Manufacture of Organic Manure.Biofertilizer Production. Recycling of Solid Wastes intoOrganic Fertilizer.
Organicfertilizers are fertilizers derived from animalmatter, animal waste product (manure), human waste product, and matter (e.g.compost and crop residues). Naturally organicfertilizers embrace animal wastes from meatprocess, peat, manure, slurry, and guano. The majority of fertilizers used incommercial farming are extracted from minerals (e.g., phosphate rock) or madeindustrially (e.g., ammonia). Organic agriculture, a system of farming.
Examplesof naturally organic fertilizers embrace manure, slurry, worm castings, peat,alga and organic fertilizer. Green manure crops also are grownup to featurenutrients to the soil. Naturally mineralslike mine rock phosphate, sulfate of potash and limestone also are thought ofOrganic Fertilizers. Examples of factory-made organic fertilizers includecompost, bloodmeal, bone meal and algae extracts. Different examples arenatural catalyst digestible proteins, fish meal, and feather meal.