Manufacturingof BLDC Fan (BrushlessDC Motor). IncreasingDemand for Energy-Efficient Electrical Fans.
TheBLDC motor may be an electric motor that's powered by a DC electric source viaan integrated inverter/switching power supply which produces an electricalsignal to drive the motor. There are two varieties of motors; brushed motors DCmotors and brushless motors. BLDC stands for Brushless DC motors. The BLDCmotor may be an electric motor powered by a DC electric source. It uses anintegrated inverter power supply to provide an electrical signal to drive themotor.
BLDCstands for brush-less direct-current motor, a special variety of motor whichhas static magnet rather than electromagnets found during a conventionalinduction motor. BLDC motor has important advantages over induction motor likelow electricity consumption, lesser noise generation and better lifespan.