Biscuit industry in India in the organized sector produces around 60% of the total production, the balance 40% being contributed by the unorganized bakeries. The industry consists of two large scale manufacturers, around 50 medium scale brands and small scale units ranging up to 2500 units in the country, as at 2000-01. The unorganized sector is estimated to have approximately 30,000 small & tiny bakeries across the country. Biscuit can he broadly categorized into the following segments: Glucose 44% Marie 13% Cream 10% Crackers 13% Milk 12% Others 8%. Though India is considered as the third largest producer of Biscuits after USA and China, the per capita consumption of biscuits in our country is only 2.1 Kg., compared to more than 10 kg in the USA, UK and West European countries and above 4.25 kg in south cast Asian countries, Le. Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Indonesia etc. China has a per capita consumption of 1.90 kg, while in the case of Japan it is estimated at 7.5 kg. Biscuits are manufactured from wheat flour, sugar, baking powder, condensed milk, Ghee, salt, millet, jelly, dry fruits. Various essences are added according to the taste selected. Biscuits are manufactured through baking process. There is total average growth rate of biscuit industry is 7-9%. It can be concluded that there is wide scope for new entrepreneurs if he can produce good quality product.