A large number of people todaydream of starting something of their own and wish that they did not have toutilize their capabilities while making money for someone else. If you are oneof the above, then this book could be the end of your search. The first fewconcerns while you start something of your own are the right choice of businessand the associated investment requirement. This book places a full stop to yoursearch for lucrative business that you can start from your home with low costs.It lists down more than 30 businesses that can give you good returns and can beoperated from the comfort of your home.
If you look around yourself, surely you will find a friend or a relative or afriend’s friend or your neighbor pursuing their hobby as a business (full timeor part time) and most of which will be home based.And are you, on the otherhand, still struggling with the choice of business? Has that made you feel leftout or indecisive or unconfident? The correct choice of business is anextremely essential step in the process of ‘being your own boss’. The book‘Money Making Business Ideas- You Can Start from Home with Low Costs’discussesin detail all the vital steps and concerns of operating a business from homelike why your chosen business will work, what is the business model, how willyou generate money from it, What can you sell, How will you market yourbusiness and what are the raw materials/machinery required. After gathering theabove mentioned details of a business, the decision of choosing an appropriateone will no longer be a cumbersome process. This book is designed to help youclimb the ladder of success by being your own boss and essentially qualifies asan entrepreneurial tool for anyone who wishes to be self-employed and doesn’thave the desired knowledge to go ahead. A growing number of housewives todayare willing to work in order to bring in additional money in their householdsand make a mark for themselves. And working from home is their first preferablechoice for earning their identity. A large number of home makers are turning ontheir entrepreneurial caps and are in a constant search for home based businessthat can help them fulfill their goals and desires. This book aims at equippingsuch people with the required knowledge and motivation to start something oftheir own by sharing the concerns, decisions and choices involved in theprocess. Once you have made the choice of your business, it helps you tounderstand the ways in which you can source the capital required and the ways youcan operate your small venture. After reading this book, the dilemmasurrounding the decision to go solo will be cleared up and you will be allequipped to take on the battle with a shining armor.