Textile industry is one of the few basic industries, whichis characterised as a necessary component of human life. One may classify it asa more glamorous industry, but whatever it is, it provides with the basicrequirement called clothes. Spinning is the process of converting cotton ormanmade fibre into yarn to be used for weaving and knitting. Weaving is amethod of textile production in which two distinct sets of yarns or threads areinterlaced at right angles to form a fabric or cloth. Finishing refers to theprocesses that convert the woven or knitted cloth into a usable material.Printing is the process of applying colour to fabric in definite patterns ordesigns.
The textile industry occupies an important position in thetotal volume of merchandise trade across countries. Developing countriesaccount for little over two-third of world exports in textiles and clothing. Itis the second largest employer after agriculture, providing employment to over45 million people directly and 60 million people indirectly. The future for thetextile industry looks promising, buoyed by both strong domestic consumption aswell as export demand.
This book is based on the latest technology involved intextile industry, which describes the processes available at the spinning andfabric forming stages coupled with the complexities of the finishing andcolouration processes to the production of wide ranges of products.
The major contents of the book are dyeing of textilematerials, principles of spinning, process preparatory to spinning, principlesof weaving, textile chemicals, yarn preparation, weaving and woven fabrics,knitting and knit fabrics, nonconventional fabrics, cellulosics, mixed fibers,printing compositions, printing processes, transfer dyes, transfer inks etc. Itdescribes the manufacturing processes and photographs of plant & machinerywith supplier’s contact details.
It will be a standard reference book for professionals,entrepreneurs, textile mill owners, those studying and researching in thisimportant area and others interested in the field of textile industry.