                      

         Different Dampening Systems                                          

         Cleaning of Dampeners                                                    

         Construction of the machine                                            

         Working on the cleaning machine                                    

         Plate Cylinder                                                                 

         Blanket Cylinder                                                             

         Impression Cylinder                                                         

         Adjustment of Cylinders                                                  

         Advantages of Both Principles                                          

         Delivery Mechanism                                                        

         Anti-setoff Spray                                                             

         Miscellaneous Operations                                                

14.   Web Offset Printing                                           358

         Driving Mechanism                                                         

         Printing Units                                                                 

         Main Parts of Printing Unit                                              

         Inking System                                                                 

         Delivery Unit                                                                   

         Folding Unit                                                                   

         Ancillary Operations by Delivery Unit                               

15.   Colour and its Reproduction                          391

         Terminology Related to Colour                                         

         Mixing and Matching of Colors                                        

         Sequence of Colours in Printing                                       

16.   Quality Control in Printing                             398

         Before Printing                                                                

         During Printing                                                               

         After Printing                                                                  

17.   Flexography                                                         407


         Flexographic Platemaking                                                

         Photochemical Change                                                    

         Rotary Principle                                                              

         Rubber Plates                                                                  


         Paper and Board                                                              

18.   Rotogravure                                                        413

19.   Digital Printing                                                   421


         Digital Printing

         Important Things We Should Know About Digital Printing

         Types of Digital Printing

         1. Inkjet Printer

         2. Laser Printer

         Important Features of Laser Printer

         Advantages of Digital Printing

         Benefits of Digital Printing Design & Printing

         1. Cheaper Printing

         2. High quality

         Difference between Screen Printing and Digital Printing

         Screen Printing

         Digital Printing

         Comparison between Digital Printing and Press Printing

         Digital Printing

         Press Printing

20.   3D Printing                                                            438


         History of 3D Printing

         How Does 3D Printing Work?


         3D Printing Applications

         1. Medical and Dental

         2. Aerospace

         Complex Designs

         Weight Reduction

         Improved Strength and Durability

         Major Savings

         3. Automotive

         4. Jewellery

         5. Art/Design/Sculpture

         6. Architecture

         7. Fashion

         8. Food

         Benefits of 3D Printing

         Advantages of 3D Printing in Manufacturing

         1. 3-D Printers are Becoming More Affordable

         2. Quicker Turnaround Times for Prototyping

         3. Quicker Product Launches

         4. Competitive Advantage

         5. Reduction in Manufacturing Errors

         6. Complex Geometries

         7. Mass Customization

         8. Less Tooling

         9. Fewer Costs

         10. Environmentally Friendly

         Benefits of 3D Printing in Healthcare

         What Materials do 3D Printers Use?

         1. Plastics

         (a) Nylon (Polyamide)


         (b) PLA Filament


         (c) ABS Filament


         (d) PVA Filament

         2. Powders

         3. Resins


         4. Other Materials

         How do the Different 3D Printing Technologies Work?

         1. Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)

         How does FDM Work?

         Materials for FDM

         ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene)

         ABSi (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene – Biocompatible)

         ABS-M30 (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene)

         ABS-M30i (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene – Biocompatible)

         PC (Polycarbonate)

         ABS-ESD7 (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene – Static-Dissipative)

         PC-ABS (Polycarbonate ABS)

         PC-ISO (Polycarbonate ISO)                                             

         Ultem 9085

         2. Stereolithography and Digital Light Processing (SLA & DLP)

         3. Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)

         4. Material Jetting (PolyJet and MultiJet Modeling)

         5. Binder Jetting

         6. Metal Printing (Selective Laser Melting and Electron Beam         Melting)

         Electron Beam Melting


         Selective Laser Melting Applications

         7. PolyJet Photopolymer

         Benefits of Polyjet

         Realistic Finish

         Greater Choices

         Multiple Materials and Colors

         Polyjet Materials

         1. Digital Materials

         2. Digital ABS

         3. High Temperature

         Wide Range of Applications

         4. Transparent

         3D Print Clear and Tinted Prototypes

         3D Printing With Transparent Material

         3D Print Translucent Shades and Patterns

         Wide Range of Applications

         5. Rigid Opaque

         6. Polypropylene-like

         3D Print Tough, Flexible Models

         7. Bio-compatible

         3D Print Medical Devices

         3D Printing With Bio-compatible Material

         8. Rubber-like

         3D Print Flexible, Soft-touch Models

         3D Printing With Rubber-like Material

         8. Syringe Extrusion

         9. Other Methods

         3D Printing is a Game Changer

21.   3D Printing Machinery                                        491

         Airwolf AW3D HD

         SLA 3D Printing Machine

         3D Printing Machine

         Makerbot Replicator

         Dual Head 3D Printer

         Prototyping Machine

         Flashforge Finder

         3D Systems Cube

         3D Jet


22.   Book Binding                                                         501

         Terms and Techniques

         Cutting & Folding

         Folded Sheet or Section Binding

         Book Binding Methods

         Perfect Binding

         Hardcover/Case Binding

         Saddle Staple (Fold, Staple, Trim) Binding

         Wiro Binding

         Automatic Book Binding Machine

         Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC)

         Perfect Book Binding Machine

         Disc Perfect Binding Machine

         Perfect Binding Line

         Thread Book Sewing Machine Semi Automatic

23.   Computer-To-Plate (CTP)                                     513

         CTP Technologies

         Regulatory Requirements

         Plate Development

         Visible Laser Plates Using Silver Halide

         Thermal Laser Plates Using Ablation

         Plate Making Process Steps

         Temperature Control for Computer to Plate Technology


         Platesetter Cooling

         Plate Processor Cooling

         CTP Technology in Offset Printing

         Digital Plate Setter UV CTP Machine

24.   Process Flow Diagrams & Layouts                  527

25.   Photographs of Machinery with Supplier’s

         Contact Details                                                   549

         Single Color Offset Printing Machine

         Two Color Satellite Offset Printing Machine

         Offset Printing with Numbering and Perforating Machine

         Web Offset Printing Machine

         Color Screen Printer

         Flatbed Screen Printer

         Automatic Sheetfed Offset Printing Machine

         Sheetfed Offset Machine

         Mini Offset Printing Machine

         Flexographic Printing Machine

         Label Master Flexographic Printing Press

         Poly Offset Printing Machines

         Prepress Equipments

         Flip Top Printing Down Frame Single/Double Sided Machine

         Instant Start Metal Halide Plate Exposure

         Plate Coating Whirler

         Plate Curing Equipment

         Damper Roller Washer

         Vertical Process Camera

         3M Plate Processor

         Computer-to-Screen Exposure System

         IGP Plate Processor

         Screen CTP System

         Inkjet CTP System (Computer to Plate Machine)

         Rotogravure Printing Machine

         4 Hi Tower (Automatic)

         3 Colour + Stack Unit (Manual)

         Finishing System

         UV Inkjet Digital Printing System

         Perfecting Production System

         Tape Binder

         High Light Color System

         Color Printer

         Digital Press

         Digital Color Press

         Manual Offset Printing Machine

         Rotogravure Printing Machine

         Black and White Digital Print Production System

         Digital Printing Machine

         Paper Binding Machine