Manufacturing of L-ASCORBIC ACID (PLAIN). Profit-Making Business forEntrepreneurs, Startups.
L-Ascorbic acid is an organic acid withantioxidant properties. Its appearance is white to light yellow crystals orpowder. It’s water-soluble. The L-enantiomer ofascorbic acid is usually referred to as vitamin C. The name is derived from thealpha privative a- (meaning no) and scorbutic United States (scurvy), thedisease caused by a deficiency of vitamin c. In 1937 the Nobel Prize forchemistry was awarded to Walter Haworth for his add determining the structureof L-ascorbic acid (shared with Paul Karrer, who received his award for work onvitamins), and also the prize for Physiology or medicine that year went toalbert Szent-Gyorgyi for his studies of the biological functions of L-ascorbicacid.