Projects Covered In This Issue:
SolidWaste Management: Due to rapid increase in the production and consumptionprocesses, societies generate as well as reject solid materials regularly fromvarious sectors – agricultural, commercial, domestic, industrial andinstitutional.
BiomedicalWaste Recycling: Biomedical waste is waste that is either putrescible orpotentially infectious. Biomedical waste may also include waste associated withthe generation of biomedical waste that visually appears to be of medical orlaboratory origin (e.g., packaging, unused bandages, infusion kits, etc.).
PlasticWaste Recycling Plant: Waste is now a global problem, and one that must beaddressed in order to solve the world's resource and energy challenges.Plastics are made from limited resources such as petroleum, and huge advancesare being made in the development of technologies to recycle plastic wasteamong other resources.
Bricks from Fly Ash:Fly Ash is a burnt residue of pulverized coal (bituminous orsub-bituminous) and is siliceous in nature. In past few decades, R&Defforts were undertaken and it has been proved that this material can beutilized in number of ways in building construction products as well as incivil works with adequate durability.
Benzoic Acid: Today, benzoic acid is produced byoxidation of toluene with air, which has displaced dichromate and nitric acidoxidation processes.
Bio-Degradable Plastic Polymer from Corn: Polymer,that are cheaper and lighter than many materials, are being favored forindustrial and commercial applications. Plastics are necessary in daily lifeexperience, using them in household appliances, cars, packages ex.
FreezeDried Vegetables: Freeze-drying,technically known as Lyophilization, is a process of sublimation where watermolecules in a solid phase are directly converted to