February 2021 Entrepreneur India MonthlyMagazine
Monthlymagazine divulged by NIIR Project Consultancy Services, “EntrepreneurIndia”, is intendat clarifying practice of choosing the convenient project for investments. If facilitatebusiness decision and hassle-free by delivering a list of right projects forinvestment. Unparalleled amid project investment magazines, “Entrepreneur India”is devoted to the business of discern sound investment projects. Every emanateconsist of a novel list of projects which are scrupulously chosen by the NPCSteam after being showed on various investment factors. NIIR Project ConsultancyService team, beforehighlighting any project as right investment, get into the roots of its variousappearances and facets of investment like the demand of a product, potential ofcurrent market, adequate location, and period of paying back, cost involved andprofitability threshold.