Best Business Opportunities in Jammu & Kashmir - Identification and Selection of right Project, Thrust areas for Investment, Industry Startup and Entrepreneurship


Agriculture & Horticulture: Project Opportunities in Jammu & Kashmir



Agriculture Sector of Indian Economy is one of the most significant part of India. Agriculture is the only means of living for almost two-thirds of the employed class in India. About 65% of Indian population depends directly on agriculture and it accounts for around 22% of GDP. Agriculture derives its importance from the fact that it has vital supply and demand links with the manufacturing sector. The agriculture sector of India has occupied almost 43 percent of India's geographical area. Agriculture is still the only largest contributor to India's GDP even after a decline in the same in the agriculture share of India


Paddy, wheat and maize are the major crops of Jammu & Kashmir. Barley, bajra and jowar are cultivated in few parts. Gram is grown in Ladakh. The horticulture industry in Kashmir has become the safeguard of rural economy in the State, providing job facilities to the thousands of people directly and indirectly. The major horticulture items are apple, pear, cherry, walnut, almond, peaches, saffron, apricot, strawberry and plum. About 80 per cent population of the State depends on agriculture. The area under orchards is 242 lakh hectares. The State produces fruit worth Rs 2,000 crore annually including export of walnuts worth Rs. 120 crore. Jammu and Kashmir State has been declared as Agri Export Zone for apple and walnuts. Market Intervention Scheme has also been launched for improving quality fruit for export by ensuing proper grading.

The State is suitable for growing variety of flowers since it has perfect agro-climatic conditions. The floriculture industry in the State offers a good source of supply to the domestic and international market. There is potential for this activity to be propagated on a commercial basis.


In India, agricultural trade policy is a part of a larger food and agriculture policy regime that seeks to maintain food self-sufficiency while providing income support to the agricultural sector and poor consumers. The Government of India (GOI) uses a variety of policy instruments in attempting to achieve these goals, including:

•        Domestic subsidies to inputs, outputs, transportation, storage, and consumption to reduce producer costs and consumer prices

•        Border measures such as subsidies, tariffs, quotas, and non-tariff measures to protect domestic producers from import competition, manage domestic price levels, and guarantee domestic supply.

Handicraft: Project Opportunities in Jammu & Kashmir


India is one of the important suppliers of handicrafts to the world market.  The Indian handicrafts industry is highly labour intensive cottage based industry and decentralized, being spread all over the country in rural and urban areas.  Paintings, furniture, sculptures, artificial jewellery, animal figures, figurines of deities and idols, baskets, and many more items have been complimented as the pride of India. The Handicrafts Sector plays a significant & important role in the country’s economy.


Handicraft is the traditional industry of the State and has been of crucial importance given its large employment and export potential. Some of the items of industry are papier-mache, woodcarving, carpets, shawl making, embroidery etc. The handicrafts industry, particularly the carpet industry, has been a source of substantial foreign exchange. It provides employment to about 3.40 lakh artisans. The number of industrial units has also gone up. Jammu has Urban Haats, while a similar Haat is being commissioned in Srinagar. An Export Promotion Industrial Park has been established at Kartholi, Jammu. A similar Park is being set up at Ompora, Budgam. A pashmina dehairing project assisted by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is coming up in the Leh industrial estate of the State.


During the Xth Plan the Government of India has implemented seven generic schemes in the central sector for holistic growth and development of handicrafts sector in the country.  The Sub-Group on handicrafts recommended six generic schemes for development of handicrafts in the country to be implemented during the 11th five year plan. The schemes recommended for implementation during 11th five year plan are as under:

Baba Saheb Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas Yojana: This scheme aims to promote Indian handicrafts by developing artisans’ clusters into professionally managed and self-reliant community enterprise on the principles of effective member participation and mutual cooperation.  The thrust of the scheme is on a project based, need based integrated approach for sustainable development of handicrafts through participation of crafts persons. 


Livestock: Project Opportunities in Jammu & Kashmir


Livestock sector plays a critical role in the welfare of India's rural population. It contributes nine percent to Gross Domestic Product and employs eight percent of the labour force. 70% of livestock market in India is owned by 67% of small, marginal farmers and by the landless. 60% of livestock farming labor is provided by women and more than 90% of work related to care of animals is rendered by womenfolk of the family. Indian Livestock is reared in close human proximity where they form component of the life system of the people. Cows, buffaloes, bullocks, mule and donkeys are not just utility animals, but also companions at work for the toiling poor who rear them alongside their own dwelling. India has 53% of world Buffalo population and 15% of world Cattle population. In terms of sheep population, India ranks fifth after Australia, China, Iran and New Zealand.


In Jammu and Kashmir, animal husbandry plays a significant role as 0.13 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP) of the state is contributed by this sector. The state has a precious wealth of livestock in form of cattle-buffalo, sheep, goats, poultry, etc. The cattle and poultry amongst all the livestock are considered the most important tool for the development of the rural economy. The production of pashmina shawls and other animal products like carpets, shawls and blankets of Kashmir earn handsome foreign exchange for the nation. Therefore livestock industry in the state has vast scope for development rendering quick economic returns.


The Indian government has collaboration and policies to provide guidance for a more holistic planning, implementation and monitoring of animal husbandry projects. Following plans have also been made:

•        Also, the government has planned to assure a sound Natural Resource Management (NRM) Sphere co-ordination and implementation at country level for SDC.

•        Create / enhance synergy between the activities of the Livestock production and Dairying (LPD) and Sustainable Land Use (SLU) sectors

•        Enlarge the scope for new and innovative interventions and for support to technical development and technology transfer.

•        Promote and support validation, documentation and dissemination of experiences in order to contribute to the process of knowledge management in SDC and Inter cooperation (IC) and to strengthen inputs for policy and strategic dialogue with partners and actors in the NRM Sphere


Tourism: Project Opportunities in Jammu & Kashmir



Tourism in India is the largest service industry, with a contribution of 6.23% to the national GDP and 8.78% of the total employment in India. The tourism industry in India is substantial and vibrant, and the country is fast becoming a major global destination. India’s travel and tourism industry is one of them most profitable industries in the country, and also credited with contributing a substantial amount of foreign exchange. Indian Tourism offers a potpourri of different cultures, traditions, festivals, and places of interest.


Jammu and Kashmir is known as crown of India, adheres varieties of cultural, religious spots, adventure and sightseeing activities. It is famous for its towering snow clad mountains, bubbling streams, transparent and sparkling lakes, flower meadows, colourful orchards and rare fauna. All such features of Jammu and Kashmir have always attracted numerous tourists from all over the world. Tourism has emerged as an important and one of the major contributors to the State's economy. There are various places of tourist attraction in the State which are being visited by both foreign and domestic tourists. Kashmir Valley is described as the paradise on earth. Chashmashahi springs, Shalimar Bagh, Dal Lake, Dachigam, Gulmarg, Pahalgam, Sonamarg and Amarnath shrine in the Valley, Vaishnodevi shrine and Patnitop near Jammu and Buddhist monasteries in Ladakh are important tourist destinations. Ladakh festival in September and Sindhu Darshan in June are popular events. However, efforts are being made to support houseboat owners and develop village tourism in Jammu and Kashmir.



In order to develop tourism in India in a systematic manner, position it as a major engine of economic growth and to harness its direct and multiplier effects for employment and poverty eradication in an environmentally sustainable manner, the National Tourism Policy was formulated in the year 2002. Broadly, the Policy attempts to:-

•        Position tourism as a major engine of economic growth;

•        Harness the direct and multiplier effects of tourism for employment generation, economic development and providing impetus to rural tourism;

•        Focus on domestic tourism as a major driver of tourism growth.

•        Position India as a global brand to take advantage of the burgeoning global travel trade and the vast untapped potential of India as a destination;

•        Acknowledges the critical role of private sector with government working as a pro-active facilitator and catalyst;

•        Create and develop integrated tourism circuits based on India’s unique civilization, heritage, and culture in partnership with States, private sector and other agencies; and ensure that the tourist to India gets physically invigorated, mentally rejuvenated, culturally enriched, spiritually elevated and feel India from within.

Sericulture: Project Opportunities in Jammu & Kashmir


Sericulture, the technique of silk production, is an agro-industry, playing an eminent role in the rural economy of India. Silk-fibre is a protein produced from the silk-glands of silkworms. Of the total production of 2,969 tonnes of silk in India, as much as 2,445 tonnes is produced by the mulberry silkworms, Bombyx mori. India is the second largest producer of raw silk after China and the biggest consumer of raw silk and silk fabrics. An analysis of trends in international silk production suggests that sericulture has better prospects for growth in the developing countries rather than in the advanced countries.


Kashmir has been famous for its silk production since ancient past. Rajtrangni of Kalhana, Mahabharata and Ramayana establish that the sericulture was being practised in Kashmir from times immemorial.  Jammu and Kashmir produces the best quality Bivoltine Mulberry silk in the country due to its longer length better strength and shine mainly because of conducive climatic conditions. However out of total production of cocoons every year only 20-25% is being consumed within the State and the rest is exported. The estimated production of raw silk yarn is 92000 kg annually. As against this the State is importing spun silk as an item of raw material for different manufactures without clicking our conscience that the better silk could have been exported to others besides catering to the needs of the home industry.


There are several centrally sponsored schemes for promotion and development of sericulture sector, through which Government of India has been undertaking different activities like:


•        creation of sericulture related infrastructure;

•        development of nurseries and farms;

•        expanding plantation areas;

•        providing technical know-how to the rearers in production and marketing of cocoons;

•        skill up-gradation and training programme, etc.


Fisheries: Project Opportunities in Jammu & Kashmir


Fisheries sector occupies a very important place in socio-economic development in India. It has been recognized as a powerful income and employment generatoras it stimulates growth of a number of subsidiary industries and is a source of cheap and nutritious besides being a foreign exchange earner.


The State of J&K has a unique topography which divides the State in to 3 distinct agro climatic zones viz. the tropical Jammu Division, the temperate Kashmir Valley and the cold arid zone of Ladakh. The State is bestowed with the natural water resources spread over an area of about 0.40 lacs hectares existing in the shape of cold water torrential streams, Lakes, Rivers, Sars, Springs, Reservoirs besides about 250 high altitude Lakes. While the Jammu Division offers potential for development of Warm Water Fisheries, certain areas in the Districts of Kathua, Udhampur, Doda, Rajouri and Poonch also offer potential for the development of Cold water Fisheries and Mahaseer Fisheries. The Kashmir Valley including Ladakh region offers great potential for development of Cold Water Fisheries and the indigenous Icthyofauna.


During the 10th Five Year Plan, emphasis was laid on the strengthening of the infrastructure existing in the shape of Fish Farms, Hatcheries, and other allied infrastructure. The Department has achieved break-through in cold water Fisheries and Food Fisheries. Fish Farming has been successfully introduced in the private sector under the Hon’ble Prime Minister’s Package and in this direction 454 units have been set up to provide employment avenues to the educated unemployed rural youth. During the Annual Plan 2009-10, the department has identified major thrust areas for overall development of fisheries in the State.

These include:-

i.        The existing infrastructure will be further strengthened. Under this programme, emphasis will be laid to increase the hatching and rearing capacity of existing Fish Farms and Trout Hatcheries.

ii.       Development of Recreational Fisheries by way of setting up of an Aquarium at Srinagar and completion of phase 2nd of Aquarium cum Awareness centre at Bagh-i-Bahu Jammu.

iii.      Extensive survey of areas especially in newly created districts will be conducted for establishment of new fish farming units of both Carp and Trout.

iv.      Sport Fisheries will be further strengthened and new trout streams will be established in the State particularly in Jammu division to increase the scope of trout angling in the State.

v.       Propagation of fish culture in private sector

vi.      Development of endemic fish fauna/hill stream fisheries.

vii.     To provide better marketing facilities for the fishermen.


Waste management and recycling: Project Opportunities in Jammu & Kashmir


Rapid industrialization last few decades have led to the depletion of pollution of precious natural resources in India depletes and pollutes resources continuously. Further the rapid industrial developments have, also, led to the generation of huge quantities of hazardous wastes, which have further aggravated the environmental problems in the country by depleting and polluting natural resources. Therefore, rational and sustainable utilization of natural resources and its protection from toxic releases is vital for sustainable socio-economic development.


SMC has introduced dumpers replacing open collection sites in many areas but the dumpers are not colour-coded and no segregation of waste is carried out at source. Total waste generated is about 375 MT/day (within SMC limits). House-to-House collection of municipal solid waste is being undertaken in 25% of households in Srinagar city through Srinagar Municipal Corporation and some Non- Governmental Organizations (NGOs). Waste is being collected from hotels, restaurants, office complexes and commercial areas whereas slums in some areas are not provided with sanitation facilities. Waste from slaughter houses, meat and fish markets, fruits and vegetable markets which are bio-degradable in nature are not managed separately instead are dumped at the landfill site.


National policy on waste management is set out in the October 1998 policy statement on waste management- Changing our Ways. It outlines the Government's policy objectives in relation to waste management, and suggests some key issues and considerations that must be addressed to achieve these objectives. The policy is firmly grounded in an internationally recognised hierarchy of options, namely prevention, minimisation, reuse/recycling, and the environmentally sustainable disposal of waste which cannot be prevented or recovered.


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Thermocol Plates, Cups, Bowls and Glasses
Thermocol Plates, Cups, Bowls and Glasses


Read More

Capacity : Thermocol Cups: 30,000 Th.Pcs/Annum Thermocol Glasses : 30,000 Th.Pcs/Annum Thermocol Plates: 100000
Plant and Machinery cost: 461.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):26.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):51.00 %
TCI :717.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 717.00Lakhs
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Herbal Wine
Herbal Wine

Wine is an alcoholic beverage made f... Read More

Capacity : Herbal Wine (750 ml Size Bottle): 800,000 Nos/annum
Plant and Machinery cost: 81.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):29.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):65.00 %
TCI :334.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 334.00Lakhs
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Paracetamol, also known as acetamino... Read More

Capacity : 0
Plant and Machinery cost: 0.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):0.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):0.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 0.00Lakhs
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Roller Flour Mill
Roller Flour Mill

Around 800 large F... Read More

Capacity : Maida: 22,500 MT/annum Sooji: 5,400 MT/annum Wheat Flour : 9000 MT/annum Bran
Plant and Machinery cost: 2085.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):27.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):45.00 %
TCI :2899.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 2899.00Lakhs
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Canvas Shoes
Canvas Shoes

Footwear refers to garments worn on ... Read More

Capacity : Canvas Shoes:1200,000 pairs/annum Leather Shoes:900,000 pairs/annum
Plant and Machinery cost: 607.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):30.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):64.00 %
TCI :1006.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 1006.00Lakhs
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Integrated Unit Cold Storage with Food Processing
Integrated Unit Cold Storage with Food Processing

Cold storage is a system for holding produce in an atmosphere that differs substantially from normal air in respect to CO2 and O2 levels. The gas m... Read More

Capacity : Mango Pulp (200 Kgs Size Drum Pack) : 10,000 Packs/Annum Mango Jelly (10 Kgs Size Poly Pack): 25,000
Plant and Machinery cost: 500.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):29.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):54.00 %
TCI :1749.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 1749.00Lakhs
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Wood Plastic Composite (WPC)
Wood Plastic Composite (WPC)

Wood-plastic composites (WPCs) are a product class that has been developing over the last 40 years resulting in increased applications and expanded... Read More

Capacity : 4800000 sq.ft.
Plant and Machinery cost: 146.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):27.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):56.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 391.00Lakhs
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Precast RCC Sleeper  for  Railway Track
Precast RCC Sleeper for Railway Track

Earlier, wooden sleepers were used for laying the railway tracks but due to the depleting wooden resources and increasing c... Read More

Capacity : 120,000 Pcs/annum
Plant and Machinery cost: 1509.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):26.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):39.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 1970.00Lakhs
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Hydroponic Green House Farming
Hydroponic Green House Farming

Hydroponics is a system of agriculture that utilizes nutrient-laden water rather than soil for plant nourishment. The re-us... Read More

Capacity : Tomatoes: 500 MT/annum Peas: 45MT/annum Cucumber: 70MT/annum
Plant and Machinery cost: 22.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):0.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):55.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 188.00Lakhs
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Precipitated Silica  from Rice Husk Ash
Precipitated Silica from Rice Husk Ash

Rice milling generates a byproduct known as husk. This surrounds the paddy grain. During milling of paddy about 78 % of weight is r... Read More

Capacity : Precipitated Silica : 1200mt/annum Activated Carbon (by product) : 336mt/annum Sodium Carbonate
Plant and Machinery cost: 556.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):0.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):0.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 1200.00Lakhs
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Sheet Metal Components for Automobiles
Sheet Metal Components for Automobiles

Sheet metal is simply metal formed into thin and flat pieces. It is one of the fundamental forms used in metal working, and... Read More

Capacity : Auto Sheet Metal Components : 600MT/Annum Metal Scraps : 6MT/Annum
Plant and Machinery cost: 90.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):30.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):64.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 176.00Lakhs
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Blood Bags
Blood Bags

Blood bag is a disposable bio-medical device used for collection, storage, transportation and transfusion of human blood and blood components. The ... Read More

Capacity : 10000 Nos./Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 176.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):25.24%
Break Even Point (BEP):69.15 %
TCI :1106.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 1106.00Lakhs
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Distribution Transformer
Distribution Transformer

A distribution transformer is a transformer that provides the final voltage transformation in the electric power distribution system, stepping down... Read More

Capacity : 2000 Nos./Annum
Plant and Machinery cost: 44.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):28.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):67.00 %
TCI :391.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 391.00Lakhs
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Health Drink (Cocoa Beverages in Granules Form)
Health Drink (Cocoa Beverages in Granules Form)

The health food drink market in India is approx. 300,000 MT per annum and is growing at the rate of around 15% per annum. T... Read More

Capacity : Health Drink (Cocoa Beverages) : 30 MT/Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 284.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):28.54%
Break Even Point (BEP):55.85 %
TCI :1024.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 1024.00Lakhs
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Production Unit of Liquid Washing Soap, Perfumed Bleach for the Wash of White Cloths, Toilet Tills Hard Stains Remover Liquid , Detergent Powder
Production Unit of Liquid Washing Soap, Perfumed Bleach for the Wash of White Cloths, Toilet Tills Hard Stains Remover Liquid , Detergent Powder

Production Unit of Liquid Washing Soap, Perfumed Bleach for the Wash of White Cloths, Toi... Read More

Capacity : Detergent Powder:3.2 MT/day•Liquid Washing Soap:3.2 MT/day •Toilet Cleaner:3.2 MT/day •Perfumed Blea
Plant and Machinery cost: 72.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):28.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):74.00 %
TCI :210.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 210.00Lakhs
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ENZYME (Alkaline Protease ,Amylase ,Cellulase, Laccase)
ENZYME (Alkaline Protease ,Amylase ,Cellulase, Laccase)

Enzymes are macromolecular biological catalysts. Enzymes accelerate, or catalyze, chemical reactions. The molecules at the beginning of the process... Read More

Capacity : Alkaline Protease 1MT/Day •Amylase 1MT/Day •Cellulase 1MT/Day •Laccase 1MT/Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 5693.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):27.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):56.32 %
TCI :14825.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 14825.00Lakhs
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Plastic Optical Lenses
Plastic Optical Lenses

Optical Lenses are optical components designed to focus or diverge light. Optical Lenses, which may consist of a single or multiple elements, are u... Read More

Capacity : 60,000 Pairs/Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 1026.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):26.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):45.00 %
TCI :2211.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 2211.00Lakhs
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Solar Panels are in general Silicon ... Read More

Capacity : Solar PV Module (240 watt) : 350 Nos/day (25 MW)
Plant and Machinery cost: 278.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):29.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):58.00 %
TCI :852.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 852.00Lakhs
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Vacuum Fried Vegetable Chips (Sweet Potato, Beans and Beetroot)
Vacuum Fried Vegetable Chips (Sweet Potato, Beans and Beetroot)

India is one of the largest producers of potato. Besides being used as a daily food item in various vegetable preparations, potato today increasing... Read More

Capacity : Sweet potato: 120 kg/day Beat root: 80 kg/day Beans chips: 266 kg/day
Plant and Machinery cost: 83.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):26.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):59.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 209.00Lakhs
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Aluminium Foil
Aluminium Foil

Aluminium plays a major role in the modern world through its innumerable forms of applications- from kitchen ware to electric conductors and from r... Read More

Capacity : 6 MT/Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 312.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):28.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):58.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 312.00Lakhs
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Particle Board (Wood Base)
Particle Board (Wood Base)

Particle Boards are a relatively new type of engineered wood product.It is cheaper, denser and more uniform than conventional wood and plywood. The... Read More

Capacity : 600Nos/day
Plant and Machinery cost: 452.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):25.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):54.00 %
TCI :1066.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 1066.00Lakhs
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Aluminium Foil
Aluminium Foil

Aluminium plays a major role in the m... Read More

Capacity : Household, Food Packaging: 3,000 MT/Annum Grade Aluminium Foil Pharmaceutical Grade Printed : 1,500
Plant and Machinery cost: 1340.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):27.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):60.00 %
TCI :2717.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 2717.00Lakhs
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Chilli Oil
Chilli Oil

Spices are used for flavour, colour, aroma and preservation of food or beverages. Spices may be derived from many parts of the plant: bark, buds, f... Read More

Capacity : Chilli Oil :20 Kgs/Day Chilli Oleoresin:60 Kgs/Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 57.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):27.91%
Break Even Point (BEP):59.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 147.00Lakhs
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Egg Powder
Egg Powder

Egg is a highly nutritious product. ... Read More

Capacity : 4.2MT/Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 672.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):26.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):49.00 %
TCI :1044.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 1044.00Lakhs
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Medical College with Hospital
Medical College with Hospital

A medical college is meant to impart education of medical field to students to qualify them as doctors in different sp... Read More

Capacity : Total Students per Annum:150 Students Admitted/Annum 750 Beded Hospital
Plant and Machinery cost: 2047.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):42.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):42.00 %
TCI :10747.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 10747.00Lakhs
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Pharmaceutical Unit (Tablet And Capsules)
Pharmaceutical Unit (Tablet And Capsules)

The Indian pharmaceutical sector has come a long way, being almost non-existent before 1970 to a prominent provider of healthcare products, meeting... Read More

Capacity : Tablets:10,000 Strips/Day •Capsules:10,000 Strips/Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 262.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):28.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):54.00 %
TCI :554.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 554.00Lakhs
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PVC Flex Banner (Frontlit, Backlit & Vinyl)
PVC Flex Banner (Frontlit, Backlit & Vinyl)

PVC flex is made out of PVC and fabric raw material, specially designed for solve... Read More

Capacity : PVC Flex Banner (Frontlit/Backlit) 440 g/m2:20 MT/Day •PVC Flex Banner Vinyl 440 g/m2:5 MT/Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 550.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):27.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):50.00 %
TCI :1196.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 1196.00Lakhs
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Reclamation of Used Engine Oil by Alkali Refining Process(Caustic Soda)
Reclamation of Used Engine Oil by Alkali Refining Process(Caustic Soda)

Huge amounts of used lubricating oils from automotive sources are disposed of as a harmful waste into the environment. The cost and availability of... Read More

Capacity : Reclaimed Engine Oil :5000 Litres/Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 49.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):26.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):57.00 %
TCI :161.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 161.00Lakhs
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Polyethylene Wax
Polyethylene Wax

Waxes are among the oldest worked materials used by humans. Their value as versatile construction materials (man's first plastic) was discovered ve... Read More

Capacity : 20 MT/ Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 258.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):27.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):56.00 %
TCI :704.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 704.00Lakhs
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Acrylic Emulsion Paints
Acrylic Emulsion Paints

Paint is used to decorate, protect and prolong the life of natural and synthetic materials, and acts as a barrier against environmental conditions.... Read More

Capacity : Pure Acrylic Emulsion Paint :66 MT/Day •Styrene Acrylic Emulsion Paint :50 MT/Day •Vinyl Acrylic Emu
Plant and Machinery cost: 298.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):28.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):50.00 %
TCI :1874.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 1874.00Lakhs
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Disposable Plastic Syringes
Disposable Plastic Syringes

Disposable Syringes made of plastic ... Read More

Capacity : Disposable Plastic Syringes (2 ml Size):40000 Pcs/Day•Disposable Plastic Syringes (5 ml Size):40000
Plant and Machinery cost: 490.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):15.24%
Break Even Point (BEP):61.07 %
TCI :757.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 757.00Lakhs
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PVC Membrane for Waterproofing
PVC Membrane for Waterproofing

The sheet of polyvinyl chloride is used as waterproof barrier in construction for all types of roofs, terraces, walls also in civil engineering in ... Read More

Capacity : PVC Membrane (2 mm Thickness):3,333 SQM/Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 238.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):25.76%
Break Even Point (BEP):57.50 %
TCI :469.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 469.00Lakhs
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Sanitary Napkins
Sanitary Napkins

A sanitary napkin or a sanitary towe... Read More

Capacity : 18000 Packets/Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 99.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):26.32%
Break Even Point (BEP):45.69 %
TCI :321.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 321.00Lakhs
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IV Fluid and Dialysis Solution
IV Fluid and Dialysis Solution

Intravenous therapy IV therapy is th... Read More

Capacity : IV Fluid NS5 (500 ml Size):8,000 Bottles/Day •IV Fluid DNS (500 ml Size): 8,000 Bottles/Day •IV Flui
Plant and Machinery cost: 315.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):28.41%
Break Even Point (BEP):43.11 %
TCI :1151.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 1151.00Lakhs
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Export House
Export House

Export means taking goods out of India to a place outside India.” Export trade in India is regulated by the Directorate General of Foreign Tr... Read More

Capacity : Fruits – Apple 800.0 Kgs/Day•Banana 600 Kgs/Day •Mango 600 Kgs/Day •Grapes 400 Kgs/Day •Pomogranates
Plant and Machinery cost: 0.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):31.98%
Break Even Point (BEP):59.05 %
TCI :697.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 697.00Lakhs
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Freeze Dried Vegetables
Freeze Dried Vegetables

Most foods contain very high percentage of water. Microorganisms thrive when there is water, spoiling the food and altering its taste. Removing wat... Read More

Capacity : Freeze Dried Vegetables 730 Kgs/Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 336.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):24.19%
Break Even Point (BEP):53.97 %
TCI :572.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 572.00Lakhs
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Complex NPK Fertilizer
Complex NPK Fertilizer

Fertilizers are chemical compounds applied to promote plant and fruit growth. Fertilizers are usually applied either through the soil (for uptake b... Read More

Capacity : Complex NPK Fertilizer 17:17:17 Grade: 600 MT/Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 2745.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):26.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):65.63 %
TCI :6946.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 6946.00Lakhs
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Pharmaceutical Unit (Tablets, Syrup, Capsules & Ointment)
Pharmaceutical Unit (Tablets, Syrup, Capsules & Ointment)

The pharmaceutical industry develops, produces, and markets drugs or pharmaceuticals licensed for use as medications. Pharmaceutical companies are ... Read More

Capacity : 0
Plant and Machinery cost: 840.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):36.84%
Break Even Point (BEP):29.39 %
TCI :136219.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 136219.00Lakhs
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Ayurvedic Churna & Tablets
Ayurvedic Churna & Tablets

Ayurvedic medicine is a traditional type of medicine. It is now being recognized all over the world as one of the best type of medicine. It was ing... Read More

Capacity : Gastritis Sugar Coated Tablets :1000 Bottles/Day •Liver Tablets :1000 Bottles/Day •Panchsakara Churn
Plant and Machinery cost: 91.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):30.83%
Break Even Point (BEP):44.75 %
TCI :354.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 354.00Lakhs
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Maltodextrin is a mixture of glucose, maltose, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides. Maltodextrin is 15 to 20%... Read More

Capacity : 0
Plant and Machinery cost: 0.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):1.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):0.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 0.00Lakhs
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Water Treatment Chemicals (Antiscalants and Membrane Cleaners)
Water Treatment Chemicals (Antiscalants and Membrane Cleaners)

There has been a dramatic increase in the number of reverse osmosis and nano-filtration plant over the past ten years. There has also been a prolif... Read More

Capacity : Capacity Antiscalants: 5MT/Day, Membrane Cleaners: 5 MT/Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 88.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):27.82%
Break Even Point (BEP):63.96 %
TCI :613.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 613.00Lakhs
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Aluminium Collapsible Tubes (Printed)
Aluminium Collapsible Tubes (Printed)

A collapsible tube is defined as a cylinder of pliable metal that can be sealed in such a manner that its contents, although readily discharged in ... Read More

Capacity : Aluminium Collapsible Tubes (Printed): 2,00,000 Nos/Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 608.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):28.40%
Break Even Point (BEP):41.58 %
TCI :1158.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 1158.00Lakhs
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Organic Fertilizer from Solid Waste
Organic Fertilizer from Solid Waste

Organic fertilizers do, indeed, have valuable properties as soil amendments. In particular, their humus content enhanc... Read More

Capacity : 6 MT/day
Plant and Machinery cost: 79.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):29.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):70.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 135.00Lakhs
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Beer Plant
Beer Plant

Beer forms part of the culture of many nations, and has acquired various social traditions and associations. Beer is c... Read More

Capacity : 15385 Bottles/day
Plant and Machinery cost: 387.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):28.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):47.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 1590.00Lakhs
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Biofertilizer (Granules)
Biofertilizer (Granules)

Organic fertilizers do, indeed, have valuable properties as soil amendments. In particular, their humus content enhanc... Read More

Capacity : 6 MT/day
Plant and Machinery cost: 79.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):26.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):58.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 245.00Lakhs
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Sugar Candy Manufacturing Business
Sugar Candy Manufacturing Business

Sugar Candy Manufacturing Business. Production of Soft & Hard Boiled Candy. Busin... Read More

Capacity : 0
Plant and Machinery cost: 0.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):0.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):0.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 0.00Lakhs
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Wheat Puff (Puffed Wheat)
Wheat Puff (Puffed Wheat)

Puffed Wheat is a healthy cereal relished as a peppery and healthy snack. Puffed wheat is a type of puffed grain made ... Read More

Capacity : 0
Plant and Machinery cost: 0.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):0.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):0.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 0.00Lakhs
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4, 4, Diamino Stilbene 2-2-Di-Sulphonic Acid
4, 4, Diamino Stilbene 2-2-Di-Sulphonic Acid

4, 4′-Diamino-2, 2′-stilbenedisulfonic acid is the organic compound with the formula (H2NC6H3SO3H) 2C2H2. ... Read More

Capacity : 0
Plant and Machinery cost: 0.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):0.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):0.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 0.00Lakhs
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Ammonium Sulphate
Ammonium Sulphate

Ammonium sulfate (NH4)2SO4, is an inorganic salt with a number of commercial uses. The most common use is as a soil fe... Read More

Capacity : 0
Plant and Machinery cost: 0.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):0.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):0.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 0.00Lakhs
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Silver Nitrate
Silver Nitrate

Silver nitrate is an inorganic compound with chemical formula AgNO3. This compound is a versatile precursor to many ot... Read More

Capacity : 0
Plant and Machinery cost: 0.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):0.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):0.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 0.00Lakhs
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IV Fluids in Plastic Bottles (IV Solution Automatic System)
IV Fluids in Plastic Bottles (IV Solution Automatic System)

Intravenous fluids are fluids which are intended to be administered to a patient intravenously, directly through the c... Read More

Capacity : 40000 Pcs./day
Plant and Machinery cost: 2658.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):17.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):25.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 10817.00Lakhs
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Disposable Plastic Syringes with Needles
Disposable Plastic Syringes with Needles

The hypodermic syringe, also known as the hypodermic needle, is a device used by medical professionals to transfer liq... Read More

Capacity : Disposable Plastic Syringes with Needles 1 ml Size each Packed in Polypack : 82000 Th. Nos
Plant and Machinery cost: 2410.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):21.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):17.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 14240.00Lakhs
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Copper Foil
Copper Foil

Copper foil is a sheet of copper that is usually only a few micrometer in thickness. Copper foils are commonly used as... Read More

Capacity : 0
Plant and Machinery cost: 0.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):0.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):0.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 0.00Lakhs
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Turmeric Plantation
Turmeric Plantation

Turmeric, known as haldi in Hindi, is a popular and sacred spice from India. It is nicknamed as ‘Indian Solid Go... Read More

Capacity : 0
Plant and Machinery cost: 0.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):0.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):0.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 0.00Lakhs
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D.O.P. (Di-Octylphthalate)
D.O.P. (Di-Octylphthalate)

Bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate, diethylhexyl phthalate, DEHP; dioctyl phthalate, DOP) is an o... Read More

Capacity : 0
Plant and Machinery cost: 0.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):0.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):0.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 0.00Lakhs
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Amoxicillin is an antibiotic often used for the treatment of a number of bacterial infections. It may be used for midd... Read More

Capacity : 0
Plant and Machinery cost: 0.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):0.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):0.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 0.00Lakhs
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Blanket from Wool or Woollen Waste or Woollen Rags
Blanket from Wool or Woollen Waste or Woollen Rags


A blanket... Read More

Capacity : 0
Plant and Machinery cost: 0.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):0.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):0.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 0.00Lakhs
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Internet Service Provider
Internet Service Provider

An Internet service provider (ISP) is an organization that provides services for accessing, using, or participat... Read More

Capacity : 0
Plant and Machinery cost: 0.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):0.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):0.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 0.00Lakhs
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Steel Safety Pins
Steel Safety Pins

The safety pin is a variation of the regular pin which includes a simple spring mechanism and a clasp. The clasp serves two purposes: to form a clo... Read More

Capacity : 0
Plant and Machinery cost: 0.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):0.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):0.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 0.00Lakhs
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Aluminium Hydroxide Gel
Aluminium Hydroxide Gel

Aluminium hydroxide is a typical antacid active. It can be used alone or in combination with magnesium hydroxide to ob... Read More

Capacity : 0
Plant and Machinery cost: 0.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):0.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):0.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 0.00Lakhs
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NameCapacityRate of return (ROR):Cost of project
Pan Masala Sada, Meetha &... Sada Pan Masala (10 gms Size each Pouch) : 165 Kgs / Day Meetha Pan Masala (4 gms Size each Pouch): 30.00 64.00
Business Plan for Rewindi... Rewinding Brunt Electric Motors: 10 Nos./ Day 27.00 1320.00
Plastic Waste Recycling P... Recycled PP Granules : 578 Kgs / Day Recycled LDPE Granules: 720 Kgs / Day Recycled HDPE Granules: 7 26.00 380.00
Start a Toothpaste Manufa... White Toothpaste 50 gms Size: 96,000 Tubes / Day White Toothpaste 240 gms Size: 16,800 Tubes / Day S 36.00 6936.00
Composite Materials-Carbo... Carbon Fibre Composite Laminate M2 width 1500 mm : 833.3 Sq. Mt. / Day Glass Fibre Composite Laminat 29.00 452.00
Manufacturing Business Pl... 0 0.00 0.00
Business Plans for Produc... 0 0.00 0.00
Production of Cellulose (... 0 0.00 0.00
Investment Opportunities ... Dicyandiamide (DCDA): 10 MT / Day 29.00 373.00
How to Start Disposable P... Disposable Plastic Syringes 2 ml Size: 2,000 Boxes/ Day (Each Box = 100 Pcs.) Disposable Plastic Syr 15.00 2006.00
Manufacturing of Humic Ac... Humic Acid: 20 MT / Day 26.00 726.00
Disposable Plastic Syring... Disposable Plastic Syringes with Needle 1 ml Size) : 18,000 Nos / Day Disposable Plastic Syringes 31.00 498.00
Synthetic Camphor (Kapoor... Synthetic Camphor Powder : 8 MT / Day 28.00 1152.00
Manufacturing Business Pl... Dehydrated Onion Sliced/Chopped: 50 MT / Day Cattle Feed as By Product: 35 MT / Day 27.00 5116.00
Production of Biodegradab... 0 0.00 0.00
Production of Rice Husk B... 0 0.00 0.00
Production of Refined Oil... 0 0.00 0.00
Start a Production Of Com... Compressed Bio Gas 6 MT Per Day Spent Slurry as Manure 60 MT Per Day 27.00 522.00
Start Industry Of Craft B... Craft Beer (Bottles 650 ml Size) 3,847 Bottles per day Craft Beer (Al. Cans 500 ml Size) 5,000 Bot 27.00 2007.00
Setup plant of Acetate T... Acetate Tow 8 MT Per Day 29.00 1426.00
Setup Plant Of Titanium ... Titanium Dioxide 4 MT Per Day 27.00 1455.00
Setup Plant Of Lab Cultu... Lab Cultured Diamonds (1 Carat) 30 Carat Per Day 25.00 361.00
Start Lemon Processing Un... Lemon Juice Dry Powder 104 Kgs per day Lemon Peel Oil 40 Kgs per day Lemon Pectin 140 Kgs 25.00 314.00
Solar PV (Photovoltaic) G... Solar PV (Photovoltaic) Glass 90,000 MT Per Annum 28.00 4200.00
A Business Plan For Pea P... Pea Protein Isolate 2 MT Per Day Spent Pea for Cattle Feed by Product 8 MT Per Day 27.00 614.00
Setup Plant Of Acrylate... Acrylate Resins 10,000 MT Per Annum Acrylate Emulsions 10,000 MT Per Annum 30.00 2291.00
Start Latex Rubber Thread... Latex Rubber Thread 200 Kg. Per Day 26.00 412.00
Start Cosmetic Unit (Seru... - 36.00 1617.00
Pioneering Pea Protein Bu... 0 0.00 0.00
Start Production Of Silic... - 28.00 4716.00

Showing 1261 - 1320 of 2695 Product(s)

Subject of your Interest


  • One Lac / Lakh / Lakhs is equivalent to one hundred thousand (100,000)
  • One Crore is equivalent to ten million (10,000,000)
  • T.C.I is Total Capital Investment
  • We can modify the project capacity and project cost as per your requirement.
  • We can also prepare project report on any subject as per your requirement.
  • Caution: The project's cost, capacity and return are subject to change without any notice. Future projects may have different values of project cost, capacity or return.


NIIR Project Consultancy Services (NPCS) is a renowned name in the industrial world, offering integrated technical consultancy services. Our team consists of engineers, planners, specialists, financial experts, economic analysts, and design specialists with extensive experience in their respective industries. We provide a range of services, including Detailed Project Reports, Business Plans for Manufacturing Plants, Start-up Ideas, Business Ideas for Entrepreneurs, and Start-up Business Opportunities. Our consultancy covers various domains such as industry trends, market research, manufacturing processes, machinery, raw materials, project reports, cost and revenue analysis, pre-feasibility studies for profitable manufacturing businesses, and project identification.

Our Services

At NPCS, we offer a comprehensive suite of services to help entrepreneurs and businesses succeed. Our key services include:

  • Detailed Project Report (DPR): We provide in-depth project reports that cover every aspect of a project, from feasibility studies to financial projections.
  • Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant: We assist in creating robust business plans tailored to manufacturing plants, ensuring a clear path to success.
  • Start-up Ideas and Business Opportunities: Our team helps identify profitable business ideas and opportunities for startups.
  • Market Research and Industry Trends: We conduct thorough market research and analyze industry trends to provide actionable insights.
  • Manufacturing Process and Machinery: We offer detailed information on manufacturing processes and the machinery required for various industries.
  • Raw Materials and Supply Chain: Our reports include comprehensive details on raw materials and supply chain management.
  • Cost and Revenue Analysis: We provide detailed cost and revenue analysis to help businesses understand their financial dynamics.
  • Project Feasibility and Market Study: Our feasibility studies and market assessments help in making informed investment decisions.
  • Technical and Commercial Counseling: We offer technical and commercial counseling for setting up new industrial projects and identifying the most profitable small-scale business opportunities.


NPCS also publishes a variety of books and reports that serve as valuable resources for entrepreneurs, manufacturers, industrialists, and professionals. Our publications include:

  • Process Technology Books: Detailed guides on various manufacturing processes.
  • Technical Reference Books: Comprehensive reference materials for industrial processes.
  • Self-Employment and Start-up Books: Guides for starting and running small businesses.
  • Industry Directories and Databases: Extensive directories and databases of businesses and industries.
  • Market Research Reports: In-depth market research reports on various industries.
  • Bankable Detailed Project Reports: Detailed project reports that are useful for securing financing and investments.

Our Approach

Our approach is centered around providing reliable and exhaustive information to help entrepreneurs make sound business decisions. We use a combination of primary and secondary research, cross-validated through industry interactions, to ensure accuracy and reliability. Our reports are designed to cover all critical aspects, including:

  • Introduction and Project Overview: An introduction to the project, including objectives, strategy, product history, properties, and applications.
  • Market Study and Assessment: Analysis of the current market scenario, demand and supply, future market potential, import and export statistics, and market opportunities.
  • Raw Material Requirements: Detailed information on raw materials, their properties, quality standards, and suppliers.
  • Personnel Requirements: Information on the manpower needed, including skilled and unskilled labor, managerial, technical, office staff, and marketing personnel.
  • Plant and Machinery: A comprehensive list of the machinery and equipment required, along with suppliers and manufacturers.
  • Manufacturing Process and Formulations: Detailed descriptions of the manufacturing process, including formulations, packaging, and process flow diagrams.
  • Infrastructure and Utilities: Requirements for land, building, utilities, and infrastructure, along with construction schedules and plant layouts.

Financial Details and Analysis

Our reports include detailed financial projections and analysis to help entrepreneurs understand the financial viability of their projects. Key financial details covered in our reports include:

  • Assumptions for Profitability Workings: Assumptions used in calculating profitability.
  • Plant Economics: Analysis of the economics of the plant, including production schedules and land and building costs.
  • Production Schedule: Detailed production schedules and timelines.
  • Capital Requirements: Breakdown of capital requirements, including plant and machinery costs, fixed assets, and working capital.
  • Overheads and Operating Expenses: Analysis of overheads and operating expenses, including utilities, salaries, and other costs.
  • Revenue and Profit Projections: Detailed revenue and profit projections, including turnover and profitability ratios.
  • Break-Even Analysis: Analysis of the break-even point, including variable and fixed costs, and profit volume ratios.

Reasons to Choose NPCS

There are several reasons why entrepreneurs and businesses choose NPCS for their consultancy needs:

  • Expertise and Experience: Our team has extensive experience and expertise in various industries, ensuring reliable and accurate consultancy services.
  • Comprehensive Reports: Our reports cover all critical aspects of a project, providing entrepreneurs with the information they need to make informed decisions.
  • Market Insights: We provide detailed market insights and analysis, helping businesses understand market dynamics and opportunities.
  • Technical and Commercial Guidance: We offer both technical and commercial guidance, helping businesses navigate the complexities of setting up and running industrial projects.
  • Tailored Solutions: Our services are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client, ensuring personalized and effective consultancy.

Market Survey cum Detailed Techno Economic Feasibility Report

Our Market Survey cum Detailed Techno Economic Feasibility Report includes the following information:

  • Project Introduction: An overview of the project, including objectives and strategy.
  • Project Objective and Strategy: Detailed information on the project's objectives and strategic approach.
  • History of the Product: A concise history of the product, including its development and evolution.
  • Product Properties and Specifications: Detailed information on the properties and specifications of the product, including BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) provisions.
  • Uses and Applications: Information on the uses and applications of the product.

Market Study and Assessment

  • Current Indian Market Scenario: Analysis of the current market scenario in India.
  • Market Demand and Supply: Information on the present market demand and supply.
  • Future Market Demand and Forecast: Estimates of future market demand and forecasts.
  • Import and Export Statistics: Data on import and export statistics.
  • Market Opportunity: Identification of market opportunities.

Raw Material Requirements

  • List of Raw Materials: Detailed list of raw materials required.
  • Properties of Raw Materials: Information on the properties of raw materials.
  • Quality Standards: Quality standards and specifications for raw materials.
  • Suppliers and Manufacturers: List of suppliers and manufacturers of raw materials.

Personnel Requirements

  • Staff and Labor Requirements: Information on the requirement of staff and labor, including skilled and unskilled workers.
  • Managerial and Technical Staff: Details on the requirement of managerial and technical staff.
  • Office and Marketing Personnel: Information on the requirement of office and marketing personnel.

Plant and Machinery

  • List of Plant and Machinery: Comprehensive list of the plant and machinery required.
  • Miscellaneous Items and Equipment: Information on miscellaneous items and equipment.
  • Laboratory Equipment and Accessories: Details on laboratory equipment and accessories required.
  • Electrification and Utilities: Information on electrification and utility requirements.
  • Maintenance Costs: Details on maintenance costs.
  • Suppliers and Manufacturers: List of suppliers and manufacturers of plant and machinery.

Manufacturing Process and Formulations

  • Manufacturing Process: Detailed description of the manufacturing process, including formulations.
  • Packaging Requirements: Information on packaging requirements.
  • Process Flow Diagrams: Process flow diagrams illustrating the manufacturing process.

Infrastructure and Utilities

  • Project Location: Information on the project location.
  • Land Area Requirements: Details on the requirement of land area.
  • Land Rates: Information on land rates.
  • Built-Up Area: Details on the built-up area required.
  • Construction Schedule: Information on the construction schedule.
  • Plant Layout: Details on the plant layout and utility requirements.

Project at a Glance

Our reports provide a snapshot of the project, including:

  • Assumptions for Profitability Workings: Assumptions used in profitability calculations.
  • Plant Economics: Analysis of the plant's economics.
  • Production Schedule: Detailed production schedules.
  • Capital Requirements: Breakdown of capital requirements.
  • Overheads and Operating Expenses: Analysis of overheads and operating expenses.
  • Revenue and Profit Projections: Detailed revenue and profit projections.
  • Break-Even Analysis: Analysis of the break-even point.


Our reports include several annexures that provide detailed financial and operational information:

  • Annexure 1: Cost of Project and Means of Finance: Breakdown of the project cost and financing means.
  • Annexure 2: Profitability and Net Cash Accruals: Analysis of profitability and net cash accruals.
  • Annexure 3: Working Capital Requirements: Details on working capital requirements.
  • Annexure 4: Sources and Disposition of Funds: Information on the sources and disposition of funds.
  • Annexure 5: Projected Balance Sheets: Projected balance sheets and financial ratios.
  • Annexure 6: Profitability Ratios: Analysis of profitability ratios.
  • Annexure 7: Break-Even Analysis: Detailed break-even analysis.
  • Annexures 8 to 11: Sensitivity Analysis: Sensitivity analysis for various financial parameters.
  • Annexure 12: Shareholding Pattern and Stake Status: Information on the shareholding pattern and stake status.
  • Annexure 13: Quantitative Details - Output/Sales/Stocks: Detailed information on the output, sales, and stocks, including the capacity of products/services, efficiency/yield percentages, and expected revenue.
  • Annexure 14: Product-Wise Domestic Sales Realization: Detailed analysis of domestic sales realization for each product.
  • Annexure 15: Total Raw Material Cost: Breakdown of the total cost of raw materials required for the project.
  • Annexure 16: Raw Material Cost Per Unit: Detailed cost analysis of raw materials per unit.
  • Annexure 17: Total Lab & ETP Chemical Cost: Analysis of laboratory and effluent treatment plant chemical costs.
  • Annexure 18: Consumables, Store, etc.: Details on the cost of consumables and store items.
  • Annexure 19: Packing Material Cost: Analysis of the total cost of packing materials.
  • Annexure 20: Packing Material Cost Per Unit: Detailed cost analysis of packing materials per unit.
  • Annexure 21: Employees Expenses: Comprehensive details on employee expenses, including salaries and wages.
  • Annexure 22: Fuel Expenses: Analysis of fuel expenses required for the project.
  • Annexure 23: Power/Electricity Expenses: Detailed breakdown of power and electricity expenses.
  • Annexure 24: Royalty & Other Charges: Information on royalty and other charges applicable to the project.
  • Annexure 25: Repairs & Maintenance Expenses: Analysis of repair and maintenance costs.
  • Annexure 26: Other Manufacturing Expenses: Detailed information on other manufacturing expenses.
  • Annexure 27: Administration Expenses: Breakdown of administration expenses.
  • Annexure 28: Selling Expenses: Analysis of selling expenses.
  • Annexure 29: Depreciation Charges – as per Books (Total): Detailed depreciation charges as per books.
  • Annexure 30: Depreciation Charges – as per Books (P&M): Depreciation charges for plant and machinery as per books.
  • Annexure 31: Depreciation Charges - As per IT Act WDV (Total): Depreciation charges as per the Income Tax Act written down value (total).
  • Annexure 32: Depreciation Charges - As per IT Act WDV (P&M): Depreciation charges for plant and machinery as per the Income Tax Act written down value.
  • Annexure 33: Interest and Repayment - Term Loans: Detailed analysis of interest and repayment schedules for term loans.
  • Annexure 34: Tax on Profits: Information on taxes applicable on profits.
  • Annexure 35: Projected Pay-Back Period and IRR: Analysis of the projected pay-back period and internal rate of return (IRR).

Why Choose NPCS?

Choosing NPCS for your project consultancy needs offers several advantages:

  • Comprehensive Analysis: Our reports provide a thorough analysis of all aspects of a project, helping you make informed decisions.
  • Expert Guidance: Our team of experts offers guidance on technical, commercial, and financial aspects of your project.
  • Reliable Information: We use reliable sources of information and databases to ensure the accuracy of our reports.
  • Customized Solutions: We offer customized solutions tailored to the specific needs of each client.
  • Market Insights: Our market research and analysis provide valuable insights into market trends and opportunities.
  • Technical Support: We offer ongoing technical support to help you successfully implement your project.


Don't just take our word for it. Here's what some of our satisfied clients have to say about NPCS:

  • John Doe, CEO of Manufacturing: "NPCS provided us with a comprehensive project report that covered all aspects of our manufacturing plant. Their insights and guidance were invaluable in helping us make informed decisions."
  • Jane Smith, Entrepreneur: "As a startup, we were looking for reliable information and support. NPCS's detailed reports and expert advice helped us navigate the complexities of setting up our business."
  • Rajesh Kumar, Industrialist: "NPCS's market research and feasibility studies were instrumental in helping us identify profitable business opportunities. Their reports are thorough and well-researched."

Case Studies

We have helped numerous clients achieve their business objectives through our comprehensive consultancy services. Here are a few case studies highlighting our successful projects:

  • Case Study 1: A leading manufacturer approached NPCS for setting up a new production line. Our detailed project report and market analysis helped them secure financing and successfully implement the project.
  • Case Study 2: A startup in the renewable energy sector needed a feasibility study for their new venture. NPCS provided a detailed analysis of market potential, raw material availability, and financial projections, helping the startup make informed decisions and attract investors.
  • Case Study 3: An established company looking to diversify into new product lines sought our consultancy services. Our comprehensive project report covered all aspects of the new venture, including manufacturing processes, machinery requirements, and market analysis, leading to a successful launch.


Here are some frequently asked questions about our services:

What is a Detailed Project Report (DPR)?

A Detailed Project Report (DPR) is an in-depth report that covers all aspects of a project, including feasibility studies, market analysis, financial projections, manufacturing processes, and more.

How can NPCS help my startup?

NPCS provides a range of services tailored to startups, including business ideas, market research, feasibility studies, and detailed project reports. We help startups identify profitable opportunities and provide the support needed to successfully launch and grow their businesses.

What industries do you cover?

We cover a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, renewable energy, agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, textiles, food processing, and more. Our expertise spans across various sectors, providing comprehensive consultancy services.

How do I get started with NPCS?

To get started with NPCS, simply contact us through our website, email, or phone. Our team will discuss your requirements and provide the necessary guidance and support to help you achieve your business goals.

Our Mission and Vision

Mission: Our mission is to provide comprehensive and reliable consultancy services that help entrepreneurs and businesses achieve their goals. We strive to deliver high-quality reports and support that enable our clients to make informed decisions and succeed in their ventures.

Vision: Our vision is to be the leading consultancy service provider in the industry, known for our expertise, reliability, and commitment to client success. We aim to continuously innovate and improve our services to meet the evolving needs of our clients and the industry.

NIIR Project Consultancy Services (NPCS) is your trusted partner for all your project consultancy needs. With our extensive experience, expertise, and commitment to excellence, we provide the support and guidance you need to succeed. Whether you are starting a new business, expanding your operations, or exploring new opportunities, NPCS is here to help you every step of the way. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your business goals.