LayerPoultry Farming Business Plan. Growing Industry for Starting a Business ofRaising Chickens for Egg Production.
Layer poultry farming means forcommercial egg production to raise egg-laying poultry birds. Layer chickens aresuch a special hen’s species that must be raised when they are one day old.They begin commercially laying eggs between the ages of 18-19 weeks. Theycontinue to lay eggs till their age of 72-78 weeks. During their egg-layingtime, they will produce about one kg of eggs by consuming about 2.25 kg offood. Note the different characteristics of cock and hen before breeding forthe purpose of producing a hybrid egg sheet. There are different types ofhighly productive layer breeds of eggs available worldwide.
Layer hens are of two types,depending on the nature and color of the egg. Below is a short description ofthese two types.
WhiteEgg Laying Hens:The size of this type of hens is relatively smaller. Eat less food relatively,and the eggshell color is white. Some popular white egg-laying chickens are IsaWhite, Lehman White, Nikchik, Bab Cock BV-300, Havard White, Hi Sex White,Sever White, Hi White, Bovanch White, etc.
BrownEgg Laying Hens:The size of the brown egg-laying hens is comparatively smaller. Compared towhite egg layers, they eat more food. Lay larger eggs than other breeds of thelaying. The shell of the egg is brown. A lot of brown layer forms areavailable. Among them are Isa Brown, Hi Sex Brown, Sever 579, Lehman Brown, HiLine Brown, Bab CockBV-380, Gold Line, Bablona Tetro, Bablona Harko, HavardBrown, etc.