Spices which are basically plant products, have a definite role to play in enhancing the taste flavour, relish or piquancy of any food; most of the spices are fragrant, aromatic & pungent. They comprise seeds, bartes, rhizamer, leaves fruits and other parts of plants, which belong to varigated species and genera since time immemorial, India in renamed to be the have of spices. Most important spices like black pepper (king of spices) cardamom (queen of spices), ginger, chillis and turmeric, which are produced in India import it great reputation, and these constitute. In the list of spices, clove, nutmeg, cinnamon and cassia are known as tree spices, however, spices like fennel, fenugreek, garlic, onion, coriander, cumin, vanilla, saffron; etc. These spices are not used at a time. For preparation of any dish may be Indian or European, vegetarian or non vegetarian we use more than one spice. The combination of all the spices but together for the use of one particular dish as known as masala the bulk of the dry matter consists of carbohydrates, proteins, tannius, resins, volatile oil, fixed oil, for pigments, mineral, elements, etc. These constituents differ greatly in their composition and content in different spices. They have varied physical and chemical properties. Due to this reason, the processing method of different spice, differ widely and required individual expertise in operation like curing, drying, cleaning, grading and packing. Uses & Applications There are a large number of dishes used commonly and on special occasions; correspondingly, there may be large variety of masalas (spices) also. However, the purpose or use of spices (a masalas) in dishes is two folds and being the appetizer and the other being taste and appearance. Spices have a definite roll to play in enhancing the taste and flavor of any forces. A dish of spices adds individuality to standardized foods, traditional or modern. In the indigenous system of medicine in India, spices are used widely. But, till recently, there was a prejudice in many foreign Countries That Spices Are Injurious To Health. Fortunately, This View Has Been Contradicted Recently By Research Workers In India And Abroad. Market Survey India is one of the leading producers, consumers and exporters of spices. The Spices Board, under the umbrella of Ministry of Commerce and Industry, government of India, is the apex body for promoting exports of Indian Spices. Established in 1987, the Board plays an important role as a development agency for Indian spices. Its board based activities include formulation and important role as a development agency for Indian spices. Its broad based activities include formulation and implementation of quality improvement system, research and development programmes, imparting education and training to farmers, processors, packers and exporters on post harvest handling, etc. For promotion of spices, the Spice Board is regularly participating in international food fairs. Assisting exporters in trade fair participation and sending business delegations to identified markets for export development. ? India is known as the home of spices. No India meal is considered complete without the tangy and delectable flavor of Indian spices, locally known as masala. Indian spices are famous the world over for their high medicinal values. There is no other country in the world that produces as many kinds of spices as India. India grows over 50 different varieties of spices. The total production is around 2.7 million tonnes. Of this, about 0.25 million tonne (8 10 per cent) is exported to more than 150 countries.