Fashion and life style existparallel to each other. Fashion leads the world & it will continue to do sothrough times. Human cannot be ever segregated from fashion. Fashion keeps onchanging along with the times, it can be old styled, and traditional, modern,rigid, practical, customary, experimental, trendy, sober, etc. generation havewitnessed the colour and glamour that constitutes the fashion. Accessories arethe extra elements of fashion which enhance the look of your garments design.They form an excellent focal point if used carefully. It helps in making youappear taller or shorter. Some of the examples of accessories are scarves,belts, jewellery, handbags, shoes etc. The Principles are concepts used toorganize or arrange the structural elements of design. Again, the way in whichthese principles are applied affects the expressive content, or the message ofthe work. The principles are: balance, proportion, rhythm, emphasis and unity.The elements of design converge to create a equal distribution of visual weightwithin the particular composition. Balance in design principles is the designor arrangement of elements that appear to be a whole with equilibrium. Thesimplistic type of balance is called symmetrical balance which has a basicappeal to the viewer. Asymmetrical balance is achieved by unlike object thathas equal eye attraction. Asymmetrical balance is based on: balance by valueand colour, balance of shape and texture and by position and eye direction. TheIndian fashion industry has experienced significant expansion in the lastdecade mainly driven by the growth of domestic designers, some of whom havegained international recognition in recent years. Industry growth in India ismainly driven by the growing exposure of domestic designers at internationalforums, but growth is also supported by other factors such as the launch offocused business education courses for emerging designers and the establishmentof an industry association.
This book basicallydeals with history of fashion, sketching, designing principles, drawing thegarments, understanding and application of silhouettes, basic principles offashion illustrations, fashion accessories and their creative uses, designingtechniques, achieving texture in pen and ink, sketching human body, drawing ofhands & postures, structure of feet & postures drawing of other partsof body, contemporary western fashion style, etc.
Professional students, newentrepreneurs and designers will find valuable educational material and widerknowledge of fashion technology in the book. Comprehensive in scope, the bookprovides solutions that are directly applicable to the basic principles,history, designing principles, language guide of fashion industry.
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