CatenaryWires and Conductors used in Railway Electrification Manufacturing Plant.Growing & Best Industry for Starting a Business.
Catenary wire (also called a messenger wire)has closely spaced drops which support the particular contact wire. Themessenger (or catenary) wire has to be both strong and have good conductivity.They used multi-strand wires (or cables) with 19 strands in each cable (orwire). Copper, aluminium, and/or steel were used forthe strands. All the 19 strands might be of an equivalent metal or some strandsmight be of steel for strength with the remaining strands of aluminium orcopper for conductivity. Another type seemed like it had all copper wires butinside each wire was a steel core for strength. The steel strands weregalvanized except for better corrosion protection they might be coated with ananti-corrosion substance.
The Catenary wire comprises 19 strands ofcadmium copper, each strand of 2.10 mm dia,with overall dia of 10.5 mm having about 80% conductivity and 65 sq. mmcross-sectional area. The contact wire is a solid hard drawn groovedelectrolytic. Copper of 12.24 mm dia and 107 sq. mm cross-sectional area. Thetotal current carrying capacity of both wires is 600 Amps. The condemning sizeof contact wire is 8.25 mm.