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Investment Opportunities In Hospitality, Medical, Entertainment, Ware Housing & Real Estate Projects (with 15 Project Profiles)# ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Author NIIR Board ISBN 818662354X
Code ENI77 Format Hardcover
Price: Rs 4408   4408 US$ 350   350
Pages: 361 Published 2000
Publisher National institute of industrial Research
Usually Ships within 5 days

***********Limited Edition- available in Photostat Version Only************

Making a choice of the right project is a difficult decision for an entrepreneur and is an imperative decision. For the reason that rest of the challenges for setting up a business is based on the type of the field and fund to invest. Some of the major fields to invest are hospitality, medical, entertainment, ware housing and real estate projects. The hospitality industry consists of broad category of fields within the service industry that includes lodging, restaurants,   and additional fields within the tourism industry. Going forward, on a long term basis we would look at raising funds from strategic investors and financial institution. Medical sector in India features a universal health care system run by the constituent states and territories of India. The constitution charges every state with rising of the level of nutrition and the standard of living of its people and the improvement of public health as among its primary duties. Due to the progressive nature of the medical sector in India, several foreign companies are intending to invest in the country. Entertainment industry in India comprises of film industry and television industry. The Indian entertainment industry is among the fastest growing sectors in the country. In the past two decades entertainment industry in India has witnessed explosive growth. Real estate development, or property development, is a multifaceted business, encompassing activities that range from the renovation and re lease of existing buildings to the purchase of raw land and the sale of improved land or parcels to others. Real estate development is different from construction, although many developers also construct. Its economic transformation over the past decade has pushed up real GDP growth to an average of 6% per annum. Therefore these sectors are worlds one of the most imperative sectors which is growing enormously.
The major contents of this book are project profiles of projects like Preamble, Technologies, and Guidelines on Equipment, Application to Various Construction Operations, Requirement of Equipment for Some Typical Construction Works, Materials and Products.
Project profile contains information like introduction, B.I.S specification, suppliers of machinery and equipments, plant economics, land and building, plant and machinery, fixed capital, working capital requirement/month, salary and wages/month, utilities and overheads, total working capital/month, total capital investment, cost of production/annum, turn over/annum, rate of return, breakeven point (B.E.P)
This book is very useful for new entrepreneurs, technical institutions, existing units and technocrats.

Guidelines on Equipment Application to Various Construction Operations
Requirement of Equipment for Some Typical Construction Works
Materials and Products
- Acoustic And Thermal Insulation
- Adhesives and Sealants
- Admixture
- Air Conditioning
- Aluminium Alloys
- Asbestos Cement
- Asphalt/Bitumen
- Bricks
- Ceiling
- Cement
- Concrete
- Construction Chemicals
- Construction Equipments
- Doors, Windows and Accessories
- Electricals
- Environment Friendly and Energy Saving Equipment
- Fencing
- Ferro-cement
- Fibre Reinforced Plastic Products
- Fire Protection and Safety
- Floors and Floor Finishes
- Foundations
- Glass
- Gypsum and Lime
- Plaster of Paris
- Kitchen, Bathroom and Sanitaryware
- Lifts, Conveyors and Escalators
- Paints and Coatings
- Polymers and Plastics
- Precast/Prefabricated Products
- Roofing Systems
- Steel Alloys
- Stones
- Tiles
- Walls, Partitions and Facades
- Water Supply System
- Wood and Reconstituted Wood

Directory Section
Project Profiles
1. Banquet Hall
2. Fast Food Restaurant/Parlour
3. Hotel Industry (Five Star)
4. Holiday Resort
5. Multi-Storey Commercial Complex Along with Residential and Deluxe Flats for Foreign Tourists and Revolving Restaurant on the Top
6. Commercial Markets
7. Motel/Small Hotels with Banquets Halls, Restaurants and Catering Facility
8. Three Star Hotel
9. Nursing Homes
10. School
11. Medical College
12. Engineering College
13. Hospitals
14. Cinema Hall
15. Cold Storage 




The world tourism is the largest single industry of international trade today with increase in educational discretionary income and in leisure and paid holidays. The phenomenal growth of tourism can be judged from the fact that the world spent 360 million dollars on tourism in 1977 as compared to 300 million dollars on armaments.

Mass tourism started in Europe in the late 19th century, but today it is a world wide reality. During last 30/40 years the period which witnessed the arrival of jet global international tourist arrival increased from more 25 million in 1950 to a staggering 213 million in 1975. This worked out on annual average growth rate of 11 percent.

If the some growth rate is maintained through year 2000 A.D. then the affluent and newly affluent the first time travellers and those with time to spare, would begin to move in such numbers at international airports that there are grave doubts whether the industry could cope with them at all.

Present annual growth rate would result in 2,000 million people on the move by the year 2000 A.D. the combined present population of China, India, U.S.S.R., Indonesia, Japan, Brazil, and the U.S.A. Even if the rate slows down to half nearly 6% or so there would still be 1300 million tourists in transit somewhere.

Such a magnitude of increase is accompanied by pressure for facilities for increased numbers. Viewed thus motels become on integral part of tourism infrastructure of any country. As on expert rightly says, "They are indeed the foundation upon which this country is built, yet there is probably no other business taken so much for granted or which appears to an outsider to be so easy to run as the hotel business.

During 19th century, the word (hotel) was synonymous with a private mansion in a city or a town hall. The place which was usually to let out to travellers, was taken (knowingly) as inn, and the keeper in accordance with the existing laws of the land, was obliged to provide shelter and food to those willing to pay price. Large hotels with 500 or 1000 rooms having spacious lobbies, conference rooms, number of restaurants serving different tastes, swimming pools and health clubs are comparatively a recent phenomenon.


The word Motel is used for any unit providing lodging, boarding facilities on purely commercial basis. So this include variety of units providing services at different levels. As far as approved hotels are concerned, according to Department of Tourism there are 565 hotels with 36,369 rooms.

India is a large country with huge population. The spread of industrial growth and trade make involved people to go from one place to another. The number of people moving for relaxation and sight seeing have also increased.

  1. Emphasis in organised sector is increasing.
  2. Middle income group is expanding.
  3. Importance of leisure tourism is increasing.
  4. The use of hotel is increasing against Dharmashala etc.
  5. The transport facilities and tourist agencies are increasing.
  6. Due to rapid industrial expansion and geographic diversification number of business tourist etc. are also increasing.


Over in latest several years tourist traffic in the eastern region has slowly but steadily declined. The reasons are obvious, the inaccessibility of foreigners to several regions in the northeast which is raddled with political instability the appalling indifference on state government to the needs of tourism industry and lack of good accommodation. Consequently the hotel industry is flattering and large groups are hesitant to investing this region.


India as a tourist destination has been for centuries known as the home of the Taj Mahal one of the seven wonders of the world. This perhaps has largely been responsible for the tourists bias of equality the pair and diversified culture and either of the subcontinent to be that of Taj Mahal of the north only. As a consequence of this the majority of the flow of tourists had been, until recently, mostly limited to under taking of the golden tringle - Delhi, Agra, Jaipur. Apart from this Mumbai as the business, commercial capital of India had its own share of the tourists, because of this hotel industry was first to develop in the North.


Refer IS : 6074-1971 code for functional requirement of hotels, restaurants and other food service establishments.


The motel industry in India is inseparably linked with the industrial growth, foreign tourists inflow, growth in the per capita income and also the increasing urbanisation.

Tourism has become an important source of foreign exchange for India. From about Rs.283 crores during 1977 the tourism industry has gone up to as high as Rs. 680 crores during 1982. Of this nearly fifty per cent of the earning its importance.


In the establishment at Hotel, Location is the most important fact as if would finally decide the occupancy and the entire viability of the project. In this respect the number of places in India which offer scope for development of hotels. Such places can be classified in three categories as under:

  1. Industrial and Commercial towns.
  2. Hill resorts and sea resorts.
  3. Pilgrimage Centres.


The growth in the tourists visiting India is invariably linked up with the structure of facility the number of scenery and historic places and the general condition in the country.

The hotel business in India has done pretty well all these years so much that it has acquired an international reputation. This can be judged from the fact that more countries are seeking Indian collaboration in Hotel business.

Some measures have, however, been taken to provide interest free loans and low interest terms loans are being provided to hotel business by the leading financial and industrial institution] States Governments are also given fully financial help and subsidy to hotel industry.



The preparation of food products is an immense industry able to encompass a home-operated business as well as factories and super markets. The advantage of undertaking this aspect of business lies in its accessibility familiarity. No doubt you have most of the equipment necessary in your own kitchen e.g. oven, refrigeration, freezer, large utensils measuring and weighing devices, thermometer etc. Anything that you don't have already can be obtained easily and inexpensively. Thus, your investment is minimal.

For those of you who are not to leave the home, this type of business can be the beginning of an independent income your spouse's favourite dish can be the key to your fortune.

The marketing of food products is relatively easy beginning with friends, relatives, and neighbours, and extending to small retail establishments and local enterprises.


M/s. Aggarwal Hardware Works (P) Ltd.,

3-A, Shakespeare Sarani,

Calcutta - 700 071.


M/s. Bombay Building Materials Trading Co.,

73, Nagindas Master Road,

Mumbai - 400 001.


M/s. Supra Enterprises,

32/33, Nehru Place,

New Delhi - 110 019.


M/s. E.T.D. Parry Ltd.,

Dara House,

Chennai - 600 001.


M/s. Metro Malleafle Mfrs. Pvt. Ltd.,

S.J. Park Road,

Bangalore 560 002.


M/s. Ambika Metal Industries,

21/6, Sector 15-C,

Chandigarh - 160 016.



M/s. Capital Refrigeration Company Pvt. Ltd.,

203, Swastik Bhawan,

Ranjit Nagar,

New Delhi -110 008.

Tel : 570 30 76.


M/s. Carrier Aircon Limited,

5, Basant Lok, 2nd Floor,

Community Centre,

Vasant Vihar,

New Delhi-110 057.

Tel :676 285


M/s. Gas Engineering (Pvt) Ltd.,

37, Naraina Industrial Area,

Phase I, New Delhi -110 028.

Tel : 536 400 / 543 32 67



M/s. Orion Television,

21, Daryaganj, Ansari Road,

New Delhi -2.

Tel : 327 42 78.


M/s. Shanker Brothers,

152, Katra Mashroo,

Dariba Kalan,


Tel : 327 91 11.



M/s. Kamal Fibre Glass & Sanitary Works,

16/17, College Street,

Calcutta -700 012.

Tel :313 565/322 307.


M/s. Arora Enterprises,

5274, G.B. Road,

Delhi-110 006.

Tel : 526 124/527 982/731 078



M/s. Homocol Sales Corporation,

Hs. 36 A, Kailash Colony Market,

New Delhi - 110 048.

Tel : 643 26 21.


M/s. Kailash Brush Factory,

5628, Gandhi Market,

Sadar Bazar,

Delhi - 110 006.

Tel: 514 750.



M/s. Mahabir Electric Corporation,

5 A/28, Ansari Road,


New Delhi-110 002.

Tel: 3273198/3270550


M/s. New Diamond Electricals,

308/31, Shahzada-bagh,

Old Rohtak Road,

Delhi-110 035.

Tel: 533 811.


M/s. Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Pvt. Ltd.,

Godrej Bhavan,

Sher Shah Suri Marg,

Okhla, New Delhi-110 065.

Tel: 683 03 48/683 07 38.


M/s. Pulary Consultancy RD Unvestments (P) Ltd.,

Post Box 2067, Adyar,

Chennai - 600 020.

Tel: 413 510/416 184.


M/s. Jayco Traders,

C-61, Arjun Nagar (Safdarjung Enclave),

New Delhi -110 029.


M/s. Voltas Limited (Appliances Business Gruop),

19, J.N. Heredia Marg,

Ballard Estate,

Mumbai -400 038.

Tel: 261 81 31.


M/s. Mysore Lamp Works Ltd.,

P.B. No.5551, Old Tumkur Road,

Bangalore -560 055.

Tel: 360 182-6, 366 771-5.


M/s. Bajaj Electrical Limited,

51, M.G. Road,

Mumbai -400 001.

Tel: 204 37 33/204 37 80.


M/s. MAC Decor Pvt. Ltd.,

5, Community Centre,

East of Kailash,

New Delhi -110 065.

Tel: 643 30 67


M/s. Rattan Chand Harjasrai (Moulding) Pvt. Ltd.,

54, Industrial Area,




M/s. Gajanan Canteen Equipments Co.,

A-25, Laghu Udyog Kendra,

I.B. Patel Road,

Gorgaon East,

Mumbai - 400 063.


M/s. Domestic Appliances,

P.B. No. 3330,

New Delhi - 110 014.


M/s. Peeco Enterprise,

8, Wazirpur Indl. Complex,

Delhi - 11052. .PA


M/s. Aru Industries,

533, Poonam Allee High Road,

Chennai - 600 084.


M/s. Shreee Shakti Mfg & Marketing Co.,

11/145, Sastri Road,


Coimbatore - 641 009.


M/s. Shri Raja Lakshmi Industrial Agency,

30/1, S.j. Park Road,

Bangalore - 560 002.


M/s. Ahmedabad Eagle Engineering

Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.,



M/s. Airconditioning Corpn. Pvt. Ltd.,

8/12, New Alipore Road,

Calcutta - 700 053.


M/s. Godrej & Royee Mfg. Co. (P) Ltd.,

Godrej Bhawan,

Home Street,

Mumbai - 400 001.


M/s. Llyod Sales Corpn.,

15, Pycrofts Garden Road,

Chennai 600 006.


M/s. Bajaj Electricals Ltd.,

45-47, Veer Nariman Road,

Mumbai - 400 001.

M/s. Sansar Fans Industries,


Mohan Nagar,

Ghaziabad (U.P.).


M/s. Micro Moters,

Soham Mansion,


Secunderabad - 3.


M/s. Starch & Allied Industries,

308, Kharckh Bazar,

Mumbai - 9.


9, 5th Block,

Kumara Park West,

Bangalore - 20.




1. Land requirement 311 sq. yard (@Rs. 800/- per sqft) Rs. 7,46,400.00
2. Covered Area (Basement + 2 1/2 storey) 1620 sq.ft. Rs. 32,40,000.00
3. Miscellaneous constructions Rs. 4,00,000.00
  TOTAL Rs. 43,86,400.00


1. Kitchen equipments & appliances Rs. 2,50,000.00
2. Furniture and wood work Rs. 4,00,000.00
3. Bath rooms fittings and sanitary wares (including 32 geysers) Rs. 5,00,000.00
4. Telephone & intercomes Rs. 1,00,000.00
5. Electrification Rs. 2,00,000.00
6. 20 Coolers+13 room Air conditioners @ Rs. 2,500/- & Rs. 30,000/- each respectively) Rs. 4,40,000.00
7. 20 T.V. (B/W) and 13 Colour Rs. 3,00,000.00
8. Matresses, Carpets and Furnishing Rs. 2,00,000.00
9. Workshop tools, Machines and other equipments Rs. 4,00,000.00
10. Room/Restaurent decoratings Rs. 5,00,000.00
  TOTAL Rs. 32,90,000.00


1. Office equipment, furniture plus other equipment & accessories Rs. 2,00,000.00
2. Architectural design expenses Rs. 3,00,000.00
3. Installation charges, Resgistration chrages Rs. 5,00,000.00
4. Contigencies Rs. 2,50,000.00
  TOTAL Rs. 12,50,000.00


1. Land & Building Rs. 43,86,400.00
2. Plant & Machinery Rs. 32,90,000.00
3. Other Fixed Assets Rs. 12,50,000.00
  TOTAL Rs. 89,26,400.00



td]Purchasing of Non-veg Items

1. Different type of vegetable items Rs. 30,000.00
2. Rs. 60,000.00
3. Purchasing of different type Casset Rs. 10,000.00
4. Spray scent Rs. 5,000.00
5. Cold Drinks (3000 bottles average) Rs. 16,500.00
6. Room cleaning Items Rs. 5,000.00
7. Other misc. expenses Rs. 25,000.00
  TOTAL Rs. 1,51,500.00


1. Manager (Hotel) 1 No. Rs. 10,000.00
2. Workshop Incharge 1 No. Rs. 5,000.00
3. Engineer (Electronics) 1 No. Rs. 5,000.00
4. Technician 3 No. Rs. 15,000.00
5. Receptionist/Operator 3 No. Rs. 12,000.00
6. Clerk 1 No. Rs.   3,500.00
7. Watchman 2 No. Rs. 5,000.00
8. Cooks 4 No. Rs. 16,000.00
9. Waiters 10 No. Rs. 25,000.00
10. Cleaners, Sweepers etc. 3 No. Rs. 6,000.00
11. Store Keeper 2 No. Rs. 6,000.00
12. Automobiles machanic 1 No. Rs. 4,000.00
  TOTAL   Rs. 1,12,500.00
Plus perks @ 20% p.a. Rs. 22,500.00
TOTAL Rs. 1,35,000.00


1. Power Consumption of 1500 Kwatt hrs @ Rs. 4.00 per Kwatt hr. Rs. 6,000.00
2. Water Consumption of 1000 KLs @ Rs. 2.00 per KL Rs. 2,000.00
3. Fuel Rs. 5,000.00
  TOTAL Rs. 13,000.00

Total load is 4 Kwatts


1. Raw Material Rs. 1,51,500.00
2. Salary & Wages Rs. 1,35,000.00
3. Utilities & Overheads Rs. 13,000.00
  TOTAL Rs. 2,99,500.00


1. Working Capital for 3 months Rs. 8,98,500.0
2. Margin Money for W/c Loan Rs. 2,24,625.00




Total Fixed Capital Rs. 89,26,400.00
Margin Money Rs. 2,24,625.00
TOTAL Rs. 91,51,025.00
Total Fixed Capital Rs. 89,26,400.00
Total Working Capital for 3 Months Rs. 8,98,500.00
TOTAL Rs. 98,24,900.00



1. From Rent of 30 rooms @ Rs. 500/- per day (Average) Rs. 54,00,000.00
2. Vegetarian diet 50 diet/day @ Rs. 40/- per diet Rs. 7,20,000.00
3. Non-Veg. Diet @ Rs.25/- per diet. 100 Diet/day Rs. 9,00,000.00
4. Coffee 200 cup per day @ Rs. 8/- per cup Rs. 5,76,000.00
5. Other eatables(Snacks & break fast) @ Rs. 15/- per head 50 Nos. Rs. 2,70,000
6. Cold Drinks 100 Nos. @ Rs. 10/- Rs. 3,60,000.00
7. Servicing charge (Automobiles) Rs. 15,00,000.00
TOTAL Rs. 97,26,000.00

RATE OF RETURN    =     33.63%

B.E.P.    =     51.71%