Friday, March 20, 2015
Telecommunications cables are a type of guided transmission mediums. Cables are usually known to transmit electric energy (AC/DC); however, cables in telecommunications fields are used to transmit electromagnetic waves; they are called electromagnetic wave guides.
In the mid-1990s, the industry rapidly added capacity as it emerged as the key factor in getting orders from the Department of Telecommunication (DoT). The industry's capacity trebled in just three years to around 70 mn ckms. The growth march is expected to continue in the coming years.
The global telecom cable industry experienced good growth during 2006-2011 and is expected to retain the same growth momentum over 2012-2017. The industry is forecast to reach an estimated $25.4 billion by 2017 at a CAGR of 6.7% over the next five years (2012-2017). Telecom cables include fiber optic and copper cables, of which the fiber optic cable segment of the global telecom cable industry represents good growth during the forecast period. The telecom cable market in India is forecast to reach USD354.23 million by 2019. Growing number of telecom subscribers, growing penetration of smart phones and rising demand for high speed data transmission are the major factors propelling the demand for telecom cables in the country. With increasing data traffic, expansion of telecom infrastructure has become inevitable, thereby spurring the market for telecom cables. Encouraged by the expected expansion of the telecom sector, additional capacities were in-stalled by several companies, such as GR Cables, Continental Devices, MP Telelinks.
Leading Players
Usha Beltron
Vindya Telelinks
RPG Telecom
Sterlite Industries
Finolex Cables
Nicco Corp
Telephone Cables Corp
Paramount Communications
Source: NPCS Team