Every individual in this world preserve the food for future use. The reason behind preserving the food is seasonal availability of food or availability of different type food at different places. In scientific language, food preservation is the process of retaining the food over a period of time without being contaminated by pathogenic organisms or chemicals and without losing its colour, texture, flavour and nutritious value. However, some people do not know the expert techniques to preserve the food, therefore, NIIR Board of Consultants & Engineers have written the book “Preservation of Meat and Poultry Products” published under Asia Pacific Business Press Inc.
The book is of great help as it contains all the data important data, which tells people about the correct techniques of preserving meat and other poultry products, without any lose of their nutritional values. Heat processing, dehydration, canning, chemical preservation, freezing and pasteurization are some of the methods used to preserve the food in rightful manner. This book explains the various different techniques of preserving the food and how the different methods affect the texture, colour and flavour of meat and other poultry products.
Development in the advancement and techniques of preserving and packaging of meat and poultry products become easy. This helps to prevent the food from deterioration as well as it helps in reducing food wastage. Every food item has certain amount of water and the water loss from the food item spoils its taste and texture. Packaging or covering in the suitable material slows down the water loss as well as prevent the food from spoilage over a time period. In this book, you will get know about the storage conditions, hygienic handling and various methods of preservation. Preservation of food is the most important step for increasing the shelf life of any food product. Thus, this book is the great source to know about the techniques of preserving the food.
Principles of various preservation techniques, Standards and quality control measures for meat, Meat food products order, Eating quality and sensory evaluation of meat, preservation of poultry meat, Microbial spoilage of eggs, Preservation and maintenance of eggs, Frozen meat, meat dishes, sauces and gravies are some of the subjects which are well explained in this book. The staff at hotel, restaurant, motels, resorts, bars and lounges, should go through this book to know the updated techniques of preserving food as well as keeping them fresh for longer period of time. You can visit our web page http://www.niir.org/books/book/preservation-meat-poultry-products/isbn-817833030X/zb,,e1,a,0,0,a/index.html to know more about the book.