Best Small, Medium and Large Scale Business Opportunities | Startup Costs of Setting Up a Business | Select and Choose the Right Industry for Startup

Low Investment Business Ideas | Small Scale Business Ideas | Large Scale Business Ideas | Medium Scale Business Ideas

Project Report
Detailed project report to cover all the aspects.
Market Research Report
The report provides an expansive market analysis.
Business Plan
A comprehensive business plan including industry trends.

Business Ideas with Low, Medium & High Investment

Right Business Startup

Investment upto 25 Lakhs

Small Scale Manufacturing

Business Ideas Upto 40 Lakhs

Promising Sector for

Entrepreneurs & Startup with 50 lakhs

Profitable Business Ideas

Under 60 Lakhs (Plant & Machinery)

Setup a small scale industry

upto 75 lakhs (Plant & Machinery)

Lucrative Business opportunities for

Startup upto 1 crore (Plant & Machinery

Top Business Opportunities

in Small Scale Industries with Machinery Cost 12.5 Million

Profit-Making Industries

for Entrepreneurs with Investment upto 1.50 Crore

Most Profitable Manufacturing

Business to start with 2 Crore

Small Scale Business Ideas

and Opportunities with Machinery Cost 30 Million

Lucrative Profitable

Opportunities with Machinery Cost 35 Million

Successful Small Business

Ideas with Machinery Cost 40 Million

Entrepreneur Opportunity

with Machinery Cost 45 Million

List of Most Successful

Business Ideas with Machinery Cost 45-50 Million

Best Business Opportunities

in MSME Sector with Machinery Cost above 50 Million

New Manufacturing Business

deas with Medium Investment upto 15 Crore

Highly Profitable Industries

for Entrepreneurs under 20 Crore

Large Scale Business Ideas

with Machinery Cost 25 Crore

Most Promising and Lucrative

Entrepreneurship Opportunities under 35 Crore

Best and Most Profitable Manufacturing

Business Ideas upto 450 Million

Most Profitable Business Ideas

with Machinery Cost 550 Million

List of Large Scale Manufacturing

Business Ideas between 55 Crore to 65 Crore

Large Scale Business

Ideas above 65 Crore

Discover the Best Profitable Small Scale and MSME Business Ideas for Entrepreneurs and Startups

Starting a business requires meticulous planning and strategic thinking. At Entrepreneur India, we recognize the challenges and opportunities for small-scale investors and startups. Our webpage features small scale business ideas, MSME business ideas, and best low investment business ideas tailored to varying investment levels, helping you discover the ideal opportunity that matches your goals and resources. Explore low investment business ideas and profitable small business ideas, including home-based and unique concepts. We specialize in business ideas with low startup costs, offering insights for beginners and specific industries. Benefit from our expertise in small scale industries, emphasizing lower initial investments, flexibility, and niche market advantages, empowering your entrepreneurial journey with confidence.


Why Start a Small Scale Industry?

Small scale industries are the backbone of any thriving economy. They offer numerous benefits for investors, including:

Small scale business ideas require less capital to start, making them accessible to a broader range of investors. This lower barrier to entry allows aspiring entrepreneurs to test the waters of entrepreneurship without risking significant financial resources. By choosing low investment business ideas, you can explore various opportunities and find a profitable niche that suits your skills and interests. The benefits of small scale industries include the ability to start with lower initial investment and gradually grow your business. This flexibility not only minimizes financial risk but also provides the entrepreneurial satisfaction of building a venture from the ground up. Small businesses offer control over operations, the potential for steady growth, and the opportunity to tap into niche markets, making them an ideal choice for beginners and seasoned entrepreneurs alike.

Small scale business ideas can quickly adapt to market changes and customer demands. This flexibility is a crucial advantage in the fast-paced business world, allowing you to pivot and innovate as needed. The benefits of small scale industries include the ability to start with a lower initial investment and gradually grow your business. This makes small businesses highly responsive and able to capitalize on emerging trends and opportunities. By focusing on flexible small businesses, entrepreneurs can maintain a competitive edge, ensuring their ventures remain relevant and profitable. This adaptability not only enhances business growth potential but also provides the satisfaction of dynamic entrepreneurship, where control and innovation play key roles in success.

By starting a small scale industry, you contribute to job creation in your community, which supports local economies and enhances your business’s reputation as a valuable contributor to societal well-being. Small scale business ideas, with their lower initial investment requirements, enable entrepreneurs to launch ventures that not only provide profitable opportunities but also promote economic stability within their neighborhoods. This commitment to job creation through small businesses helps address unemployment issues while fostering a sense of community and collaboration. Furthermore, the advantages of small scale entrepreneurship include increased entrepreneurial satisfaction and control over business operations, making it a fulfilling and impactful choice for those looking to make a difference locally. By embracing flexible small businesses, you can enjoy the benefits of small scale industries and contribute positively to the social and economic fabric of your area.

Small businesses can effectively cater to niche markets that larger corporations often overlook. By focusing on specialized products or services, they can build a loyal customer base and face less competition. This advantage allows entrepreneurs to explore unique small business ideas that address specific needs and preferences within their communities. Such niche market business advantages not only create opportunities for personalized customer experiences but also enhance the potential for profitable small business ideas. Embracing the benefits of small scale industries, including flexibility and lower initial investment, enables small businesses to adapt quickly to market changes and customer demands, further strengthening their position within their chosen niches. Consequently, small businesses can thrive by leveraging their agility and deep understanding of their target markets, making them a valuable addition to the broader economic landscape.

The Turning Point for


Choosing to start a small scale business can be a transformative decision for aspiring entrepreneurs. It offers an opportunity to turn your passion and skills into a profitable venture. Here’s why:

  • Personal Satisfaction:

    Owning a business allows you to work on something you’re passionate about, which can be immensely rewarding. The satisfaction of building something from the ground up and seeing it succeed is unparalleled.

  • Control and Independence:

    As a business owner, you have the autonomy to make decisions and shape the direction of your company. This level of control can lead to greater job satisfaction and a stronger sense of accomplishment.

  • Growth Potential:

    Small businesses have significant growth potential. With the right strategy, a small startup can scale up to become a major player in its industry. The initial struggles can lead to substantial rewards in the long run.



Evaluate your skills, interests, and experiences. Your business idea should align with your strengths and passions.

Feasibility Study

Feasibility Study

Assess the feasibility of your business idea by analyzing factors such as startup costs, potential revenue, competition, and legal requirements. A detailed feasibility study can prevent costly mistakes down the line.

Market Research:

Market Research:

Conduct thorough research to understand market demands, customer preferences, and industry trends. This information will help you identify viable business

Consult Experts

Consult Experts

Seek advice from industry experts and consultants who can provide insights and guidance. Professional input can refine your business idea and improve your chances of success.

Identifying the right business idea is crucial for success. Here are some steps to help you choose

How Entrepreneur India Can Help

At Entrepreneur India, we are dedicated to supporting entrepreneurs and startups in their journey to success. Our comprehensive services include the preparation of Market Survey cum Detailed Techno Economic Feasibility Reports for setting up new industries or businesses.

Our reports provide:

We are industrial project consultants with a proven track record of helping startups and entrepreneurs turn their business ideas into successful ventures. Our detailed project reports and business plans are tailored to meet your specific requirements and investment levels. Explore our webpage for business ideas with low, medium, and high investment to find the perfect opportunity for you.

Large Scale Business Ideas for Entrepreneurs and Startups

Starting a business is a challenging yet rewarding journey that demands effort, time, and resources. The right business idea, particularly one with potential for large-scale investment, can be transformative for entrepreneurs, leading to significant growth and profitability. Choosing wisely among large scale business ideas, high investment business ideas, or profitable large business ideas is crucial for success. It sets the foundation for entrepreneurial satisfaction and control, maximizing Large business growth potential and navigating niche market advantages. This strategic approach not only mitigates risks but also positions businesses for long-term sustainability and success in their respective industries.

Starting a large-scale industry offers several advantages that make it a compelling option for investors:

High Revenue Potential

Large-scale industries typically have higher production capacities, which can translate into greater revenue streams. This scale allows for the production of large quantities, meeting high market demand efficiently.

Economies of Scale:

As production increases, the cost per unit often decreases. This efficiency can lead to higher profit margins and a more competitive position in the market.

Market Dominance:

With significant investment and infrastructure, large-scale industries can establish a strong market presence, making it challenging for smaller competitors to catch up.

Innovation and R&D

Larger businesses often have the resources to invest in research and development, leading to continuous innovation and improvement of products and services.

Job Creation

Large-scale industries contribute significantly to job creation, supporting local economies and communities.

Finding the Right Business Idea

Choosing the right business idea is the first step in any project cycle. Entrepreneurs need to identify a business that aligns with their goals and capabilities. This involves a detailed study of the proposed project's feasibility, including market demand, production capabilities, and financial viability. Key factors to consider include:

Launch Your Vision: Explore Medium-Scale Business Ideas for Entrepreneurs and Startups

Starting a medium-scale business offers a balanced approach to entrepreneurship, blending substantial growth potential with manageable risk. At Entrepreneur India, we provide a curated list of the best medium-scale business ideas, catering to entrepreneurs and startups ready to take the next step. Our resources cover various industries, from manufacturing and retail to tech and service sectors, ensuring you find an idea that aligns with your expertise and market demand. These businesses often require moderate investment but promise higher returns and scalability. Our expert insights and strategic planning guides will help you navigate the complexities of medium-scale ventures, from securing funding to optimizing operations. Explore our medium-scale business ideas to find the perfect opportunity that matches your ambition and resources, positioning you for sustained success in the competitive market. Discover the best medium-scale business ideas to elevate your entrepreneurial journey with confidence and clarity.

Entrepreneur India: Your Partner in Success

Entrepreneur India is your one-stop platform for launching your entrepreneurial dreams. We empower you with:

Business Idea Exploration
Comprehensive Feasibility Reports
Expert Guidance

Our dedicated webpage provides a curated list of medium-scale business ideas across various industries, sparking your creativity.

We offer detailed project reports that provide in- depth market research, financial analysis, and production process insights, equipping you with the knowledge needed for smart business decisions.

Our team of experienced consultants can guide you through every step of your journey, from concept to execution.

Why Start a New Medium-Scale Business: Your Turning Point

Building a medium-scale business allows you to:

Lead a team and carve your own path in the market, shaping a company that reflects your vision and values.

Make a real difference within an industry, creating jobs and
contributing to economic growth.

Experience the satisfaction of building a successful business and enjoy the financial rewards that come with it.

Frequently Asked Questions

We can help you to start a New Business..

Profitable business ideas often come from sectors with high demand and low competition. Assess market trends, consumer needs, and your expertise. We can help by providing a detailed feasibility report to ensure your business idea is viable and profitable.

Fast-growing businesses typically leverage emerging trends and technologies. We can assist in identifying these trends and provide a comprehensive market survey report to guide your decision-making process.

Industries in high demand often cater to essential needs and emerging trends. Our detailed project reports can help you understand these industries better, ensuring you make informed decisions.

The type of business you should start depends on your interests, skills, and market opportunities. We offer detailed reports to match your investment range and expertise with the best business ideas.

Identifying new market opportunities involves thorough market research and trend analysis. Our market survey reports provide in-depth insights into potential opportunities tailored to your interests and investment capacity.

A good manufacturing business aligns with market demand, your skills, and investment capacity. We provide detailed feasibility reports to help you choose a manufacturing business that fits your criteria and market potential.

The best industry for doing business varies based on market trends and personal interests. Our comprehensive project reports help you analyze different industries and identify the most promising ones for investment.

Investment opportunities abound in sectors with growth potential and market demand. We offer detailed reports to help you explore various opportunities and make informed investment decisions.

Ensuring business viability involves market research, financial planning, and feasibility analysis. Our detailed project reports provide all the necessary information to evaluate and ensure your business idea’s viability.

Consider market demand, investment capacity, competition, and your expertise. Our feasibility reports cover these aspects comprehensively, helping you make well-informed decisions

 Assessing competition involves market research and analysis. We provide detailed market survey reports that include competitive analysis, helping you understand and strategize accordingly.

Financial planning should include startup costs, operating expenses, and revenue projections. Our complete project financials in the feasibility reports help you plan and manage your finances effectively.

Manufacturing businesses can offer high returns and control over production quality. Our detailed project reports highlight these benefits and provide insights into setting up a successful manufacturing business.

Choosing the right location involves considering factors like market access, resources, and logistics. Our feasibility reports provide detailed analysis to help you select the optimal location for your business.

Market research is crucial for understanding demand, competition, and consumer preferences. We offer comprehensive market survey reports that provide essential insights for effective business planning.

Long-term success requires continuous market analysis, innovation, and financial management. Our detailed project reports and ongoing consultancy services help you adapt and thrive in the competitive market.

Get a Project Report

Starting a Business


Most Profitable Business Sectors

  • Abrasive, Asbestos, Cement, Refractory Products
  • Activated Carbon & Activated Charcoal
  • Adhesives, Industrial Adhesive, Sealants, Glues, Gum & Resin
  • Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Beverages, Drinks
  • Aluminium and Aluminium Extrusion Profiles & Sections
  • Bamboo and Bamboo Products
  • Bamboo and Cane Based Projects
  • Banana Products
  • Battery Operated Electric Rickshaw
  • Battery Operated Vehicle,
  • Battery Projects
  • Beer and Wine Industry
  • Bicycle Components
  • Bicycle Industry
  • Bicycle Parts, Bicycle Assembling
  • Bicycle Spare Parts,
  • Bicycle Tyres & Tubes
  • Bio Fertilizers and Biotechnology
  • Biodegradable & Bioplastic Based Projects
  • Biofuel
  • Biotechnology
  • Breakfast Snacks and Cereal Food
  • Building Materials and Construction Projects
  • Carbon Fiber, Carbon Fiber Composites
  • Cashew Value Added Products
  • Ceramic and Ceramic Products
  • Cereal Processing
  • Chemicals (Organic and Inorganic)
  • Chewing Tobacco
  • Citrus Fruits Processing and Value Added Products
  • Coal and Coal By Products
  • Coconut and Coconut Based Products
  • Cold Chain
  • Cold Storage for Fruits & Vegetables
  • Computer Products and Information Technology (IT) Based
  • Concrete, Cement and Cement Based Products
  • Confectionery, Bakery/Baking and Other Food
  • Construction & Building Materials
  • Construction Chemicals
  • Copper & Copper Based Projects
  • Copper and Copper Products
  • Cosmetics
  • Cow Based Products
  • Curcumin Manufacturing
  • Dairy/Milk Processing
  • Date Fruit Processing, Value Added Products
  • Disinfectants
  • Disinfectants, Pesticides, Insecticides, Mosquito Repellents
  • Disposable Products
  • Disposable Products, Cups, Plates, Glasses, Table Ware
  • Dyestuff, Dyes, Pigments and Dye Intermediates
  • E- Vehicle
  • Edible Oils, Non-Edible Oils
  • Electric Vehicles
  • Electrical, Electronic and Computer Based Projects
  • Engineering Goods
  • E-Rickshaw
  • Essential Oils
  • Essential Oils, Oils & Fats and Allied
  • Fast Moving Consumer Goods
  • Feminine Hygiene Products
  • Ferro Alloys Based Projects
  • Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals
  • Fertilizers
  • Fertilizers & Bio Fertilizers
  • Fibre Glass & Float Glass
  • Fish Processing
  • Fisheries and Aquaculture, Fish and Marine Products
  • Flyash Based Value Added Products
  • Food Colours, Colors, Flavours, Flavors
  • Food Gums
  • Food Industry Ingredients
  • Food Processing and Agriculture Based Projects
  • Food Stabilizers
  • Food, Bakery, Agro Processing
  • Fruits & Vegetables Processing
  • Fruits and Vegetables Value Addition, Food Processing
  • Fuels (Alcohol Fuel, Alternative Fuels, Biomass, Biofuel, Combustion, Domestic Fuels, Energy Density, Fossil Fuel, Fuel Oil, Fuel Poverty, Gas Fuel, Hydrocarbon, Liquid Fuels, Oxidation, Propellant, Solid Fuel)
  • Garlic and Garlic Based Products
  • Ginger & Ginger Based Projects
  • Ginger Cultivation, Ginger Processing and Ginger Value Added Products
  • Glass
  • Glassware Industry
  • Herbal Based Projects
  • Herbs and Herbal Based Products
  • Hospital Based Projects
  • Hospital Disposables
  • Hotel & Hospitability Projects
  • Hybrid Electric Scooter
  • Hygiene Products, Essential Personal Hygiene Products
  • Industrial & Engineering Products
  • Industrial Gases
  • Infrastructure Projects
  • Inks, Lithographic Inks, Gravure Inks
  • IV Fluids, I.V. Solutions, Intravenous Fluids
  • Jute & Jute Based Products
  • Leather and Leather Based Projects
  • Leather, Leather Goods
  • Led Light Bulbs, Tubes, Fittings, Spotlights and Wall Lights
  • Leisure & Entertainment Based Projects
  • Livestock Farming Of Birds & Animals
  • Maize Processing (Wet Milling) & Maize Based Projects
  • Material Handling Equipment
  • Meat, Chicken, Egg, Pork, Fish Processing, Marine Products, Seafood Processing
  • Medical Plastics, Disposables Plastic Syringe, Blood Bags
  • Men Personal Care Products and Grooming Essentials
  • Milk & Dairy Products
  • Minerals and Minerals
  • Mosquito, Insects Repellent Mat, Mosquito Repellent Liquid
  • Onion Processing and Value Added Products of Onion
  • Organic Farming, Neem Products Etc.
  • Packaged Drinking Water & Mineral Water
  • Packaging Based Projects
  • Paints, Pigments, Varnish & Lacquer
  • Paper and Paper Board, Paper Recycling Projects
  • Perfumes, Cosmetics and Flavours
  • Pesticides, Insecticides
  • Petrochemicals
  • Petroleum and Petroleum Products
  • Pharmaceutical, Drugs, Fine Chemicals
  • Pharmaceuticals and Drugs
  • Pipe & Tubes
  • Plantations, Farming and Cultivations
  • Plastic Film, Plastic Waste and Plastic Compounds
  • Plastic, PVC, PET, HDPE, LDPE Etc.
  • Plastics, Polymers and Resins
  • Potato and Potato Based Projects
  • Power Generation Based Projects
  • Printing and Packaging
  • Printing Inks
  • Ready to Eat Food
  • Real Estate, Leisure and Hospitality
  • Renewable Energy Based Projects
  • Rice and Rice Based Products
  • Rice Husk, Rice Hull, Rice Husk Ash Based Projects
  • Rubber & Plastic Industries
  • Rubber and Rubber Products
  • Sanitary Napkins, Baby and Adult Diapers
  • Seafood Processing
  • Soaps and Detergents
  • Soy and Soya Based Food Products
  • Spices and Condiments
  • Spices and Snacks Food
  • Stationary Products
  • Stationery and Export Industries
  • Steel & Steel Products
  • Surgical, Medical Plastics, Medical Disposables
  • Synthetic Resins
  • Tamarind and Tamarind Based Products
  • Technical Textiles, (Agrotech, Buildtech, Clothtech, Geotech, Hometech, Indutech, Lifting Textiles, Mobiltech, Oekotech or Ecotech, Packtech, Protech, Sportech Textiles)
  • Textile Auxiliary and Chemicals
  • Textile Bleaching, Dyeing, Spinning
  • Textile, Apparel, Clothing Manufacturing
  • Textiles and Readymade Garments
  • Tobacco, Pan Masala, Khaini
  • Tomato Processing and Tomato Based Products
  • Township & Residential Complex
  • Transformer, Distribution Transformer
  • Waste Management & Recycling
  • Water Industry (Packaged Drinking Water & Mineral Water)
  • Wax and Polishing
  • Wire & Cable
  • Wood & Wood Products
Project Financials

Evaluate Project Costs and Payback Period

Growth Estimation

Know how to drive the growth of the project

Market Potential

Analyze the Export-Import Potential of the Industry

Good Future Demand

Identify the demand of the Industry before you start

0 K +

Our Clients

0 K +

Project Choice

0 +

Tech Books


Reasons for Buying our Report

Our Detailed Project Report aims at providing all the critical data required by any entrepreneur vying to venture into a project.

Choose a Profitable Project

Identify a profitable project for investing or diversifying into the sector.

Project Feasibility Details

The report contains information such as the raw materials needed, the production process, project costs, & other project financials.

Know Project Details

Details about the product, such as its description, characteristics, and segmentation

Key Forecasts

Forecasts of key parameters are given in the study, which aids in anticipating industry success and making sound business decisions.

Determine Target Audience

The study assists you in properly selling & positioning the product by determining the product's target customer audience.

Business Plan

The business plan helps you connect with the investors, lenders who want to see the plan and will expect the plan to cover the main points.

Our Major Clients

Project Report


Feasibility Report




Market Research Report

We get results

Why choose Entrepreneur India?

Through our reliable expertise in the project consultancy and market research field, have demystified the situation by putting forward the emerging business opportunities along with its business prospects.

We also provide exhaustive information about the project, which satisfies all the above mentioned requirements and has high growth potential in the markets. And through our report we aim to help you make sound and informed business decision.

  • A trusted and driving name in the business that provides specialized consulting services.
  • We offer are pre-feasibility reports, key plans, techno-financial reports, comprehensive project reports, consumer assessments & specialized business directing.
  • Our goal is to deliver value-added services and solutions
  • We focus on quality and inventiveness strategies that benefits innumerable customers.
The method of development of the report and execution involves data collection, data analysis and formulation of the report and project. Alongside, the reports help in making investment decisions based on:
  • Technical feasibility
  • Financial viability
  • Project risks associated
  • Required actions to mitigate risks
We depend on reliable data sources and databases. We process information from these sources and include it in the study.
Our Partial List of Clients
M/s.    Ashapura Mine Chem Ltd. Mumbai, Maharashtra Preparation of Detailed Project Report on High Energy Products
M/s.    Ratnawali Infrastructure Ltd. Jaipur Market Survey Cum Detailed Techno Economic Feasibility Report on Waste Tyre Pyrolysis
M/s. Whitewood Nigeria Limited Nigeria Preparation of Detailed Project Report on Woven PP Cement Sacks
M/s. Printexchem Production and Trading Company Limited Vietnam Information on Epoxy Resins, Adhesive Formulary, Modern Packaging Industries, Printing Technology, Phenolic Resins, Industrial Adhesives, Food Packaging, Natural Dyes & Pigments
M/s. Tea Research Institute of Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Information on Cultivation and Manufacture of Tea
M/s. Bemunka Infrastructure Group Ltd. Ghana Pre-Investment Feasibility Report for Establishment of Porcelain Insulators
M/s. Doono Ltd. Somaliland  Preparation of Detailed Project Report on Aluminium Foil Container
M/s. Sahaviriya Steel Industries Public Company Limited Thailand Information on Hot Rolling
M/s. Crest International Resources Pte Ltd Singapore Preparation of Detailed Project Report on Soda Ash (Light and Soda Ash Dense)
M/s. Surgivalley Pvt Ltd Pakistan Project Consultancy on Electroplating
M/s.   Anbarasu & Jalapathi Sathyamangalam, Tamil Nadu Preparation of Detailed Project Report on Essential Oil Extraction (Jasmine and Tuberose) Unit
M/s.   Bio Ethanol Agro Industries Ltd. Hyderabad, Telangana Pre-Investment and Pre-Feasibility Study on Dall Mill
M/s.   Deepak Nitrite Limited Pune, Maharashtra Pre-Investment Feasibility Report for Establishment of Synthetic Iron Oxide from Iron Oxide Liquor/Sludge by Laux Process (Red, Yellow, Green, Blue) Plant
M/s.   DIQU Tech Private Limited Bangalore, Karnataka Techno-Economic Feasibility Study for Establishment of Precipitated Silica from Rice Husk Ash Unit
M/s.   Fortcaps Healthcare Ltd. Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Preparation of Detailed Project Report on Soft Gelatin Capsules Unit
M/s.   IMC Limited Chennai, Tamil Nadu Market Survey Cum Detailed Techno Economic Feasibility Report on Lube Oil Blending Based on Imported Base Oil
M/s. Brice and Company Limited Saint Lucia,  Caribbean Island Preparation of Detailed Project Report on Steel Billets and TMT Bars (Rebar)from Scrap Metal
M/s. Kiboko Enterprises Ltd. Uganda Preparation of Detailed Project Report on Toothpaste
M/s. Amponsah-Efah Pharmaceuticals Limited Ghana, West Africa Preparation of Detailed Project Report on Toothpaste
M/s. Zimbabwe Bearings Private Limited Zimbabwe Preparation of Detailed Project Report on Roller Bearing
M/s. Whitewood Nigeria Limited Nigeria Preparation of Detailed Project Report on Woven PP Cement Sacks
M/s. Printexchem Production and Trading Company Limited Vietnam Information on Epoxy Resins, Adhesive Formulary, Modern Packaging Industries, Printing Technology, Phenolic Resins, Industrial Adhesives, Food Packaging, Natural Dyes & Pigments
M/s.   Kadombara Udyog Ltd. Kolkata, West Bengal Feasibility Study for Establishment of Grain based Alcohol Distillery Unit
M/s.   Shakti Bhog Foods Ltd. Haridwar, Uttarakhand Preparation of Detailed Project Report on Plain Corn Flakes and Coated Choco Flakes Plant
M/s.   Shri Lakshmi Cotsyn Ltd. Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh Techno-Economic Feasibility Study for Establishment of Precipitated Silica from Rice Husk Ash
M/s. Petroleum and Gas Company Fiji Limited Fiji Islands Information on  Coconut Products
M/s. Chengdu Green Gold Biological Science & Technology Co. Ltd. China Details on Neem & Allied Products
M/s. Can Tho Fertilizer and Chemical Joint Stock Company Vietnam Market Survey Cum Detailed Techno Economic Feasibility Report on Sodium Silicate from Rice Husk Ash
M/s. Kingyal Coke and Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Bhutan Preparation of Detailed Project Report on Dolomite Bricks
M/s.   Sunil Healthcare Limited New Delhi, Delhi Feasibility Study for Establishment of Cashew Nut Processing Plant
M/s.  B.L. Agro Oils Ltd. Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh Project Feasibility and Market Study for Establishment of Cold Storage Unit
M/s.  Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. Mumbai, Maharashtra Market Survey Cum Detailed Techno Economic Feasibility Report on Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC Blocks) Manufacturing Plant
M/s.  Gujarat Ambuja Exports Ltd. Ahmedabad, Gujarat Preparation of Detailed Project Report on Sodium Silicate from Rice Husk/Hull
M/s.  ITC Limited-Agri Business Division-IL Ltd. Guntur, Andhra Pradesh Preparation of Detailed Project Report on Nicotine from Tobacco Waste
M/s. Global Plastics Industries South Africa Pre-Investment Feasibility Report for Establishment of  PET Bottle Recycling
M/s. Icon Construction ,Inc. USA Preparation of Detailed Project Report on Copper Sulphate from Metallic Scrap Copper
M/s. Transmara Sugar Company Limited Kenya Pre-Investment and Pre-Feasibility Study on Yeast from Molasses Project
M/s. SDI Automobiles Pvt. Ltd. Nepal Techno-Economic Feasibility Study for Establishment of Lubricants Blending Plant (Lubricants/Grease/Brake Fluid/Coolant)
M/s. QAS Arabia Co. Ltd. Saudi Arabia Techno-Economic Feasibility Study for Establishment of PVC Cables & Wires Manufacturing Unit
M/s.  Jindal Udyog Limited Kolkata, West Bengal Market Survey Cum Detailed Techno Economic Feasibility Report on Cold Rolled Sheet Mill
M/s.  Mep Cotton Ltd. Rajkot, Gujarat Pre-Investment and Pre-Feasibility Study on Cotton Seed Delinting/Crushing and Refining Unit
M/s.  Orissa Stevedores Limited Cuttack, Odisha Market Survey Cum Detailed Techno Economic Feasibility Report on Cenosphere Processing Unit
M/s.  Quiz Electronica LLP Palghar, Maharashtra Techno-Economic Feasibility Study for Establishment of LED Street Light Assembling Unit
M/s.  Rubfila International Ltd. Palakkad, Kerala Pre-Investment Feasibility Report for Establishment of Flexible Polyurethane Foam Production Unit
M/s.  Sarda Metals & Alloys Limited Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh Feasibility Study for Establishment of Manganese Oxide (Mno) through Calcination of Manganese Oxide Ore in Rotary Kiln Project
M/s. Rabdhuen Pvt. Ltd. Bhutan Pre-Investment Feasibility Report for Establishment of HDPE Pipes Manufacturing Unit
M/s. Gaffar Food Products Ltd. Bangladesh Feasibility Study for Establishment of Medical College With Hospital Project
M/s.   Autochemicals Uk Ltd United Kingdom
M/s.   FITI Testing and Research Institute Korea
M/s. ACS Manufacturing Co. Philippines
M/s. Advanced Electroplaters New Zealand
M/s. Al Ahli Leather Factory Co Ltd. KSA
M/s. Asia Resource Co Ltd Taiwan
M/s. B.H. Blackwell Ltd. England
M/s.  Shree Cement Ltd. Beawar, Rajasthan Pre-Investment Feasibility Report for Establishment of Gypsum Plaster Board Production Unit
M/s.  Tata Steel Limited Jamshedpur, Jharkhand Techno-Economic Feasibility Study for Establishment of Iron Powder Production Unit
M/s.  Tetra Tech India Ltd. New Delhi, Delhi Techno-Economic Feasibility Study for Establishment of Re-Refining of Engine Oil, Transformer Oil and Hydraulic Oil Plant
M/s.  Vandana Global Ltd. Raipur, Chhattisgarh Preparation of Detailed Project Report on Chromite Beneficiation Plant
M/s. Ajeet Seeds Ltd. Aurangabad, Maharashtra Techno-Economic Feasibility Study for Establishment of Beer Plant
M/s. Citland Limited Guntur, Andhra Pradesh Techno-Economic Feasibility Study for Establishment of Nicotine Extraction from Tobacco Waste
M/s. Capital Oil Refining Industries Ltd. Malawi
M/s. Coates Brother’s Zambice Ltd. Zambia
M/s. Current Pacific Ltd. New Zealand
M/s. Gulf Facilities Trading & Contracting Co. Kuwait
M/s. Gulf Organization For Industrial Consulting Qatar
M/s. Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Bangladesh
M/s. International Trading & Manufacturing SRL Italy
M/s. Kenana Sugar Co. Ltd. Sudan
M/s. Kenya Invalid & Pharmacy Suppliers Ltd. Kenya
M/s. Luatek Nigeria Ltd. Jordan
M/s. Danapur Flour Mills Ltd. Patna, Bihar Techno-Economic Feasibility Study for Establishment of Stainless Steel Sheet Rolling & Manufacturing of S.S. Utensils
M/s. DCM Shriram Industries Limited Delhi Techno Economic Viability (TEV) study  on Synthetic Camphor
M/s. Dharampal Satyapal Limited Noida, Uttar Pradesh Detailed Project Report
M/s. Gemco Energy Limited Faridabad,Haryana Information on Economic, Technical, Financial, Managerial and Production Aspects of Lithium lon Battery (Battery Assembly)
M/s. Gorakhpur Resources Limited Gorakhpur, Haryana Pre-Investment and Pre-Feasibility Study on Beer Plant
M/s. Gravita India Limited Jaipur, Rajasthan Pre-Investment and Pre-Feasibility Study on Lead Recycling (Smelting & Refining) Plant
M/s. JK GD Cooperative Housing & Infrastucture Ltd Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir Project Feasibility and Market Study for Establishment of Residential Apartment
M/s. JSW Steel Ltd. Thane, Maharashtra Pre-Investment Feasibility Report for Establishment of Aluminium Alloy from Virgin Metal Project
M/s. Krishnonics Ltd. Gandhinagar,Gujarat Feasibility Study for Establishment of Peanut Butter
M/s. Maha Laxmi Sugars Ltd. Ethiopia
M/s. Mannai Co. Ltd. UAE
M/s. MGM International Machinery Ltd. Malaysia
M/s. Midway Centre Ltd. Singapore
M/s. Nabil Bank Ltd. Egypt
M/s. Narayan Vegetable Industries (P) Ltd. Kuwait
M/s. NR Chemicals & Organics Industry Japan
M/s. Pisu & Co. Ltd. Poland
M/s. Polivent Ltd. Mauritius
M/s. KSL & Industries Ltd. Nagpur, Maharashtra Techno-Economic Feasibility Study for Establishment of Coal Based Power Plant 500 MW
M/s. Kusalava International Limited Krishna District,Andhra Pradesh Preparation of the DPR and  Pre-Investment Study of Cold Storage (Shrimp & Agricultural Products)
M/s. Majalgaon Sah. Karkhana Ltd. Sundernagar, Himachal Pradesh Market Survey Cum Detailed Techno Economic Feasibility Report on Onion Powder Manufacturing Plant
M/s. Merino Industries Ltd. Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh Market Survey Cum Detailed Techno Economic Feasibility Report on Tissue Culture Lab for Production of Potato Seeds
M/s. Modern Tube Industries Ltd. Vadodara, Gujarat Project Feasibility and Market Study for Establishment of Cigarette Manufacturing Unit
M/s. Nesco Limited Karamsad,Gujarat Feasibility Study for Establishment of Steel Shots & Grits
M/s. Proec Energy Ltd. New Delhi, Delhi Preparation of Detailed Project Report on HDPE/PP Woven Fabric
M/s. Saipem India Projects Limited Chennai, Tamil Nadu Preparation of Detailed Project Report on Unsaturated Polyester Resins Production Plant
M/s. Sethia Oil Industries Ltd. Sitapur, Uttar Pradesh Pre-Investment and Pre-Feasibility Study on Maize Starch and Its By Products Processing Unit
M/s. Shakti Rail Infra Limited Rourkela, Orissa Techno-Economic Feasibility Study for Establishment of Wood Plastic Composite (WPC) Plant
M/s. SRF Limited Bhiwadi, Rajasthan Pre-Investment and Pre-Feasibility Study on Gypsum from Synthetic Resin
M/s. The Dharamsi Moraji Chemical Co. Ltd. Mumbai, Maharashtra Pre-Investment Feasibility Report for Establishment of  Sulphuric Acid Plant including Manufacture of Chlorosulphonic Acid, 23 % Oleum
M/s. Thermal Powertech Corporation India Limited Nellore, Andhra Pradesh Preparation of Detailed Project Report on Button Mushroom Cultivation

Our Project Report

  • The task report helps in planning and executing the venture and is additionally an essential document that is needed for getting endorsement and settling on investment decision.
  • Moreover, the report additionally helps in infrastructure procedure, implementation interventions alongside dealing with the scope, cost, scheduling, procurement, and risk that are needed.
  • The complete undertaking report is significant for many reasons, for example, for settling on venture dynamic, project arranging, execution, and endorsement.
  • It is also expected to get credit from financial backers and for land obtaining, licenses, and permits, a project report end up being a significant document.
  • We gather all the fundamental data about a project and put together the information in a deliberate way to ensure the task report isn't just best but is likewise adequate and applicable to the public authority offices and undertaking members.
  • For project study, we cover presentation, definition, market studies, plant format, suppliers, location factors, financials, cost, fixed resources, capital use, benefit investigation, cash flow statement, and financial resources.
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