Most of the commercial soaps anddetergents contain chemicals that can be harmful to the skin. Using a naturalherbal soap and detergents can be a good alternative. Herbal soaps anddetergents are made using natural herbs and ingredients that are healthier andbeneficial for the skin. Now a day people are very much aware of theingredients in cosmetics products, the benefits of plant products and harmfuleffects of chemical ingredients. The Soap and Detergent industry is profoundlylucrative with splendid market potential as well as bright future scope. Inorder to meet the requirement of market demand, many more new units arerecommended to be established on small and cottage scale.
Themajor contents of the book are: list and descriptions of the most importantherbal products, technology of manufacturing herbal synthetic detergents,detergent bars, determination of physical, surface active and performancecharacteristics of surfactants, analysis of fats and fatty oils etc